Kobe Leather Cloth, Japan Kobe Leather Cloth 品牌空间设计,日本
设计公司:山本大介设计事务所 / Daisuke Yamamoto / de:sign(日本)
Kobe Leather Cloth, Japan Kobe Leather Cloth 品牌空间设计,日本
设计公司:山本大介设计事务所 / Daisuke Yamamoto / de:sign(日本)
建筑师为高级皮鞋品牌Kobe Leather Cloth的存仓设计了一道令人叹为观止的高墙,橱窗上放满580只手工鞋楦。在微暗的室内,“Last Wall”的灯光设计将访客的视线引导到橱窗。设计师聪明利用变形镜,将灯光聚焦在鞋楦的未端,展现出品牌的匠心独运。
For the stockroom of the premium leather apparelretailers Kobe Leather Cloth, designer built a massive wall to showcase 580 handcrafted shoe lasts. The mammoth display window spectacularly occupies the whole side of the front wall. In the dimly lit room, thelight design of the “Last Wall” add visual emphasis to the shoe lasts. The clever use of distorted mirror converges light on the tip of the shoe lasts - the pinnacle of exquisite craftsmanship. 580 shoe lasts alllined up in matrix make up a magni fi cent display thatleads customers to the store’s showroom.