

今日重庆 2017年7期

◇文|本刊记者 韩 希


◇文|本刊记者 韩 希




One day in March 1889, Chaotianmen port usheredin the first steamship "Lichuan" after opening as a port. The Clyde River in Glasgow of England witnessed its design and construction. The one who sailed the ship on the very day was none other than Little, an explorer from British’s Manchester. Other ships lined up on the river with the government officials as their leader. It looks like holding a candle to the steamship with the drums beating and the gongs sounding as well as thousands of people in the riverside

The shipping industry and urban modernization gained its start and boom as first opening area to the world in southeast China. Britain and the western city of China had a well-connected "knot", behind which the enchanting scenery of the friendship unfolds before our eyes.

The year of 2017 marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment on Sino-British ambassadorial diplomatic relations. After six months of orchestrate planning, the first British carnival would start from May to July with the collection of more than 30 cooperative agencies and nearly 40 activities. This carnival reached out to three southwest provinces and one city, covering business, culture, education and other fields. Through this vast carnival, people can witness increasingly deep association and relationship between Britain and Chongqing.

接地气的英伦嘉年华Down-to-earth Carnival in British Style







“Which year did Brunner Mond Co established in Chongqing after it’s opening ?”“what’s the century-old building located in Wusi Lu road of Jie Fangbei, namely the former site of Public Security Bureau?”

On June 16, the host firstly threw nine historical problems related to the opening of Chongqing port in director Xu Bei’s documentary sharing meeting consisting of carnival series activities. No sooner had questions put out than the Chongqing audience blurted out the answers. “It 's beyond her surprise, and the people of Chongqing are so familiar with this period’s history," said Epeislle, the Consul General of the British Consulate in Chongqing.

Xu Bei, a Chongqing native,is a senior documentary director, winning Chevening Scholarship granted by the British government in 2006 . Chongqing is the city giving her life nourishment ,while Britain gives her creation inspiration .Therefore such a unique experience raise a question for her: How far is between Chong Qing and Britain in other respects. The answer can be found in her new documentary film about the opening of Chaotianmen.

In addition to the traditional business promotions and the British cultural exhibition in the carnival, there were “Da Ping District encounters England”, “Chongqing first 520 rugby football festival”, “the exchange meeting between British enterprises and Chongqing”etc. There were also several activities with a touch of local culture, such as viewing salon of the mentioned documentary History of Chongqing Port Opening, the premiere of Sichuan opera Gold film, as well as the female dialogue salon “Be Yourself”, which is the division of photographic project “The Faces of Our Time”. These were something of Chongqing local’s activities, in fact, Behind these vivid activities lies the British Consulate’s implied meaning that Britain featuring the openness and innovation and good tradition of cooperation is well connected with Chongqing on the basis of history and culture.

In April this year, the new generation of Sichuan classic opera Gold gained its film boot ceremony with the same name of its opera form, which means the style of opera Gold will be present to more audience in the form of digital film. Movie director Soria Lovett is an English lady in her fifties said:“Dealing with such film is the biggest challenge in my life.”

In May, photographer Xiao Quan collected 200 women from all walks of life in Chongqing for portrait shooting with the final selection of 90 photos .Xiao Quan placed them with classic photos of celebrities for a two-month exhibition in Chongqing, even for the whole world on display. Therefore the audience around the world can have a look on the spirit of Chongqing women's characteristics and states. Xiao Quan’s attention to the female subject conformed to the activity of Think what u desire, Do what u like promoted by the British Consulate in recent years. The purpose of activity was to celebrate the inner energy of women and to challenge the stereotypes of modern gender roles.

文化融合不止于“狂欢”Cultural Integration is Far More Than Carnival



在重庆中国三峡博物馆,他们举办了英籍华裔艺术家王岩(Yan Wang Preston)的《母亲河》摄影展。艺术家以其独特的敏感视觉,拍摄了6211公里长江沿岸的景观、神话和价值观。

在重庆川剧院,北爱尔兰作曲家锡德•皮科克(Sid Peacock)和许多川剧艺术家展开一场令人兴奋的跨界音乐合作之旅,将富有中国特色的文化融入自己的音乐创作中,为川剧音乐带来耳目一新的感受。

在重庆音乐广播电台,他们与电台合作播放《英伦音乐前沿》(The Selector),每周精心挑选最新前卫流行音乐,让重庆听众对英国音乐有全新的认识,给音乐爱好者带来原汁原味的英伦时尚。


Carnival in English has the meaning of rejoicing with wild excitement .The British Consulate in the Cathay Theater held a party on June 26 as well as in the purpose of celebrating the curtain call of 2017 British Carnival in the southwest region. Although it declared the end of the two months of carnival, the cultural exchanges would never say farewell.

Over the past two years, the Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate General in Chongqing has focused on digital media and has created contemporary culture and art project with high creation and groundbreaking innovation, which highlights the essence of contemporary British cultural and creative industries in the form of music, architecture, literature, and painting.

At China Three Gorges Museum of Chongqing, they held Mother River photo exhibition of Yan Wang Preston who is a Chinese-born Briton artist. Artists with the unique sense of vision shot the landscape, the surviving models of mythology and values in banks of Yangtze River with 6211 kilometers.

In Chongqing Chuanju Theater, the composer Sid Peacock from Northern Ireland and many artists of Sichuan opera started an excitingly crossover music cooperation by adding the culture elements with distinct Chinese characteristics into their own music creation to bring a fresh air for the Sichuan opera music .

In Chongqing Music Radio Station, they cooperated with the radio station playing The Selector with a careful selection of the latest avant-garde pop music every week. Therefore they can bring a new understanding of British music to Chongqing listeners and bring authentic British fashion to music lovers.

Even more interesting is that the British Consulate General in Chongqing provides the Queen's e-mail address on official WeChat. If you are curious about the United Kingdom, you might as well make directly pen friend with the Queen .

不断尝试加深联结The Continually Deepening Connection Trial



今年,我们一方面继续支持重庆的优秀学子到英国求学,同时也将继续和重庆的高校合作,让更多的英国学生到中国西部来开拓视野,促进两国之间的跨文化交流和了解。”文化教育处负责人陈兵谈到,在文化交流领域,他们还将继续开展“中英文化连线”项目,为中英两国艺术家与文化艺术机构提供交流机会和发展基金。继续和重庆音乐广播电台合作播放《英伦音乐前沿》(The Selector)的音乐节目。今年也是中英青年交流年,值得期待的是,将会有更多精彩的文化教育活动来到包括重庆在内的中国大西南。

“Shopping in Chongqing is like going forward by a large group of people. The streets is stuffed with surging pedestrians, sedan chairs, cargo mules, donkeys, horses, countless stick men who hang the items from either end of the poles and heave them up over their shoulders. People do what they can do in the street ...” In February of 1883, Little and his wife firstly took the steamship to Hankou, and arrived in Chongqing with wooden boat after a tough seaway of 40 days. His work Journey to Three Gorges through the Yangtze River caused a sensation among the west countries. The exchanges between British and Chongqing have become more diverse and intuitive in the 21st century.

In recent years, the Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate General in Chongqing cooperates with the education authorities of Chongqing to encourage more British students to study in Chongqing, with the hope of forging a wider range of folk ties and being exchanges messenger between Chinese and English cultural through them.

““We would continue to support the outstanding students of Chongqing to study in the UK, and would continue to work with Chongqing’s universities to enable more British students to study in Western China to broaden horizons and promote cross-cultural exchanges and understanding between the two countries.”Chen Bing said the head of the cultural education department. In the field of cultural exchange, they will continue to carry out the" Sino-British Cultural Connection "project to provide exchange opportunities and development funds for Chinese and British artists as well as cultural and artistic institutions. And The Selector music program would keep on operation with the Chongqing music radio station. This year boats a year of Sino-British youth exchange. There will be more exciting cultural and educational activities falling on southwest China including Chongqing.

Chongqing and Britain: The Distance of Window to Window

Article | Han Xi


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