

化工进展 2017年10期



(青岛科技大学过程系统工程研究所,山东青岛 266042)



1 换热网络中的熵分析法和分析法

1.1 换热网络中的熵分析法










根据式(5),可计算热力学第二定律效率为 式(13)。

2 SSOT装置换热网络中两种分析方法的比较

SSOT装置是指重质油采用一次通过、加氢裂化尾油部分循环或全循环的方式操作进行加氢脱硫、脱氮等反应,是现代炼化企业二次加工、重质油轻质化的重要手段。案例中SSOT装置以减压瓦斯油为原料,经过预热与氢气混合后被加热到一定温度进入反应器进行加氢脱硫、脱氮、裂解及烯烃和芳烃饱和等反应,反应产物经冷高分、冷低分,冷高分顶循环气脱硫后返回到反应部分循环使用,冷低分酸性气输送到其余脱硫单元,冷低分来的生成油脱除H2S后,进入分馏塔将转化产品与转化产品分离,得到转化产品石脑油、航煤、柴油和作为乙烯生产原料的尾油。该装置的换热网络包括11股热物流和9股冷物流,提取物流数据见表1,冷、热公用工程数据见表2和 表3[38-39]。

2.1 现行换热网络分析


表1 工艺物流数据

表2 热公用工程数据

表3 冷公用工程数据

(1)熵分析法 热物流的熵变为97.861kW/K,热物流的理想功为1.547×104kW,冷物流的熵变为72.445kW/K,冷物流的理想功为1.264×104kW,外加热公用工程的熵变为14.073kW/K,理想功为3.670×103kW,冷公用工程的熵变为48.003kW/K,理想功为3.531×103kW,则热力学第二定律效率为81.70%。

图1 SSOT装置现有换热网络的冷、热组合曲线图

2.2 最大能量回收下的换热网络分析


图2 SSOT装置最大热回收换热网络组合曲线图[38-39]

(1)熵分析法 热物流的熵变为1.002×102kW/K,热物流的理想功为1.479×104kW,冷物流的熵变为70.905kW/K,冷物流的理想功为1.310×104kW,外加热公用工程熵变为1.669kW/K,理想功为5.352×102kW,冷公用工程熵变为32.283kW/K,理想功为1.817×103kW,则热力学第二定律效率为88.59%,节能67.34%。


表4 熵分析法结果

表5 分析法结果

图3 热力学效率和传递效率随ΑΒΓΔTmin的变化


3 结论


CP——热容流率,kW/K cv——定容比热容,kJ/(kg·K) cp——定压比热容,kJ/(kg·K) E——,kW·K ΔE——耗散,kW·K H——焓变,kW m ——质量流率,kg/s P——压力,MPa Q——热容量,J S——熵变,kW/K T——温度,K ΔTmin——最小传热温差,K W——功,kW ηII——热力学第二定律效率,% ηE——传递效率,% 下角标 c——冷物流 h——热物流 i, j——物流的组分数 m——对数平均 in——起始 out——终点 id——理想状态

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Comparative study on heat exchanger network adaptability based on entropy analysis and entransy analysis

FENG Yuanli,XIA Li,XIANG Shuguang

(Institute of Process System Engineering,Qingdao University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266042,Shandong,China)

Entropy and entransy are the measure of irreversibility of heat transfer process,which can be used to evaluate the utilization of energy in the heat exchanger networks(HENs). In view of the irreversibility of HENs,firstly,the mathematical models of HENs energy efficiency were established based on entropy analysis method and entransy analysis method. Then, taking the maximum energy recovery as the goal,the HEN analysis of the single-stage once through hydrocracker (SSOT) unit was carried out. The applicability of the two methods was compared,and it was proved that the entropy analysis method is suitable for the analysis of complex HENs. The results showed that the minimum temperature differencesminwere selected 15K,20K,25K respectively,and the heat transfer efficiency calculated by the two methods were different. The efficiency of the second law of thermodynamics calculated by entropy analysis method increased 86.80%,88.59% and 90.42%,respectively,which was inconsistent with the principle of minimum entropy production. The entransy transfer efficiency decreased 76.45%,74.86%,73.41%,respectively. The results of entropy analysis method were consistent with the greater the temperature differences,the lower the heat transfer ability. Thus,the entransy analysis method is more suitable for the analysis of energy utilization efficiency of HENs than that of entropy analysis method. At the same time,this method is helpful to evaluate the energy saving potential of heat transfer network.

heat transfer;entropy;entransy;optimization;heat exchanger networks











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