

今日重庆 2017年7期

◇文|本刊记者 韩 希 图| 刘汪洋 受访者提供


◇文|本刊记者 韩 希 图| 刘汪洋 受访者提供




“Compared with Chongqing, home to more than 30 million people, my hometown Oxford can only be considered as a small village. The population of the city is close to that of Canada.” Embracing curiosity for the unknown, Douglas Hook, a handsome, positive freelance photographer, came from Oxford, the UK, to Chongqing, China in the end of 2014.

In his daily life, apart from teaching kids English at a training school, Douglas spent most of his time on his “research”—to explore the inland city with his camera, which beckoned him deeply. Once a traveler to Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, he loyally chose to settle in Chongqing. “The city truly combines new and traditional cultures, especially that in concept.”

Majoring in photojournalism, Douglas obtained his bachelor’s degree in University of Gloucestershire in the UK in 2013. When asked why he did not pursue advanced studies, he said a postgraduate student of this major should experience life in different places and take photos as a documentary. By chance, he chose Chongqing as the first station to do his “master’s degree”, and he has been here for three years.

不是他想象的样子Contrary to His Imagination






Douglas dropped out of school at the age of 17, worked in Australia, and studied in University of Gloucestershire from 2010 to 2013. He had been exposed to little knowledge of China for a long time, let alone Chongqing. The image of the city in the Orient was not unveiled to Douglas until he heard about Chongqing from the brother of his friend. As an English teacher in Chongqing, this man told to Douglas it is a beautiful city where people are friendly.

Douglas arrived in Chongqing by flight in the end of 2014. Before landing, he already had a bird’s eye view of the colorful, animated city. The first word he used to describe Chongqing was “massive”.“Compared with Chongqing, home to more than 30 million people, my hometown Oxford can only be considered as a village. The population of the city is close to that of Canada.” said Douglas, holding out his arms to draw a large globe, an amazed expression on his face.

Besides, what surprised him most is the especially welcoming Chongqing people. His Chinese friends would put aside their own affairs to help him tackle his problems. Occasionally, some locals would cut in the line, but not before him. Some people would press the open button of the lift before he ran to catch it. “Chongqing people not necessarily treat their fellows so kindly, but they are indeed so nice to us.”

“Is there something different to your expectations, or that let you down?” I asked him.

“My friends and I don’t feel like expecting anything before coming here. My love for Chongqing is like a wave, which constantly rises. When I miss my hometown, this wave will drop a little bit, and then it will rise again - it rises and falls this way. But the lowest point of the wave is also filled with my passion for Chongqing.” Once a soldier, the strong foreigner added that Chongqing gave him a sense of security.

挖掘城市的表象以下Exploring What Is below the Surface of the City





Many foreigners enjoy travelling to various cities in China, a country rich in cultures. But for Douglas, mere the city of Chongqing took him a long time to explore. In his eye, Shanghai or Guangzhou are like most modern cities in other parts of the world. In Beijing, though many historic buildings remain, people’s lifestyles have been changed completely.However, the real look of old-fashioned lifestyles remains in Chongqing.

For example, looking out from the windows of his house and workplace, Douglas would sometimes see a big round flat bamboo product on roofs or balconies, which is filled with beans under the sunshine. Alongside the banks of the river, porters would help people carry heavy luggage. Air-raid shelters used for defense in wartime have become part of the city.

These “relics” of urban life attracting Douglas to stay here and study the city, he decided to settle down here. “What eyes and cameras can capture is only what stays on the surface.” he said, “Like I always see grandparents look after their grandchildren in Chongqing, which never happens in my hometown. I’m very curious about it.” Sometimes in Chongqing, people broke rules for some reason, which also happened in the UK. But he thought reasons varied, and he always wondered the culture and social background under the surface. Douglas said that many phenomena like this in Chongqing amazed him, and he had no time to explore other places. He would settle down in Chongqing to dig out the roots under the surface before leaving China.

Douglas has a website where he uploads his photo shooting, including air-raid shelters, the confluence of Jialing River and the Yangtze River, football fans, villages, schools...In each special topic, he writes a report to describe changes and backgrounds of the lifestyle in the scene, making his works a documentary with pictures and interpretations. Douglas told me that he has spent 6 months studying the topic of air-raid shelters from research to photo shooting. Famous scenic spots, however, were not included in his works, nor the places with glittering facade and commercialized interior.

赞颂真正的文化遗址Praises for Genuine Cultural Relics





In the West, people know little about the eastern history, and thus they believe that to travel to the East is better than to read about it. To observe the most dynamic historic relics in the real world and to listen to the story of the old years is the best way for them to acknowledge the eastern world. Douglas has been to such places for nostalgia as Ciqikou, Hongya Cave and Chongqing Tiandi. However, he knows that the most genuine part of the history didn’t belong to these places.

Before its demolition, Shibati attracted Douglas so much that he could tell every piece of it. He visited it almost once a week during his first year in Chongqing, but he said that it will become another Ciqikou in the future. What bewildered him were the measures taken to deal with old buildings. In Britain, there are many ancient buildings, which are restored rather than demolished and reconstructed. Although he understands that reconstructions would greatly improve the citizens’ living conditions and ensure their safety, he still insists that Chongqing should retain the celebration to its culture and history and old things do not have to be removed, as the genuine is beauty.

When I shared with him an article by interpreting it word by word, which introduced the relics left by Englishmen when Chongqing opened as a commercial port, he was so delighted. Seeing that the relics still exist, he excitedly pointed at the pictures, “exactly!” The very existence of the relics is what he meant by celebration.

We could also get a hint of Douglas’ viewpoints from his shoes, a pair of green cloth shoes worth some 20 Yuan from the shop downstairs. Though the shoes are old-fashioned, he often wears them and likes them very much. The shoes are comfortable and still available after dozens of years, so why not try it? His way of “celebration” is probably precious.

A Foreigner Doing a Master’s Degree in Chongqing’s Alleys

Article | Han Xi Pictures | Liu Wangyang Interviewee


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