(1. 同济大学汽车学院,上海 201804; 2. 上汽大众汽车有限公司,上海 201805)
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本文所用试验样机为一台串联式混合动力工程机械用柴油机,考虑怠速瞬态过程为典型瞬态过程[23],本文选取怠速点到1 500 r/min、85%负荷工况点的变转速变转矩这一典型瞬态过程进行试验研究。采用了“滞后系数”、“劣变系数”、“瞬态均值”3个指标[24]。对柴油机怠速瞬态过程中烟度限值与过渡时间对柴油机经济性与排放性能进行了分析,以期为怠速瞬态过程的优化提供参考。
1 瞬态性能评价指标
1.1 滞后系数
1.2 劣变系数
1.3 瞬态均值
2 试验装置与试验方法
2.1 试验发动机
表1 试验柴油机主要参数
2.2 试验系统及试验设备
表2 试验用仪器和设备
2.3 烟度限值控制策略
2.4 试验方案
研究发动机从怠速点到1 500 r/min、85%负荷工况点的变转速变转矩瞬态过程,台架转速-转矩控制模式下,从怠速点以不同过渡时间和不同烟度限值加速至目标工况点,分别选取过渡时间为3、5、10 s,烟度限值变化为减小10%、不变、增大10%。
3 试验结果与分析
3.1 对缸内压力的影响
图3所示为烟度限值不变时,不同过渡时间对怠速瞬态过程最大缸压的影响规律。由图3可知,怠速瞬态过程中最大缸压短暂波动后急剧上升,达到峰值稍稍下降,再缓慢上升达到稳态。随着过渡时间的增加,最大缸压上升时刻延后,峰值增高,过渡时间为3、5、10 s时的峰值分别为9.07、9.87和10.88 MPa。
表3所示分别为不同烟度限值下,怠速瞬态过程最大缸压的滞后系数、劣变系数和瞬态均值的变化情况。由表2可见,随着过渡时间的增加,最大缸压的滞后系数减小,过渡时间为10 s时滞后系数已小于1,说明此时最大缸压先于油门接近稳态。过渡时间的增加为进气系统和缸壁热力状态的改变提供了更充裕的时间,瞬态滞后现象有所缓解[27-28]。随着过渡时间的增加,最大缸压的劣变系数小幅增大;而随着烟度限值的增加,最大缸压的劣变系数小幅减小。另外,最大缸压的劣变系数始终小于1,说明怠速瞬态过程最大缸压的峰值未达到稳态水平。随着过渡时间的增加,最大缸压的瞬态均值减小;烟度限值不变、过渡时间为3、5、10 s时,最大缸压的瞬态均值分别为8.23、7.74和6.32 MPa。此外,随着烟度限值的增加,最大缸压的瞬态均值减小。过渡时间为3 s、烟度限值减小10%时,最大缸压瞬态均值达到最大值9.52 MPa;过渡时间为10 s、烟度限值增大10%时,最大缸压瞬态均值取最小值5.79 MPa。
表3 最大缸压滞后系数、劣变系数和瞬态均值变化情况
3.2 对燃油流量的影响
图4所示为烟度限值不变时不同过渡时间对怠速瞬态过程中燃油流量的影响规律。由图4可知,怠速瞬态过程燃油流量匀速上升,达到峰值稍稍下降达到稳态;随着过渡时间的增加,燃油量增速放缓,达到稳态的时间延后。过渡时间为3、5、10 s时的峰值分别为33.3、34.2和31.3 kg/h。
表4所示为不同过渡时间和烟度限值下,怠速瞬态过程燃油流量的滞后系数、劣变系数和瞬态均值。由表4可见,随着过渡时间的增加,燃油流量的滞后系数先增大后减小,但均大于1,说明燃油流量总是晚于油门接近稳态。且随着烟度限值的增加,燃油流量的滞后系数有所增大。随着过渡时间的增加,燃油流量的劣变系数先增大后减小,但均大于1,说明燃油流量瞬态过程峰值大于终点稳态值。此外,随着烟度限值的增加,燃油流量的劣变系数有所减小。随着过渡时间的增加,燃油流量的瞬态均值先增大后减小;而随着烟度限值的增加,燃油流量的瞬态均值则稍稍减小。烟度限值增大,限值了瞬态允许喷油量,导致燃油流量有所减小。过渡时间为10 s、烟度限值增大10%时,燃油流量瞬态均值取最小值12.5 kg/h,此时怠速瞬态过程经济性较好。
表4 燃油流量滞后系数、劣变系数和瞬态均值变化情况
3.3 对NOx排放的影响
图5所示为烟度限值不变时,不同过渡时间对怠速瞬态过程NOX排放的影响规律。由图5可知,怠速瞬态过程NOX排放先稳定不变再急剧上升,波峰后有所下降,再缓慢上升达到稳态。随着过渡时间增加,上升期延后,峰值有所升高;加速初期,喷油量突然增加造成过量空气系数急剧下降,此时缺少氧气占主要地位,NOx有减小趋势。放热量的相对增加使得缸内温度和压力升高,增压压力上升,氧气缺乏状况有所改善,致使加速中期 NOX浓度急剧上升。加速过程末期,增压压力持续上升,氧气量相对提高;缸内最高温度减小,同时发动机已达到较高转速,气体在缸内的滞留时间缩短:三方面因素的综合效果使NOX排放体积分数有所下降。过渡时间为3、5、10 s时的峰值分别为1.23×10-3、1.22×10-3和1.32×10-3。
表5所示为不同过渡时间和烟度限值下,怠速瞬态过程NOX排放的滞后系数、劣变系数和瞬态均值。由表5可见,过渡时间较短时,NOX排放滞后严重。因为NOX排放需要在缸壁热力状态响应接近完成才能达到稳定[29]。随着过渡时间的增加,NOX排放的滞后系数大幅减小,过渡时间为10 s时基本与喷油同步达到稳态。过渡时间的增加为喷油系统和缸壁热力状态的改变提供了更充裕的时间,NOX瞬态排放滞后现象有所缓解。此外,随着烟度限值的增加,NOX排放的滞后系数有所增大。随着过渡时间的增加,NOX排放的劣变系数小幅减小后增大;而随着烟度限值的增加,NOX排放的劣变系数小幅增大。此外,NOX排放的劣变系数始终大于1,说明NOX排放瞬态过程峰值始终大于终点稳态值。随着过渡时间的增加,NOX排放的瞬态均值逐渐减小。而随着烟度限值的增加,NOX排放的瞬态均值稍稍增大;但与过渡时间的作用相比,影响较小。烟度限值增大,限值了瞬态允许喷油量,缸内温度和压力降低,导致NOX排放有所减少。过渡时间为10 s、烟度限值不变时,NOX排放体积分数瞬态均值取最小值7.23×10-4。
表5 NOx 排放滞后系数、劣变系数和瞬态均值变化情况
3.4 对烟度的影响
图6所示为烟度限值不变时,不同过渡时间对怠速瞬态过程烟度的影响规律。由图6可见,怠速瞬态过程烟度急剧增加,大大超过稳态值,达到峰值后逐渐下降回归稳态。随着过渡时间的增加,波峰时间延后,峰值不断提高。这是因为刚加速时单个循环的工作时间较长,柴油和空气在缸内混合均匀,燃烧情况良好,且排气时间较长也促进了碳烟氧化[30],整体烟度较低;中高转速时单个循环时间较短,突然喷入较多燃油,导致局部混合气过浓,缺氧情况加剧,缸内瞬时燃烧恶劣,烟度急剧增加,而后又逐渐趋于稳定。过渡时间为3、5、10 s时的峰值分别为0.063、0.085和0.106 m-1。
表6所示为不同过渡时间和烟度限值下,怠速瞬态过程烟度的滞后系数、劣变系数和瞬态均值。由表6可见,随着过渡时间的增加,烟度的滞后系数先增后减;而随着烟度限值的增加,烟度的滞后系数则不断增大。过渡时间为10 s、烟度限值不变和减小10%时,滞后系数小于1,说明此时烟度先于喷油接近稳态。
表6 烟度排放滞后系数、劣变系数和瞬态均值变化情况
随着过渡时间的增加,烟度的劣变系数增大;而随着烟度限值的增加,烟度的劣变系数有所减小;且均超过5,说明怠速瞬态过程中烟度恶化严重。随着过渡时间的增加,烟度的瞬态均值增大;而随着烟度限值的增大,烟度的瞬态均值减小。烟度限值增大,限制了瞬态允许喷油量,提高了空燃比,导致烟度有所降低。过渡时间为3 s、烟度限值增大10%时,烟度瞬态均值取最小值2.50×10-2m-1。
4 结 论
2)随着过渡时间的增加,最大缸压的滞后系数和瞬态均值减小,劣变系数增大;随着烟度限值的增加,最大缸压的滞后系数增大,劣变系数和瞬态均值减小。最大缸压滞后系数、劣化系数、瞬态均值最小值分别为0.70、0.69、5.79 MPa。
3)随着过渡时间的增加,燃油流量的滞后系数、劣变系数和瞬态均值均先增大后减小;随着烟度限值的增加,燃油流量的滞后系数和劣变系数增大,瞬态均值减小。燃油流量滞后系数、劣化系数、瞬态均值最小值分别为1.10、1.01、12.5 kg/h。
5)随着过渡时间的增加,烟度的滞后系数先增大后减小,劣变系数和瞬态均值增大;随着烟度限值的增加,烟度的滞后系数增大,劣变系数和瞬态均值减小。最大缸压滞后系数、劣化系数、瞬态均值最小值分别为0.70、5.20、0.025 m-1。
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Performance evaluation method and experiment for diesel engine under idle transient operation condition based on smoke emission limit
Lou Diming1, Sun Yuze1, Yu Huayang2, Tan Piqiang1, Hu Zhiyuan1
(1.,,201804,; 2.,, 201805,)
Nowadays, the performances of diesel engines under transient conditions become the research focus. Because of the frequent start and stop of the series hybrid diesel engine, the diesel engine is always in the steady state or idle speed switching state. In order to study the transient performance of diesel engine during the idle transient conditions, 3 indices are firstly adopted: The lag coefficient, which is an evaluation index for performance of diesel engine transient lag, the deterioration coefficient, which is an evaluation index for performance of diesel engine transient deterioration, and the transient mean, which is an evaluation index for comprehensive performance of diesel engine transient process. And then an analysis is carried out from the 3 dimensions of time, peak and mean value, and the influences of idle transient transition time and injection parameters on the maximum cylinder pressure, fuel flow and emissions are investigated. The test results show that the cylinder pressure, fuel consumption and emission performance of the diesel engine are worse than the steady state during the transient conditions. The deterioration of the engine can be reduced in the idle speed transient process by adjusting the transition time and smoke emission limit. With the increase of the transition time, the transient mean and lag coefficient of the maximum cylinder pressure decrease, and the deterioration coefficient increases; with the smoke limit increasing, the lag coefficient of the maximum cylinder pressure increases, and the deterioration coefficient and transient mean decrease. When the transition time is 10 s and the smoke emission limit is reduced by 10%, the lag coefficient of the maximum cylinder pressure gets the minimum value of 0.7. When the transition time is 3 s, and the smoke emission limit increases by 10%, the deterioration coefficient obtains the minimum value of 0.69. When the transition time is 10 s, and the smoke emission limit increases by 10%, the transient mean of the maximum cylinder pressure takes the minimum value of 5.79 MPa. With the increase of the transition time, the lag coefficient, deterioration coefficient and transient mean of fuel flow first increase and then decrease; with the increase of smoke emission limit, the lag coefficient and deterioration coefficient of fuel flow increase, and the transient mean decreases. When the transition time is 10 s, and the smoke emission limit is reduced by 10%, the lag coefficient of fuel flow gets the minimum value of 1.1. When the transition time is 3 s, and the smoke emission limit increases by 10%, the deterioration coefficient obtains the minimum value of 1.01. When the transition time is 10 s, and the smoke emission limit is increased by 10%, the fuel flow gets the minimum value of 12.49 kg/h. With the increase of the transition time, the lag coefficient and the transient mean of NOx emission decrease, and the deterioration coefficient increases; with the smoke emission limit increasing, the lag coefficient and the deterioration coefficient of NOx emission increase, and the transient mean decreases. When the transition time is 10 s, and the smoke emission limit is reduced by 10%, the lag coefficient of NOx emission gets the minimum value of 1.1. When the transition time is 5 s, and the smoke emission limit is reduced by 10%, the deterioration coefficient obtains the minimum value of 1.046. When the transition time is 10 s, and the smoke emission limit is invariable, the transient mean of NOx emission takes the minimum value of 7.23×10-4. With the increase of the transition time, the lag coefficient of smoke emission first increases and then decreases, and the deterioration coefficient and transient mean increase; with the smoke emission limit increasing, the lag coefficient of smoke emission increases, and the deterioration coefficient and transient mean decrease. When the transit time is 10 s, and the smoke emission limit is reduced by 10%, the lag factor of smoke emission obtains the minimum value of 0.7. When the transition time is 3 s, and the smoke emission limit increases by 10%, the deterioration coefficient obtains the minimum value of 5.2. When the transition time is 3 s, and the smoke emission limit is increased by 10%, the transient mean of smoke emission takes the minimum value of 0.025 m-1. These 3 indices can be used to evaluate the performance of the diesel engine in the transient process, which can provide the basis for further optimization.
diesel engine; experiments; emission control; idle transient process; smoke emission limit; performance evaluation
楼狄明,男,教授,主要研究方向为汽车发动机替代燃料应用技术和发动机排放控制后处理技术。上海 同济大学汽车学院,201804。 Email:loudiming@tongji.edu.cn
楼狄明,孙瑜泽,于华洋,谭丕强,胡志远. 基于烟度限值的柴油机怠速瞬态过程性能评价方法与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(4):111-116. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.016 http://www.tcsae.org
Lou Diming, Sun Yuze, Yu Huayang, Tan Piqiang, Hu Zhiyuan. Performance evaluation method and experiment for diesel engine under idle transient operation condition based on smoke emission limit[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 111-116. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.016 http://www.tcsae.org