

广东教育·综合 2017年9期









1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

这道题的设置紧贴生活实际,写信内容自然融入中国文化,与大纲吻合,体现了对考生学科素养的考查。同时邮件主体是中国与英国学生的交际行为,涉及跨文化交流,有益于培养学生的文化底蕴。 题中第三个写作要点为写作提供了开放空间,考生可以根据自己的知识储备进行发挥,同时也考查学生如何表达观点和态度等,符合《普通高中英语新课程标准(2003版)》目标的要求。




1. 审题不清


2. 内容要点表达不确切或抄袭


3. 单词误用

①Because the library is very quite. (quite和quiet混用)

②I like Chinese poems, who wrote lots of poets.(poet是诗人,poem才是诗)

4. 大小写不分

①The time of our next class is friday. (应把friday改为Friday)

②Tang poems are very famous in old china.(应把china改为China)

5. 词性混用

①You can prepare these plans to improve your study effective. (改为efficiency)

②I think you like the Chinese cultural. (改为culture)

③If necessarily, I would change my plan.(改为necessary)

④I feel delight to write to you.(改为delighted)

⑤Its honor for me to tell you the next lesson.(改为honorable)

⑥You can learn Chinese fastly.(改为fast)

⑦Its difficulty to learn it well.(改为difficult)

6. 拼写错误

① Ill give you some suggestions as you good friend.(把you改为your )

②The next Chinese lessen will be set at my home.(把lessen改为lesson)

③I thing we will have a comfortable class.(把thing改为think)

④I believe you will fall in love with Chinese poens.(把pones改为poems)

⑤If you arent free, I will change my plant. (把plant改为plan)

⑥I will teache you Tang poems. (把teache改为teach)

7. 可数名词和不可数名词分不清

①I think you will make a great progress.(去掉a)

②Ill give you some informations.(把informations改为information)

③I have a good news to tell you.(去掉a)

④I have many time this weekend.(把many改为much)endprint

8. 错用介词

①We will learn Tang poems in next lesson.(去掉 in)

②The next lesson is arranged on next weekend.(去掉on)

③The next class is on my home.(把on改成at)

④Lets meet in the gate of our school.(把in改成at)

⑤Please trust in yourself, you can learn Chinese well.(去掉in)

⑥I will teach you about Tang Poems.(去掉about)

9. 谓语错误

①I will waiting for your reply.(改为wait for)

②I am intend to teach you Chinese.(改为am intended to)

③I writing to tell you the time of next lesson.(改为am wrting)

④ Do you interesting in Tang poems?(改为Are you interested in...?)

⑤I suggest that you can do...(去掉can或把can改为should)

⑥Our lesson will be started at 8:00 a.m.(改为will start或starts)

10. 中式英语

①Please dont forget the next lesson begin time.

②I know you very like Chinese culture.

③In order to you can better to study Chinese, I suggest that you learn the history of Tang Dynasty in advance.

11. 标点符号错误

①The plan is as follows:(将冒号改为句号)

②Only in this way, can you learn Chinese well. (去掉逗号)

③《A Tranquil Night》, one of my favorite poems , was written by Libai.(去掉书名号)

12. 卷面和字数问题


13. 语言不得体

With my help, you must learn Chinese well.

14. 分段不对


15. 其他误用

①Youd better to understand the history to Tang Dynasty.(情态动词没有掌握好)

②Im writing to tell you the next times plan.(错用名词所有格)

③You need to ready something for Tang poems.(ready和prepare不分)

④I will teach you Tangshi.(用中文拼音來表述)

⑤I like JingYeshi wrote by Libai.(非谓语动词掌握不牢)

⑥This summer holiday I have a 3 months vacation.(数词表达不准确)


1. 如何写开头

高考英语全国卷书面表达题多为书信类写作,此类文章通常要求开篇写明写信目的。常用的句型是Im writing to do sth.今年的书面表达题开头部分可以这样写:

①I am writing to tell you the arrangement of the next class.

②Im writing to tell you my plan for our next Chinese class and remind you to do some preparations for the class.

③Im writing to inform you of the plan of the next class.

④Had you completely understand what I taught you yesterday? Im writing to inform you the plan of your next Chinese lesson.

2. 如何写好中间段


①I would like to give you some suggestions.(替代advice)

②I will be available after class. (替代free)

③You are supposed to do some preparations. (替代should)endprint

④The lesson is scheduled to be held on Jan 9th in Guangzhou Library.


①The most significant thing you should bear in mind is that you had better come to my home on time.(替代remember)

②The next lesson falls on this Sunday morning, which will begin at 9:00 am and end 11:00 am.(替代begins或starts)


①Im looking forward to your timely reply.

②At last, Im firmly/ fully convinced that with our combined efforts, you are bound to make great progress in studying Chinese.

③To satisfy your interest better, I sincerely recommend you to do some brief research of Tang Dynasty, which will contribute favorably to deepen your understanding of those poems.


①Differing from the poem of Britain, the Poems of Tang have many topics.

②Having realized your burning desire to learn Chinese, Im writing to tell you the next Chinese class.

③I will prepare the class seriously, hoping that you will satisfy with my lesson and learn more knowledge.


①There have been three weeks since we had the last lesson.

②I suggest that you should make a knowledge of Tang Dynasty, which is a boom and colorful ancient dynasty.

③What I want to stress is that you are supposed to learn the history of Tang Dynasty in advance.


①No one can deny the fact that learning Chinese is of great benefit to you.

②When it comes to Chinese, there is no doubt that Tang Poems is very famous.

③There is no doubt that you will make great progress if you study hard.

④To be honest, you made great progress and it hits me that I have never seen such a foreigner like you who can have so brilliant and excellent spoken ability.


①Finally, if I were you, I would learn some related information about Tangs history.(虛拟语气)

②Only in this way can you learn Tang poems well.(倒装句)

③If necessary, I would change my plan.(省略句)

④So excited am I that I cant wait to teach you to study Chinese. Here is a brief schedule.(倒装句)

⑤Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧)


①To begin with, the course is to be held at 9:00 in school reading room on this Sunday morning, thus you have to arrange your schedule accordingly in advance.

②You are expected to know the history of Tang Dynasty roughly.

③Tang poems are filled with beautiful words and moving emotions.endprint


①Firstly, I arranged the class, which will be set at my home.

②Anyway, you can take this task into great consideration because it contributes to learn Tang poems well.

③More importantly, you will be exposed to some wonderful Tang poems in my class.

3. 如何写好结尾


①If you have any question in the process of preparing, feel free to ask me. I am looking forward to the class.

②If there are any doubts, please contact me without hesitation. Hoping that you will succeed in learning Chinese. Best wishes.

③With making full preparations, you will be attracted by the beauty of Tang Poems. Your prompt and favorable reply would be highly appreciated.


责任编辑 魏文琦endprint

