

农业工程学报 2017年15期

韩智勇,费勇强,刘 丹,旦 增,张 嵛,施国中,王加雷,谢燕华



韩智勇1,2,3,费勇强1,2,刘 丹4,旦 增5,张 嵛1,2,施国中3※,王加雷6,谢燕华1,2

(1. 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室(成都理工大学),成都 610059; 2. 国家环境保护水土污染协同控制与联合修复重点实验室(成都理工大学),成都 610059; 3. 农业部沼气科学研究所,成都 610041; 4. 西南交通大学地球科学与环境工程学院,成都 610031; 5. 西藏大学理学院,拉萨 850002; 6. 中国城市建设研究院有限公司,北京 100120)

中国农村生活垃圾对生态环境的污染日益严重,为给农村生活垃圾的管理提供相应的理论支撑和技术支持,促进“新农村”的建设,该文基于对西部6省18县59村580户农户的现场调研和全国25个省(市)128篇文献调研的数理统计,对中国农村生活垃圾的来源、产生率、产生量、组分、容重、可压缩性等特征进行了全面、系统的归纳总结与分析。结果表明:中国农村生活垃圾产生率介于0.034~3.000 kg/(人·d)之间,中位值为0.521 kg/(人·d),2014年产生量达到1.48亿t,具有来源广泛且分散、产率低、产量高、增长迅速、区域差异显著等特点。生活垃圾主要组分包括厨余类、灰土类、橡塑类和纸类,其湿基质量累计百分比达到了83.61%,区域差异显著;与城市生活垃圾组分相比,具有低厨余和金属、高灰土含量的特点,并逐渐趋于城市化。生活垃圾的容重介于40~650 kg/m3之间,平均值为263 kg/m3,可压缩性较好。根据生活垃圾特性,在实施“村收集-镇运输-县处理”管理模式的农村,建议采用压缩式中转站和垃圾车进行收运;在有条件的农村地区,可逐步开展垃圾分类收集,将厨余和灰土从生活垃圾中分离后就地消纳。


韩智勇,费勇强,刘 丹,旦 增,张 嵛,施国中,王加雷,谢燕华. 中国农村生活垃圾的产生量与物理特性分析及处理建议[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(15):1-14. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.001

Han Zhiyong, Fei Yongqiang, Liu Dan, Dan Zeng, Zhang Yu, Shi Guozhong, Wang Jialei, Xie Yanhua. Yield and physical characteristics analysis of domestic waste in rural areas of China and its disposal proposal[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 1-14. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.001

0 引 言


当前,大量国内外学者已基于农村生活垃圾特性与处理处置现状,提出了一些切实可行的建议和管理措施[5-11]、处理技术与模式[12-22],对农村生活垃圾产生与特性的研究,已经逐步从针对某个村的点源性调查[23-27],扩展到省、流域、区域的局部性研究中[28-33],还有少量学者已经开始在全国范围,探讨农村生活垃圾的产生与特性。例如姚伟等[34]基于2006-2007年开展的全国农村饮用水与环境卫生调查,得出中国农村生活垃圾产生率为0.86 kg/(人·d),这成为后续估算中国农村生活垃圾产生量的主要依据;此外,何品晶等[21]、李玉敏等[10]、岳波等[35]、Zeng等[36],也分别通过现场与文献调研,对中国农村生活垃圾的产生与特性进行了归纳总结,但是仍然存在如下问题:1)姚伟等[34]的调查数据为10 a前的数据,农村经济发展和人口结构在这10 a中已经发生了巨大的变化,是否还适用于当前的实际情况?2)其他学者调研的样本量不足,大部分文献均基于中国主要区域(华北、华东、华南和华中)的局部地区的调查和文献数据,最大的样本量也只有71个,而且缺乏西部地区的实际调研数据;3)由于中国各地区农村实际情况差异巨大,因此,对中国农村生活垃圾产生与特性的总体和局部分析还不够全面和深入。


1 材料与方法

1.1 现场调研


在现场调查中,向每个受访家庭发放垃圾袋收集1~2 d产生的生活垃圾,称量后,用产生量除以调查户的人数和收集时间得到生活垃圾产生率。

生活垃圾容重与组分,以村为单位,按照《生活垃圾采样和分析方法》(CJ/T 313-2009),首先测定收集的生活垃圾的总体积;然后通过人工分拣,将混合垃圾进行分类,称量各组分的质量,从而计算生活垃圾的组分比例和容重。

1.2 文献调研

通过中国知识资源总库和Elsevier Science Direct全文期刊数据库,检索2015年之前关于农村生活垃圾的相关报道,共筛选出128篇文献。

最终,生活垃圾产生量的文献样本量为17 332个,统计样本量为359个。其中文献样本量为文献中阐述的实际调研样本量的总和,且取文献中最低一级样本量(如同时存在镇、村和户样本量时,取最低一级户的样本量),缺省时取1。统计样本量为实际数据处理的样本量。

1.3 数据分析方法

数据分析和统计采用Excel 2016和SPSS 19.0软件。各省(市)和自治区农村生活垃圾产生量以国家统计局公布的2014年各地的乡村人口为基准,分别乘以各省生活垃圾产生率统计值计算,港澳台除外。

2 结果与分析

2.1 垃圾来源







2.2 产生量

2.2.1 产生率与产生量

根据现场和文献调研,中国农村生活垃圾产生率变化幅度很大,介于0.034~3.000 kg/(人·d)之间,平均值为0.649 kg/(人·d),中位值为0.521 kg/(人·d),描述性统计分析见表1所示。

由此可见,此次中国农村生活垃圾产生率的统计值与何品晶等[21]统计的全国集镇生活垃圾产生率(0.52 kg/(人·d))相当,但要比姚伟等[34]调研的0.86 kg/(人·d)、李玉敏等[10]调研的1.07 kg/(人·d)、岳波等[35]统计的0.76 kg/(人·d)明显偏低,这主要是由于这些调研和统计缺乏西部地区的统计数据,而这些地区由于经济欠发达,农村生活垃圾产生率相对更低,拉低了全国农村生活垃圾产生率的统计值所致。



Huang等预测,在中国,当农民纯收入达到17 446元/a时,会出现生活垃圾产生量的Kuznets曲线拐点[42],因此,当前中国农村生活垃圾产生量还处于上升阶段。以浙江省为例,慈溪市2000年全市农村生活垃圾年产生量约为29万t,2005年底已超过36万t,5 a间递增25%[18];诸暨市草塔镇2005年农村生活垃圾年产量大约为11 909 t,到2011年底产量已达16 329 t,6 a间增长了将近37%[62]。

表1 中国农村生活垃圾产生率描述性统计分析Table 1 Generation rate of domestic waste in rural areas of China

2.2.2 地区差异

由表1可知,高于全国农村生活垃圾产生率75%百分位值(GR>0.820 kg/(人·d))的地区包括上海、天津、吉林、湖南、辽宁、山东、山西、河南、北京、河北、青海等;产生率介于25%~75%百分位值(0.360<GR≤0.820 kg/(人·d))的地区包括福建、湖北、海南、浙江、重庆、广东、安徽、江苏、江西、广西、云南、黑龙江、四川等;产生率低于25%百分位值(GR≤0.360 kg/(人·d))的地区包括陕西、甘肃、新疆、西藏、贵州等。


各省(市)和自治区农村生活垃圾产生量如图1所示,在同时受到人口数量和产生率的影响下,呈现中东部人口大省的产生量最高,西部最低的分布,其中河南、山东、湖南、河北的产生量均超过了1 200万t/a,而西部青海、新疆、贵州、宁夏和西藏的产生量均低于100万t/a。

图1 2014年中国各省(市)和自治区农村生活垃圾产生量Fig.1 Generation of domestic waste in rural areas of each province in China in 2014

2.2.3 城乡差异

根据近年来相同或相似城市的城市生活垃圾和农村生活垃圾产生率的比较可知(图2),农村生活垃圾产生率平均值为0.472 kg/(人·d),只有相应城市生活垃圾(0.817 kg/(人·d))的一半左右,独立样本均值方程的T检验显示(Sig.(双侧)=0.001<0.05),农村和城市生活垃圾的产生率具有显著差异,这主要是由于中国城乡二元经济导致农村的社会经济发展水平普遍低于城市,而且农村居民更崇尚节俭、日常生活中有更多的垃圾利用途经。

图2 中国部分农村与相应城市生活垃圾的产生率Fig.2 Domestic waste generation rate in some rural areas and their corresponding cities in China


2.3 物理特性

2.3.1 组分特征



表2 中国农村生活垃圾组分特征描述性统计量Table 2 Statistic of domestic waste composition in rural areas of China





表3 中国不同地区农村生活垃圾组分特征Table 3 Composition of domestic waste in rural areas of different regions in China %



表4 中国典型城市与农村生活垃圾组分比较Table 4 Comparison of domestic waste composition between typical cities and their corresponding rural areas in China %





图3 西安某小城镇生活垃圾组分变化趋势Fig.3 Trend of domestic waste composition in town of Xi′an

2.3.2 容重与可压缩性

中国农村生活化垃圾的容重介于40~650 kg/m3之间,平均值为263 kg/m3,根据74个样本的Kolmogorov-Smirnov 检验,渐近显著性(双侧)Sig.=0.15,符合正态分布。



2.4 处理建议






3 结 论


1)中国农村生活垃圾2014年产生量达到1.48亿t;产生率介于0.034~3.000 kg/(人·d)之间,其平均值和中位值分别为0.649和0.521 kg/(人·d),低于城市生活垃圾产生率;而且具有来源广泛且分散、增长迅速、分布分散、区域差异显著、产生量大等特点,对农村生活垃圾的污染与管理需引起足够的重视。


3)中国农村生活化垃圾的容重介于40~650 kg/m3之间,平均值为263 kg/m3,可压缩性较好。在已开展“村收集-镇运输-县处理”模式的农村,可考虑采用压缩式中转站和垃圾车对农村生活垃圾进行收集和运输。

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(1. State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection (Chengdu University of Technology), Chengdu 610059, China; 2. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Synergetic Control and Joint Remediation for Soil & Water Pollution (Chengdu University of Technology), Chengdu 610059, China; 3. Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture, Chengdu 610041, China; 4. Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; 5. Science School of Tibet University, Lhasa 850002, China; 6. China Urban Construction Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd., Beijing 100120, China)

Yield and physical characteristics analysis of domestic waste in rural areas of China and its disposal proposal

Han Zhiyong1,2,3, Fei Yongqiang1,2, Liu Dan4, Dan Zeng5, Zhang Yu1,2, Shi Guozhong3※, Wang Jialei6, Xie Yanhua1,2

In recent decades, a huge accumulation of domestic waste has caused serious environmental contamination, including negative impacts on human health in rural areas of China. Generally, collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste are usually considered as the most important stages of waste management, which are directly linked to waste generation and characteristics. So, it is difficult to optimize the design of the required infrastructures and facilities without an accurate estimation of the amounts and characteristics of domestic waste. Nevertheless, to date few studies have investigated the characteristics of domestic waste in the rural areas of China. The main purpose of our work is to provide reliable background information as a reference and guidance for the source classification, for recycling, and for the treatment and disposal of domestic waste in rural areas of China. A total of 580 households in 59 villages of 6 provinces in West China were surveyed and 128 questionnaires were reviewed, based on which, the generation and physical characteristics of domestic waste in rural areas of China were analyzed via statistic method and the comparisons between different regions, between urban and rural areas and between China and other countries. Results showed that the sources of domestic waste in rural areas of China mainly included catering, daily consumption (such as packages, residues and obsoleted daily goods), cleaning from public areas and agricultural production. The generation rate of rural domestic waste was 0.034-3.000 kg/d per capita in different regions with the median of 0.521 kg/d per capita. It is much lower than the generation rate in cities and other developed countries. The total generation reached up to 148 million tons in 2014 in rural areas of China. The rural domestic waste showed the characteristics of wide range of sources, low generation rate, high volume, good compressibility, rapid growth and significant regional differences. Rural domestic waste was mainly composed of kitchen waste, ash, plastics and rubbers and paper with a cumulative proportion of 83.61%. The composition of the rural domestic waste differed significantly from regions. The content of plastic/rubber gradually decreased from south to north in China; on the contrary, the ash waste increased. In recent decades, the contents of kitchen waste, paper, plastic/rubber increased with time but the contents of ash waste, brick/ceramic, wood and glass decreased. It is because the composition of domestic waste in the countryside was gradually becoming similar with that of municipal solid waste in the city. However, it still had lower contents of kitchen waste and metals while higher content of ash waste compared with those in cities. The bulk density of the domestic waste was 40-650 kg/m3with an average of 263 kg/m3. Moreover, the compressibility of the RDW was very good. Based on the outcome of this research, compressed garbage trucks and transfer stations are suggested in the countryside where the centralized treatment and disposal in the local county has been developed. Furthermore, sorting collection is recommended to separate kitchen waste and ash at the source and then treat them on site. These recommendations can greatly relieve the loads of waste collection, transportation and disposal and ensure financial viability.

wastes; rural areas; physical properties; waste yield; waste composition; bulk density; compressibility







国家自然科学基金项目(41602240);中国博士后科学基金项目(2016M592646);四川省科技计划项目(No. 2016JY0107 & 2017ZR0044);中国农业科学院科技创新工程;西藏自治区科技计划重点科技项目(Z2016C01G01106)。

韩智勇,男(仡佬族),贵州道真人,博士,副教授,主要从事固体废物资源化与处理处置。成都 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室(成都理工大学),610059。

※通信作者:施国中,男,江苏宜兴人,学士,研究员,主要从事农村生活废弃物处理处置。成都 农业部沼气科学研究所,610041。


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