

农业工程学报 2017年15期

赵 雄,崔海洋,代 丽※,徐亚丹,2,王 川,沈 锦


赵 雄1,崔海洋1,代 丽1※,徐亚丹1,2,王 川1,沈 锦1

(1. 浙江理工大学机械与自动控制学院,杭州 310018; 2. 杭州职业技术学院青年汽车学院,杭州 310018)

为实现盘栽机构的轻简化和运动设计的灵活性,该文以一种混合驱动五杆机构来实现花卉穴盘苗盘栽运动。根据工作要求拟定机构轨迹,以变速电机最小角速度波动为目标,基于遗传算法优化得到机构中机架位置为(0,−150)和(−267.20,61.87),五杆机构的杆长分别为152.80、324.55、336.56、100.40、302.60、341.00 mm。建立花卉盘栽机构三维模型,利用ADAMS进行了机构运动仿真,验证了机构优化设计结果的正确性。对混合驱动五杆花卉盘栽机构控制系统进行了设计,试制样机并开展了花卉盘栽试验。通过进行花卉移栽试验,测试得到花卉移栽轨迹高度为265 mm,取苗倾角为140°,取苗时入钵摆角为6.92°、出钵摆角为6.27°,取苗环扣宽度小于3 mm,植苗倾角为90°,植苗时入盘摆角为13.19°、出盘摆角为4.19°,植苗段垂直轨迹大于40 mm。花卉移栽的平均成功率为87.16%,表明混合驱动五杆花卉盘栽机构可以实现花卉盘栽工作。研究拓展了混合驱动的应用领域,可为全自动花卉盘栽装备的研发提供参考。


赵 雄,崔海洋,代 丽,徐亚丹,王 川,沈 锦. 混合驱动五杆花卉盘栽机构的优化设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(15):34-40. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.004

Zhao Xiong, Cui Haiyang, Dai Li, Xu Yadan, Wang Chuan, Shen Jin. Optimal design and experiment of hybrid-driven five-bar flower potted-seedling transplanting mechanism[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 34-40. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.004

0 引 言



1 混合驱动五杆花卉盘栽机构逆向求解模型

1.1 机构的传动结构


图1 机构结构分析图Fig.1 Analysis chart of mechanism structure

1.2 机构的逆向设计模型











式中L1为摇杆AB的长度,L2为连杆BC的长度,mm;xA为变速电机M2安装点A点的横坐标,yA为A点的纵坐标。其中根据机构运动规律分析得出,连杆BC的端点C由轨迹最远点向最近点运动过程中, 上式中第2项前取正号;连杆BC的端点C由轨迹最近点向最远点运动过程中,上式中第2项前取负号。






2 优化设计

2.1 参数优化

采用混合驱动五杆机构实现花卉盘栽动作,机构的设计难度主要体现在:一是由于传统取苗机构作业是将苗从植苗机构上方投入植苗嘴,对苗移送距离要求低,若要通过一套装置直接将苗由送苗机构移送至花盘,结合送苗机构尺寸、输送机构尺寸及花卉苗的高度,需要将盘栽机构轨迹的取苗点至植苗点间距离设为260 mm;二是需要满足取苗和植苗2个工作段姿态要求;三是需要满足曲柄转角的单调性要求;四是需要满足五杆机构形成双曲柄的条件,避免出现奇异位置;五是需要尽量使得变速电机的角速度波动小。在优化中将第5点作为优化目标,把轨迹、姿态目标等其他条件转化为约束。

通过以上转化,在设计机构的预期轨迹时,混合驱动当中必须要有一个常速电机驱动,即需要满足角位移单调性;同时变速电机的转速在不停地波动,需要将角速度波动量尽可能降低。这两点要求可通过规划五杆机构的杆长、机构机架点的位置和调整叉形连杆CDF的夹角β来实现,使得变速电机易于实现盘栽机构传动的控制要求,从而避免过大的角速度波动。拟合轨迹点原本有5 000多个,为了减少遗传算法优化时间,采取等间隔的方法,设置间隔为10,使算法循环的次数减少,以减少遗传算法优化时间[19-22]。采用遗传算法的种类为轮转算法,设置遗传算法控制参数如下:种群个体数目为80个,最大遗传代数为100代,变异概率为0.01,交叉概率为0.8。针对花卉移栽工作要求,具体优化设计为:

目标:min[θ1(i+1)−θ1(i )];






由优化结果得知,优化后的五杆机构机架位置为(0,−150)和(−267.20, 61.87),五杆机构的杆长分别为152.80、324.55、336.56、100.40、302.60、341.00 mm。

2.2 结果与分析


图2 遗传算法结果Fig.2 Genetic algorithm result

图3 中红色的轨迹为鹰嘴形移栽轨迹[5],绿色的轨迹为水稻毯状苗移栽轨迹[24-26],蓝色的轨迹为混合驱动五杆花卉盘栽轨迹。

图3 轨迹对比分析图Fig.3 Comparison analysis chart of trajectories

为了便于比较,3种轨迹的取苗点被设置在同一位置,各轨迹的最低点为植苗点,对取苗点至植苗点间的轨迹高度进行比较,混合驱动五杆花卉盘栽轨迹的高度较鹰嘴形移栽轨迹增加了50至100 mm,较水稻毯状苗移栽轨迹增加了150~200 mm。同时,取苗段轨迹的形状也有了较大改善,混合驱动五杆花卉盘栽轨迹的取苗段轨迹尖端环扣相对较小,植苗段轨迹的垂直距离约40 mm,有利于提高取苗成功率和植苗直立度,也可以减少移栽时对花卉苗木的损伤。如图3所示,取苗段为取苗点上下两侧的轨迹段,尖端环扣为取苗段所形成的环形轨迹,植苗段为植苗点左侧的近似直线段的轨迹段。

3 控制系统设计

系统选用的伺服电机驱动器在最高转速为3 000 r/min时,对应的频率值为500 kHz,电机所需转速值范围为0~600 r/min,因而伺服驱动器对应所需的频率值范围为0~100 kHz。样机选用STC15F2K60S2高晶振类型的单片机,利用其高速脉冲输出模块方便实现可变频率输出。特定转速下,伺服电机所对应单片机所需频率的计算式为


控制系统包含2个按钮,按钮1实现盘栽机构开机后回到机构初始设定位置的功能,按钮2启动花卉盘栽功能。常速电机的转速被设置为60 r/min,由于单片机采用离散的时间间隔产生脉冲波形,变速电机整周运行的时间与常速电机整周运行的时间存在微小差异,导致两电机轴周期中角度不能完全匹配,从而使移栽轨迹与理论轨迹产生误差。若该误差累积,则会造成无法实现花卉移栽动作,因而控制系统选用定时器T0来辅助两台电机转速匹配,确保每一个周期内电机轴角度误差控制在微小范围内,其控制流程框图如图4所示。

图4 控制流程图Fig.4 Chart of control flow

4 机构设计及试验验证

4.1 机构设计


4.2 盘栽试验验证

盘栽试验在浙江理工大学农业机械装备实验室试验基地进行,搭建了花卉移栽试验台。试验台由送苗机构、盘栽机构、输送机构3部分组成,具体结构如图5所示。试验时间为2016年11月下旬,试验条件为选用金鱼草作为盘栽花卉苗[30-31],生理苗龄40 d,穴盘苗出苗率为85%~95%,苗钵含水率约55%,育苗基质即泥炭与珍珠岩成分体积比为2:1。花卉盘栽的规格见表1,送苗机构上花卉苗的倾角为50°。试验时考察移栽臂动作能否满足移栽设计的要求,以及盘栽机构、送苗机构和传送带运动是否匹配。同时通过在试验过程中对机器安全性和转速提高情况下带传动稳定性的考察,验证盘栽机构设计的安全性及可靠性要求,送苗机构、盘栽机构与输送机构共同作业,考察自动取苗、植苗过程中各机构协同作业效果。利用高速摄影技术,对盘栽机构的高速运转情况进行拍摄,对盘栽机构运动过程中的各位置进行分析,包括花卉盘栽轨迹,机构整体运转情况,机构取苗植苗时的关键姿态等,如图5所示。

图5 花卉移栽试验台结构及移栽关键姿态图Fig.5 Structure of transplanting test bench and key attitudes of flower transplanting experiment

表1 花卉盘栽规格Table 1 Size of flower pot tray

试验台输送机构中传送带的速度为0.48 m/s,传送带为间歇性运动,其周期与盘栽机构保持一致,在常速电机转速为60 r/min的条件下对花卉苗进行盘栽试验。通过进行花卉移栽试验,测试得到花卉移栽轨迹高度为265 mm,取苗倾角为140°,取苗时入钵摆角为6.92°、出钵摆角为6.27°,取苗环扣宽度小于3 mm,植苗倾角为90°,植苗时入盘摆角为13.19°、出盘摆角为4.19°,植苗段垂直轨迹大于40 mm。移栽试验过程中,定义移栽臂的秧针将花卉苗从钵盘中取出并放入花盘即为试验成功。试验时秧针难免会对花卉苗有一定损伤,欲分析移栽时对花卉苗的损伤影响情况需观察花卉苗移栽后的生长状况,该过程需持续较长时间,故移栽试验中定义移栽成功时未考虑对花卉苗的损伤影响。盘栽试验总共进行5次,每盘花卉苗的移栽成功率分别为85.2%、88.4%、87.6%、84.2%、90.4%,5次移栽的平均成功率为87.16%;取苗平均深度为30 mm、植苗平均深度为36 mm,盘栽机构运动规律与送苗机构及输送机构布局相适应,实现了花卉自动盘栽作业。采用高速摄影设备得出了移栽臂的真实运动轨迹,如图6所示。移栽臂的实际运动轨迹与仿真轨迹基本一致,考虑到移栽试验台在加工及装配过程中存在的尺寸偏差对实际试验过程的影响,移栽臂的实际运动轨迹与仿真轨迹间存在适量微小偏差是正常的,从而验证了机构设计与仿真分析结果的一致性。

图6 花卉移栽高速摄影轨迹图Fig.6 High-speed photography trajectory of flower transplanting experiment

5 结 论


2)针对花卉盘栽运动要求,进行了机构的参数优化,优化后的五杆机构机架位置为(0,−150)和(−267.20, 61.87),五杆机构的杆长分别为152.80、324.55、336.56、100.40、302.60、341.00 mm。通过进行花卉移栽试验,测试得到花卉移栽轨迹高度为265 mm,取苗倾角为140°,取苗时入钵摆角为6.92°、出钵摆角为6.27°,取苗环扣宽度小于3 mm,植苗倾角为90°,植苗时入盘摆角为13.19°、出盘摆角为4.19°,植苗段垂直轨迹大于40 mm,实现了花卉自动盘栽作业,验证了该机构的实用性。

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Optimal design and experiment of hybrid-driven five-bar flower potted-seedling transplanting mechanism

Zhao Xiong1, Cui Haiyang1, Dai Li1※, Xu Yadan1,2, Wang Chuan1, Shen Jin1
(1. College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China; 2. College of Qingnian Automotive, Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College, Hangzhou 310018, China)

Flower potted-seedling transplanter is usually a complex system of cylinder, hydraulic rod and electromagnetic valve, and its high price brings impediment for its promotion. Utilizing a single mechanism to achieve the kinematics requirement of seedling transplanting can be very difficult. Hybrid-driven mechanism can not only have the high transmission efficiency and carrying capacity as the single degree-of-freedom mechanism, but can also have the high flexible degree as the multi degree-of-freedom mechanism. Aiming at simplifying the potted-seedling transplanting mechanism and adding the flexibility of kinematic design, a hybrid-driven five-bar mechanism was proposed to realize the flower potted-seedling transplanting. The trajectory of the mechanism was proposed according to the work requirements and a mathematical model of hybrid-driven five-bar flower potted-seedling transplanting mechanism was built. Aiming at the minimum angular velocity fluctuation of the variable speed motor, the parameters of the mechanism were optimized through genetic algorithm toolbox of MATLAB. The rack location of mechanism was set as (0, -150) and (-267.20, 61.87) based on the optimization results of genetic algorithm. The bar lengths of five-bar mechanism were 152.80, 324.55, 336.56, 100.40, 302.60 and 341.00 mm. A three-dimensional model of flower potted-seedling transplanting mechanism was built, the kinematic simulation of mechanism was carried out by ADAMS software, and the correctness of the mechanism’s optimization results was verified through kinematic simulation. A control system of the hybrid-driven five-bar flower potted-seedling transplanting mechanism was designed and the position mode of servo motor was adopted in order to achieve the precise position control required by the mechanism. Meanwhile, the design of the control system realized the requirements of synchronous control and real-time match control in flower potted-seedling transplanting mechanism. The structures of the five-bar mechanism and transplanting arm mechanism were designed and the parts of these mechanisms were machined, and then a prototype was assembled to carry out the experiment research of flower potted-seedling transplanting. Through the experiment, the height of flower transplanting trajectory was measured as 265 mm. When the transplanting claw was picking up the potted-seedling, the azimuth angle was 140°, the swinging angle was 6.92° in the process of claw entering the potted-seedling, the swinging angle was 6.27° in the process of claw leaving the potted-seedling, and the width of buckle was less than 3 mm. When the transplanting claw was planting the potted-seedling, the azimuth angle was 90°, the swinging angle was 13.19° in the process of claw entering the potted-seedling, the swinging angle was 4.19° in the process of claw leaving the potted-seedling, and the vertical trajectory height was longer than 40 mm. The average successful rate of 5 transplanting experiments was 87.16% which indicated that hybrid-driven five-bar flower potted-seedling transplanting mechanism can realize the flower potted-seedling transplanting work. Meanwhile, the upright degree and success rate of picking up and planting the flower potted-seedling were ensured in the process of transplanting work. The application field of hybrid drive is extended in this article and a new choice for the design of automatic flower potted-seedling transplanting equipment is provided as well.

agricultural machinery; design; optimization; hybrid drive; parallel mechanism; reverse solution; flower potted-seedling transplanting








赵 雄,男,湖北黄梅人,副教授,主要从事机构优化设计方面的研究。杭州 浙江理工大学机械与自动控制学院,310018。

※通信作者:代 丽,女,黑龙江哈尔滨人,副教授,主要从事机构创新优化、农业机械等方面的研究。杭州 浙江理工大学机械与自动控制学院,310018。

