

农业工程学报 2017年19期

王 凡,李永玉,彭彦昆,李 龙


王 凡,李永玉※,彭彦昆,李 龙

(中国农业大学工学院,国家农产品加工技术装备研发分中心,北京 100083)

该文针对番茄独特的囊室结构及整体成熟度不均等问题,基于可见/近红外全透射光谱,研发了便携式番茄内外品质快速无损实时检测装置。该装置的硬件系统主要包括光源模块、信号采集模块、信号处理模块、电源模块、散热模块和打印模块,基于该硬件系统,采集了番茄630~1 100 nm范围内可见/近红外透射光谱,选取650~1 100 nm范围的光谱进行SG卷积平滑(savitzky-Golay smooth, SG-smooth)、标准正态变量变换(standard normal variable transformation, SNV)和多元散射校正(muliplication scattering correction, MSC)等预处理,建立了番茄颜色、硬度、总酸、总糖含量的偏最小二乘预测模型。基于QT开发框架编写了番茄多品质无损检测实时分析控制软件,植入番茄多品质参数预测模型,实现了番茄多品质参数检测一键式操作。为了测试该装置的检测精度和稳定性,选取与建模无关的20个同品种样品对每个样品的内外品质重复检测8次,结果表明:番茄颜色预测值与实测值相关系数为0.952 8,均方根误差为2.703 8,硬度预测值与实测值相关系数为0.940 5,均方根误差为0.448 6 kg/cm2,总酸含量的预测值与实测值相关系数为0.953 7,均方根误差为0.326 3%,总糖含量预测值与实测值相关系数为0.9610,均方根误差为0.197 4%。番茄样品颜色、硬度、总酸和总糖重复检测最大相对误差分别为2.9%、1.9%、2.0%和1.6%。该便携式检测装置基于可见近红外全透射光谱,实现了番茄颜色、硬度、总酸、总糖含量的同时快速无损实时检测,预测精度及稳定性较好,可以满足实时评价番茄品质的市场需求。


0 引 言




1 番茄品质检测装置设计

1.1 检测系统工作原理


图1 系统工作原理框图

1.2 便携式番茄多品质参数无损检测装置硬件

1.2.1 控制处理模块

硬件系统主要由光源模块、信号采集模块、信号处理模块、电源模块、散热模块和打印模块组成,装置外形尺寸为240 mm´190 mm´70 mm,为了提高仪器的实用性,为装置配备容量为20 000 mA·h的可充电锂电池,在脱离电源的情况下可独立工作2 h。装置结构图和实物图如图2所示。

1. 光谱仪 2. 耦合透镜 3. 仿形胶垫 4. 环形光源系统 5. 散热风扇 6. 稳压板 7. 电源 8. 打印模块 9. 开发板及触摸屏 10. 总开关

1.2.2 光谱采集模块


微型光谱仪采用海阳光学公司开发的STS微型光谱仪,其体积为40 mm´42 mm´24 mm,质量为68 g,光学分辨率为0.5 nm,波长相应范围为650~1 100 nm,参照参考700~900 nm为近红外评判水果内部品质指标的信息集中区[16-18],可以满足对果蔬内部品质的预测。


1.2.3 光源模块

根据番茄的外形结构研制了光源模块,主要由果托、卤素灯珠、上压板和下压板组成,安装固定方式如图3所示。为了保证充足光照的同时不对样品造成热灼伤,在光源设计时采用分散功率的方式,使用8个5 W的卤素灯珠组成环形灯源,与下压板组装并固定在主机壳上。上压板对光源起保护的作用,其中央的环形凸台一方面起支撑样品的作用,另一方面避免光源照射果梗部分带来试验误差。果托的材质为橡胶,起辅助支撑的作用,同时可以根据样品的形状贴合在样品表面,防止光的溢出,降低由样品外形不同带来的误差。

1. 果托 2. 上压板 3. 灯珠 4. 灯座 5. 下压板

1.2.4 散热模块



根据计算得出的风扇排量,选择排风量为5.97 m3/h,型号为YCL3510X的风扇2个,以一个正装一个反装的方式安装在仪器外壳上。

1.2.5 供电模块

选择了容量为20 000 mA·h的可充电锂电池,在脱离电源的情况下可独立工作2 h。同时为保证稳定的输出电压,配置了以LTC3780为芯片的稳压板,保证输出电压稳定在10 V,为光源及开发板供电。

1.2.6 打印模块

打印模块采用瑞工科技的RG-MLP80A,该打印机为无碳热敏打印,可选择50~80 mm大小的标签纸。当检测装置对样品进行预测时,开发板通过软件对打印机实现控制和传输,实时将检测结果通过USB接口传输至打印机,打印机以75 mm/s的速度实时打印标签,打印结果可直接粘贴于样品上。

2 番茄多品质参数预测模型建立

2.1 材料与方法

番茄品种为仙客一号,购买于北京市昌平区蔬菜种植基地。挑选无果病,表面无损伤的番茄共60个,其中40个用于模型的建立,20个用于外部验证。为消除温度对试验的影响,所有样品在采摘后均置于20 ℃条件下贮藏1 d后进行试验[20]。

将番茄多品质参数无损快速检测装置预热20 min,先对装置进行黑白参考的校正,然后采集番茄样品的透射光谱曲线,并根据公式(4)换算得番茄样品的光谱透射率,作为建立番茄多品质参数预测模型的光谱值。


2.2 标准理化值测定






2.3 结果与分析

2.3.1 光谱预处理

40个番茄样品的原始透射光谱曲线如图4a所示。由于可见/近红外透射光谱两端噪声较大并伴有基线漂移等现象,故选取了650~1 100 nm波长范围,分别用10点SG卷积平滑(savitzky-golay smooth, SG-smooth)、标准正态变量变换(standard normal variable transformation, SNV)、一阶导数(first derivative, FD)、多元散射校正(muli­plication scattering correction, MSC)、归一化(norm­alize, NOR)对原始光谱曲线进行了预处理[24-26],其中MSC和SNV预处理结果如图4b和图4c所示。

图4 40个样品不同预处理后的光谱曲线

2.3.2 番茄各品质参数预测模型

偏最小二乘回归法(partial least squares regression, PLSR)是常用的光谱定量分析建模方法[27]。它是多因变量对多自变量的回归建模,集主成分分析、典型相关分析和多元线性回归分析3种分析方法的优点于一身,将样品按3∶1的比例随机分为校正集与验证集,对预处理后的光谱曲线分别建立PLS模型,模型质量用校正集相关系数(correlation coefficient of calibration,)、验证集相关系数(correlation coefficient of validation,)校正集均方根误差(root mean square error of calibration, RMSEc)和预测集均方根误差(root mean square error of validation, RMSEv)评定,相关系数和相对分析误差越高,均方根误差越低,所建立的预测模型越稳定。模型结果如表1所示。

结果显示,采用MSC预处理后的番茄颜色预测模型效果最好,其校正集和验证集相关系数分别为0.964 1和0.963 0,均方根误差分别为1.514 8和1.629 6。采用SNV预处理的番茄硬度预测模型效果最好,其校正集和验证集相关系数分别为0.964 9和0.950 1,均方根误差分别为0.233 0 kg/cm2和0.335 9 kg/cm2。采用SNV预处理的番茄总酸预测模型效果最好,其校正集和验证集相关系数分别为0.986 9和0.981 8,均方根误差分别为0.085%和0.209%。采用SNV预处理的番茄总糖预测模型效果最好,其校正集和验证集相关系数分别为0.981 4和0.965 9,均方根误差分别为0.096 2%和0.107 2%。

表1 不同预处理后的建模结果

3 便携式番茄多品质无损检测软件开发


图5 软件界面

4 便携式番茄多品质无损检测装置测试



表2 装置重复性和稳定性检验

番茄颜色、硬度、总酸以及总糖的预测值与实测值散点图如图6所示。颜色预测模型的相关系数为0.952 8,均方根误差为2.703 8;硬度预测模型的相关系数为0.940 5,均方根误差为0.448 6 kg/cm2;总酸预测模型的相关系数为0.953 7,均方根误差为0.326 3%;总糖预测模型的相关系数为0.961 0,均方根误差为0.197 4%。结果显示,该装置可以实现番茄颜色、硬度、总酸以及总糖的快速无损实时检测。

图6 试验测试结果

5 结 论


2)基于所研发的便携式番茄多品质参数硬件系统,采集番茄650~1 100 nm范围可见/近红外全透射光谱,利用SG卷积平滑(savitzky-Golay smooth, SG- smooth)、标准正态变量变换(standard normal variable Transformation, SNV)和多元散射校正(muliplication scattering correction, MSC)等方法对采集的光谱进行了预处理,建立了番茄颜色、硬度、总酸、总糖含量的偏最小二乘预测模型。番茄颜色的预测模型的校正集和验证集相关系数分别为0.964 1和0.963 0,均方根误差分别为1.514 8和1.629 6;番茄硬度预测模型的校正集和验证集相关系数分别为0.964 9和0.950 1,均方根误差分别为0.233 0和 0.335 9 kg/cm2;番茄总酸预测模型的校正集和验证集相关系数分别为0.986 9和0.981 8,均方根误差分别为0.085%和0.209%;番茄总糖预测模型的校正集和验证集相关系数分别为0.981 4和0.965 9,均方根误差分别为0.096 2%和0.107 2%。


4)对便携式番茄内外品质快速无损检测装置稳定性及检测精度进行了测试。结果显示,番茄颜色预测值与实测值相关系数为0.952 8,均方根误差为2.703 8,硬度预测值与实测值相关系数为0.940 5,均方根误差为 0.448 6 kg/cm2,总酸含量的预测值与实测值相关系数为0.953 7,均方根误差为0.326 3%,总糖含量预测值与实测值相关系数为0.961 0,均方根误差为0.197 4%。番茄样品颜色、硬度、总酸和总糖重复检测8次最大相对误差分别为2.9%、1.9%、2.0%和1.6%。


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王 凡,李永玉,彭彦昆,李 龙. 便携式番茄多品质参数可见/近红外检测装置研发[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(19):295-300. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.19.038

Wang Fan, Li Yongyu, Peng Yankun, Li Long. Development of portable device for simultaneous detection on multi-quality attributes of tomato by visible and near-infrared[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(19): 295-300. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.19.038

Development of portable device for simultaneous detection onmulti-quality attributes of tomato by visible and near-infrared

Wang Fan, Li Yongyu※, Peng Yankun, Li Long


In order to meet the demand of quality control in the process of fruit and vegetable processing, a portable fast non-destructive testing device for portable tomato was developed based on the visible / near-infrared transmission spectrum.Based on the analysis of the difficulties in the development of portable devices with near infrared transmission spectra, a portable design system of tomato quality was proposed. The system of the device mainly included the light source, the signal acquisition module, the signal processing module, the power, the heat dissipation module and the printer. The light source consists of 8 5 W halogen lamps that provide a light source for the sample. The spectrometer is connected to the focusing lens and collects the spectral curve through the sample. In order to solve the volumetric problem of the transmission spectrum detection scheme, the spectrometer and the coupling lens are mounted on the hand-held member. The development board has a tomato multi-quality parameter prediction model, the curve collected by the spectrometer is processed, and the prediction results are displayed on the LCD (liquid crystal display). This device can print the test results in real time through the print module. Based on this device, the visible and near-infrared total transmission spectra of tomato in the range of 650-1100 nm were collected, and the collected spectra were pretreated by Savitzky-Golay Smooth (SG-Smooth), standard normal variable transformation (SNV), first derivative (FD), multiplication scattering correction (MSC) and Normalization (NOR). The partial least squares prediction model of color and hardness, total acid and total sugar content of the tomato was established. In addition, based on QT development tools, tomato multi-quality non-destructive testing real-time analysis and control software was prepared. The multi-quality parameter prediction model of tomato was implanted into the device to predict the quality of the tomatoes. Finally, the stability and detection accuracy of the portable fast and non-destructive testing device of tomato were tested, and 20 samples were selected for repeated detection of the internal and external quality of tomato. The results showed that the correlation coefficient of tomato color between the predicted value and the measured value was 0.952 8, and the root mean square error was 2.703 8; the correlation coefficient of firmness between the predicted value and the measured value was 0.940 5, and the root mean square error is 0.448 6 kg/cm2; the correlation coefficient of the total acid content was 0.953 7, and the mean square error was 0.326 3%; the correlation coefficient of total sugar of tomato between the predicted value and the measured value was 0. 961 0 and the root mean square error was 0.197 4%.The maximum relative errors of red color, hardness, total acid and total sugar under repeated detection for tomato samples were 2.9%, 1.9%, 2.0% and 1.6%, respectively. In conclusion, the field application results indicate that this portable device can satisfy the requirements of tomato quality detection with high accuracy and good performance. The results provide the reference for rapid, non-destructive, and on-site detection technology and equipment of fruit internal quality.

nondestructive detection; spectrum analysis; models; tomato; portable equipment; visible/near infrared spectroscopy


TS251.7; S237






王 凡,吉林人,博士生。研究方向:农畜产品品质安全无损检测技术及装备。北京 中国农业大学工学院,10083。

※通信作者:李永玉,吉林人,副教授,博士生导师。研究方向:农畜产品品质安全无损检测技术及装备。北京 中国农业大学工学院,100083。


均方根嵌入式容积粒子PHD 多目标跟踪方法