

农业工程学报 2017年18期

丛宏斌,姚宗路,赵立欣,贾吉秀,兰 珊


丛宏斌,姚宗路,赵立欣※,贾吉秀,兰 珊

(1. 农业部规划设计研究院,北京 100125;2.农业部农业废弃物能源化利用重点实验室,北京 100125)

针对目前多数生物质炭化设备生产连续性差、能耗高、生产过程中存在焦油水洗二次污染等问题,结合生物质炭化技术最新进展和农林剩余物原料特征,提出了生物质连续热解炭气油联产工艺方案,引入连续分段热解、多级组合除尘脱焦和燃油/燃气回用加热工艺方法。在此基础上,重点突破了多线螺旋抄板物料均匀有序输送、多腔旋流梯级高效换热、保温沉降密封出炭、系统压力与气体组分耦合预警等技术,开发了生物质连续热解中试生产系统。运行检测结果表明:系统运行稳定可靠,温度控制精度为±16 ℃,反应室压力控制精度为±25 Pa,以花生壳为原料,原料处理量为28.2 kg/h,生物炭得率为31.3%,热解气产率29.6%,液体产物产率19.8%,热解气低位热值为16.3 MJ/m3,各项技术指标均达到了系统设计目标与要求。该中试系统的开发为设备放大及示范应用奠定了重要基础。


0 引 言



1 工艺方案与系统组成

1.1 工艺方案









图1 生物质连续热解炭气油联产工艺流程

1.2 系统组成



1.上料机 2.螺旋喂料机 3.炭化设备 4.热风炉 5.冷却出炭装置 6.防爆装置 7.金属阻火器 8.除尘器 9.一级冷凝器 10.二级冷凝器 11.电捕焦油器 12.洗气装置 13.鼓风机 14.水封阻火器

1.3 技术参数与性能指标


表1 中试系统主要技术参数

2 主要工作单元设计

2.1 回转连续式热解系统


1.安全防爆装置 2.排烟通道 3.多室旋流梯级换热系统 4.保温层 5.粉尘沉降出炭装置 6.出气口 7.燃烧器 8.多线螺旋板抄送机构 9.传动系统















对于农作物秸秆类原料设计处理能力为40 kg/h,物料在反应室的平均滞留时间为30 min,输送机构采用四线螺旋抄板设计,物料堆积密度为120 kg/m3,反应室长度为4 m,物料填充系数0.2,代入式(1)-式(11),可知反应室内径为0.4 m,螺旋抄板螺距360 mm,螺旋抄板高度为72 mm。

2.2 密封进料系统


1.上料仓 2.上料装置 3.喂料仓 4.上料位计 5.扰动器 6.下料位计 7.喂料装置


2.3 保温炭化与冷却出炭系统



1.沉降分离仓 2.保温炭化装置 3.上料位计 4.扰动器 5.下料位计 6.生物炭水冷装置 7.出炭口 8.动力系统

2.4 热解气净化分离系统


3 调试运行与系统检测

3.1 调试运行


图7 系统调试运行现场

3.2 系统检测

以花生壳(含水率15.9%)为原料,回转反应器转速2.2 r/min,炭化温度600 ℃时[30],对设备性能进行连续性生产测试,点火时使用的燃料为柴油,系统稳定运行后通过净化分离后的热解气回用燃烧提供热解所需热量。试验过程中系统运行稳定,设备的密封效果良好,系统压力多点监测,通过管路阀门开度和鼓风机转速的适时反馈控制系统压力,系统压力可稳定维持在设定的控制区间。

对设备主要技术指标进行了测试。3次连续性生产时间均为5 h,取3次平均值得到的设备技术指标如表2所示。从表中可以看出,各项技术指标均达到了系统设计目标与要求。原料类型、粒径以及设备技术工艺参数对测试指标均有影响,不同工艺参数下的性能测试分析还需进一步试验研究。

表2 中试系统性能指标

4 结 论



3)运行测试结果表明:生物质连续热解炭气油联产中试系统原料处理能力为28.2 kg/h,生物炭得率为31.3%,燃气热值为16.3 MJ/m3,温度控制精度为±10 ℃,压力控制精度±10 Pa,各项技术指标均达到了系统设计目标与要求,为中试设备的放大设计及示范应用奠定了基础。

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Development of carbon, gas and oil poly-generation pilot system based on biomass continuous pyrolysis

Cong Hongbin, Yao Zonglu, Zhao Lixin※, Jia Jixiu, Lan Shan

(1.,100125,; 2.,,100125,)

Biomass carbonization technology refers to the process of biochar, bio-oil, and non-condensable gas products’ formation from raw biomass material. This process occurs in the anaerobic or hypoxic environment, which is a low-temperature slow pyrolysis technology. Biomass pyrolysis and multi-generation technology uses modern biomass carbonization technology as the core. Bio-carbon, high-quality gas, wood tar and wood vinegar and other products are produced through the separation and purification of pyrolysis gas. Biochar can be widely used in carbon sequestration, water purification, heavy metal adsorption and soil improvement. Thus, biochar production and application have attracted wide attention of domestic and foreign researchers. Pyrolysis gas has an important development and utilization value as a high-quality clean gas. With the advantages of high utilization rate of resources, diversified product forms and less secondary pollution, this technology can further improve the development and utilization of comprehensive benefits. It also meets the strategic thinking on comprehensive utilization of biomass energy resources, and has a good prospect of popularization and application. Continuous biomass carbonization technology represents the future development direction of biomass carbonization technology, with the advantages of good production continuity, high productivity, convenient process controlling and relatively stable product quality. In view of the fact that most of the biomass carbonization equipment has poor continuity, high energy consumption and secondary tar pollution, the carbon, gas, and oil co-production process scheme was put forward. Combined with the latest development in the biomass carbonization technology and the raw material characteristics of agricultural and forestry residues, continuous segmentation pyrolysis, multi-stage combined dust removal and fuel/gas reuse heating process methods were used. Based on it, the technologies of evenly and orderly multi-level screw board material delivering, efficient multi-cavity swirl cascade heat transferring, insulated settled and sealed char launching, with system pressure and gas component coupling early warning obtained the breakthrough. In addition, biomass continuous pyrolysis test production system was also developed. When this equipment worked, the raw material was orderly reversed with the rotation of continuous pyrolysis reaction tube in the reaction chamber. Dehydration, volatile precipitation and cracking reaction occurred during this process. As the material fell down, the biochar was separated from the gas. The biochar entered into thermal insulation device and was further carbonized in the oxygen and heat insulation environment. After being cooled down, the production was sequentially output through the screw conveyor. As for the pyrolysis gas, it was transferred to the high-pressure gas storage device using the booster pump after the steps of dust removal, multi-stage condensation, and scrubbing. To form a micro-positive pressure carbonization environment in the reaction chamber, this system would control the air volume in real time with the help of pressure signal feedback. The result showed that the system was stable and reliable. Using the peanut shell as the raw material, its treatment capacity was 28.2 kg/h, the biochar yield was 31.3%, the gas calorific value was 16.3 MJ/m3, and the temperature control precision was ±10 ℃. All of the technical indicators reached the system design goals and requirements. In this way, the pilot system development provided the foundation for equipment amplification and demonstration applications. Biomass pyrolysis and polygeneration can further improve the comprehensive development and utilization benefits of biomass resources, in line with the comprehensive utilization strategic thinking of biomass energy, which has a good application prospect.

biomass; pyrolysis; charcoal; poly-generation; pilot system; development


TK6; S216.2









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