

今日重庆 2017年7期

◇文|本刊记者 陈科龙 图| 刘汪洋


◇文|本刊记者 陈科龙 图| 刘汪洋



15km away from Chaotianmen Chongqing at the lower reaches, a place named Tangjiatuo is known by most Chongqing people. However, a lot of people, even Chongqing people, do not know that Tangjiatuo once was nicknamed as “China's Naval Base”; the saying was originated from Mao Dun, a renowned Chinese writer who once lived in it.

Tangjiatuo, a backwater bay that forms when Yangtze River flows into the Tongluo Gorge, is a natural dock on Yangtze River. It has Tieshan Mountain in the east and faces Fangniuping in the south, as well as Jiguanshi in the southwest with Yangtze River in between, so it is surrounded by mountains in three directions. During the anti-Japanese war, the enemy planes could hardly make dive bombing at Tangjiatuo. With convenient water transportation, Tangjiatuo became a wonderful place for people to hide from the air strikes. It is on a ship at Tangjiatuo that Cao Yu adapted the drama script of Ba Jin’s Home within 3 months.

重庆开埠的历史缩影Historical Epitome of Chongqing Port





We cannot talk about Tangjiatuo without mentioning Asiatic Petroleum Company. At the beginning of 1900s, Asiatic Petroleum Company preferred the convenient water transportation of Tangjiatuo and “set up a base camp” here by building processing plants and storehouses. It sold petroleum, tea and tobaccos to Chongqing and other regions in the southwest China.

In 1890, the impoverished and enfeebled Qing Dynasty government signed Additional Articles of the Treaty of Yangtai with Britain, and Chongqing was opened as a trading port. After that, the shipping on the upper reaches of Yangtze River was controlled by the western powers which continuously set up banks, companies and factories to exploit mines, dump commodities and plunder raw materials in Chongqing. Asiatic Petroleum Company was one of them.

In 1915, the port administration of Chongqing Customs and Shipping Office provided that the commercial ships that loaded and transported petroleum could only anchored at Tangjiatuo and Sujiaba which were far away from the urban district. In 1918, Asiatic Petroleum Company located its oil depot at Tangjiatuo and also built the house for general manager, the house for the secondary, the office building, the oil storage tank, the oil storage dock and the workshop etc..

These buildings were arranged from low to high in accordance with the physical features of mountains and were divided into three levels of terrace. The first level was built with the storehouse for barrels, the processing plant, the oil storage dock and the office building etc.. The second level was built with the house for the secondary, two vertical steel structures which include a big one and a small one, and two oil storage tanks whose volumes are 8000 tons and 6000 tons respectively. The third level, as the commanding point of Tangjiatuo, was built with the house for general manager and its accessory buildings.

亦远亦近的大班房House for General Manager, Far and Near







Driving along the Haier Road toward Tieshanping, you will see an antiquated but grand building next to the Sun Coast villas in Tangjiatuo standing alone on a hillside. When wriggling up a pathway that is overgrown with grass and weeds, if your footsteps wake up two big yellow dogs sleeping at the front door, their barks would linger around your ears forever.

插图 / 欧阳桦

This building at the hilltop of Tangjiatuo is the house for the general manager of Asiatic Petroleum Company. It was the residence for British businessmen of the general manager level. A stone tablet that is carved with the words “Cultural Relics Protected by Jiangbei District” is erected in front of the house, and the inscribed time is 30th December, 1988.

This place is the commanding point of Tangjiatuo, so its view is far and wide. You can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenes of Tongluo Gorge. Chen Qixian, a 61 years old man, lives in a small single-storey house next to the house for general manager. He has guarded this house for 6 years. Accompanied by the dogs, he is quite content with his lot.

The ground floor of the house consists of five bedrooms and one hall which connects other rooms. At the front end of the hall is a porch with a janitor’sroom. The second floor and the ground floor are largely identical with only minor differences, and the porch is changed into a stairway to the attic. The front side of the house is Gothic. The eight-edges pillar of black bricks connects the porch at the ground floor, the balcony at the second floor and the attic at the third floor and forms an upward stretched posture with grandness and changes. Master Chen said that the brickwork joint of the walls of the whole building was pasted with the mix of glutinous rice paste and lime, so it is smooth and firm.

The handrails of the building have disappeared for a long time, and the dilapidated house are supported with wood piles by the later generations. Ouyang Hua who has studied the architectures of Chongqing for several years introduced that the handrails of the second floor is in bottle shape, while the handrails of the ground floor is in Chinese Meirenkao style(a kind of handrails wins its name for being sit by beauties and leaned along their waists). The roof of the house is a saddle roof that changes a little. The tiles are Britain-made green-yellow semicircle-shaped glazed tiles. The eaves and the dripping eaves of the house can be seen clearly from the hillside on the left side of the house. The patterns of the eaves on the four corners of the house mainly are crowns, while the patterns of the dripping eaves are Chinese carps.

插图 / 欧阳桦

Master Chen once heard about that in 1970s, the maintenance workers dismantled the lightningrod on the house and sold it as scrap iron when they were maintaining the roof, so that the chimney of the fireplace at the left side was struck by lightning and then collapsed. Later, for the sake of safety, the chimney at the right side was dismantled too, so the architectural exterior of the house was influenced a lot.

二班房已消逝在烟云背后The House for the Secondary Has Vanished Behind the Clouds





Walk down toward the river along a pathway in front of the house for general manager. After a long stone steps, make a detour around an old plant with the slogan “Learn Industry from Daqing”, then you are in front of a driver training school which seemingly has closed for a long time. The front door is opened and has no guard. The wide training ground is empty and has little traces of the oil storage tanks of Asiatic Petroleum Company. The dilapidated house for the secondary is at an earth slope in the corner of the training ground.

The house for the secondary once was a small western-style building of two stories and a half and was the residence of the Secondary of Asiatic Petroleum Company. A stone tablet that is carved with the words “Cultural Relics Protected by Jiangbei District” is erected in front of the house too. This house is quite old and worn-out. Its doors, windows and roof have been broken. Grass grows anywhere on the ground inside the house. Some liana climbs to the top of the walls and then hangs upside down, which makes this dilapidated building more decadent and bleak. In a room at the ground floor, the only trace that the British people left behind is the fireplace. Although the fireplace has been removed, there are still some vestiges of smoke in the chimney.

The appearance of the house which is made of bricks and woods is relatively special. The height of the ground floor is about 1 meter. The saddle roof has collapsed quite a lot, and the black tiles on the roof are not much left. If observing carefully, you can see some fragmentary patterns of a Chinese character “Shou”(which means longevity) on the eaves and some bat patterns on the dripping eaves.

The processing plant and the storehouse of Asiatic Petroleum Company are at the riverside near the house for the secondary. Almost ten old buildings are used as the factories of a ship plant. Among them, the most splendid one is the office building of Asiatic Petroleum Company. It has three storeys at the side backing on mountains and two storeys at the side backing on the river. The later users pasted dark red ceramic tiles on the outer walls of this originally unsophisticated and splendid office building, which is quite a misfit.

Other buildings keep the original styles and features basically. The neat black-brick walls, the steep roofs and the uniform doors and windows show the grandness and strictness of the industrialized buildings. Even the storehouses and the plants reveal the artistic tastes of the designer with ample details: the curved decorations on each window frame are inlaid with black stones and red sandstone; the exterior pillar which is mainly made of black bricks is regularly inlaid with sandstone.

Asiatic, Petroleum, Chongqing...... Can You Imagine How these words are Connected?

Article/ Chen Kelong Pictures/ Liu Wangyang


Chinese Architecture Meets Globalization