Each Truck Is a Work of Art


疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年9期

⊙ By Sonia Narang


Each Truck Is a Work of Art


⊙ By Sonia Narang




英式发音 适合精听语速:165词/分钟怎么说的吧。

It’s my first trip to Pakistan, and every time I see a giant truck1)rumble past me, I just have to take a picture. These aren’t your ordinary2)semis. Each truck is a work of art. Most are3)flamboyant, covered top to bottom in vivid images of landscapes and birds of all kinds. I see no4)shortage of5)peacocks. These trucks are definitely hard to miss.

While driving around Rawalpindi, I spot a large truck parked in front of a small muddy shopping center. I approach one of the drivers on a short tea break. The driver’s name is Shakeel Khan. He’s been drivingtrucks for 20 years. He agrees to talk to me. The warn seats are ripped and covered in dust, but he’s6)jazzed up the7)dashboard with giant8)bouquets of9)fabric flowers. Beads and a pretty lantern cover hang from the10)rear-view mirror. This really puts fuzzy dice to11)shame.

Shakeel: (via translator) We’ve made this truck like our own home. We’ve decorated it because we only get to go home one day after every two months.

It can take five to six people up to a month to fully decorate a truck. Khan and his two fellow drivers say they spent $500012)outfitting their truck. That’s a huge investment. These guys only make about $30 a month.

Shakeel: (via translator) Without a beautiful truck, we won’t even drive it. After putting all the decorations on, then we’ll drive it.

I asked him, “What do you get out of this?”

Shakeel: (via translator) We get love. Other than love from the people, there’s nothing else.

Khan also wrote the poetry that’s on the front and back of the13)vehicle. I asked him what it says. He says this translates as, “Don’t make friends with rich people because you can’t trust them.”

Shakeel: (via translator) There’s lots of poetry14)verses all over the truck. We drive around everywhere, and people notice it.

I asked, “Do people say anything to you?”

Shakeel: (via translator) Of course! They say, “You’ve done good work.” It gives us respect.

A couple days later I visit some artists who create these15)ornate truck designs. Inside these shops, kids cut out16)stickers for wheels,17)bumpers and side-view mirrors. Near the front, shopkeepers and drivers are making deals. I meet shopowner, Mohammed Nadeem, a thirdgeneration truck-art designer. He says there are lots of people involved in decorating one truck.

Mohammed: (via translator) We get a steel sheet and we cut it to make designs like peacocks, tigers and fish. After that, we cover it with colorful stickers. Everything is made by hand.

I asked him, “Why do drivers want beautiful trucks?”

Mohammed: (via translator) They feel really happy and proud showing their trucks. They say to their friends, “Look, I just got this new truck decorated. I made it look very nice.” All the drivers want their trucks to look better than the others. That is what they18)strive for.

Then Nadeem goes back to work, carefully applying small, bright green stickers to a multi-colored design.

1) rumble [΄rʌmbl] v. (车辆)隆隆地缓慢行进

2) semi [΄semɪ] n. 半拖车,牵引式挂车

3) flamboyant [ˌflæm΄bɔɪənt] adj. 艳丽的

4) shortage [΄ʃɔːtɪdʒ] n. 缺乏,匮乏

5) peacock [΄piːkɒk] n. 孔雀

6) jazz up 使生色,使活泼

7) dashboard [΄dæʃbɔːd] n. 仪表板

8) bouquet [buː΄keɪ] n. 花束

9) fabric [΄fæbrɪk] n. 织物

10) rear-view mirror 后视镜

11) shame [ʃeɪm] n. 惭愧

12) outfit [΄aʊtfɪt] v. 装备

13) vehicle [΄viːɪk(ə)l] n. 车辆

14) verse [vзːs] n. 诗歌,诗节

15) ornate [ɔː΄neɪt] adj. 华美的,绚丽的

16) sticker [΄stɪkə(r)] n. 不干胶标签,不干胶贴纸

17) bumper [΄bʌmpə(r)] n. (汽车前后的)保险杠

18) strive for 奋斗,争取

◆ fuzzy dice 绒毛骰子:这是汽车驾驶室里一种常用的装饰品,由两个大号绒毛骰子组成,挂在后视镜上。据说,绒毛骰子源于二战。为求好运气,美国飞行员在执行任务时会把骰子挂在仪表板上方。战争结束后,在上世纪50年代,骰子挂饰开始在司机中流行,后来慢慢变成用绒料做成的骰子。











