为研究苏南地区浅层地热交换系统的降温效果,2016年5月至7月在江苏省张家港市某塑料大棚内进行试验,分别测定棚内60、40、15 cm土层深处地温、换热管道进地处和出地处的温度和湿度,计算并分析焓差、蓄热量、平均热流量、平均热流密度、能效功耗情况。结果表明:在该地区5—7月,试验大棚晴天平均降温为3.4℃,多云天为1.5℃,阴雨天为0.8℃。湿度变化与对照相比差异不显著,晴天在40%~90%之间,多云天在60%~100%之间,阴雨天在80%~100%之间。3个连续晴天中,对照大棚在60 cm土层深处地温基本处于21.3℃的恒温状态,处理大棚在21.8℃±0.4℃平稳波动;对照大棚在40 cm土层处日平均地温为22.7℃,平均以0.1℃/d上升,处理大棚为23.9℃,平均以0.4℃/d上升;对照大棚在15 cm土层处日平均地温为24.8℃,处理大棚为25.7℃,以0.5℃/d波浪式上升。在热交换方面,试验大棚焓差0.166~9.560 kJ/kg,蓄热量3.94×105kJ,日耗电能0.8×105kJ,能效比4.21。初步证明浅层地热交换系统在苏南地区具有实用可行性。
SummaryThe area of facility agriculture in China ranks forefront in the world.In recent years,as an emerging technology of environmental management inside the greenhouse,ground source heat pump(GSHP)is sufficiently emphasized by many scholars.While most of them only focus on heating effect of greenhouse rather than its cooling effect, due to some severe crop problems induced by relatively high temperature in South Jiangsu during summer.In this study, some related indexes were analyzed from the perspective of cooling effect,and the effectiveness and practicability of the cooling system were evaluated in the experimental greenhouse.
The experiment was conducted in two plastic greenhouses in Zhangjiagang City from May 5 to July 17,2016.The greenhouses were located from north to south,with 88 m long,7 m wide,and 3 m high,which were assembled with steel tubes and ethylene vinyl acetate(EVA)films.Two greenhouses with similar external environmental conditions and specifications were selected for treatment and control sets,respectively.The air inlet was set at the ridge and the air outlet was on the west side of greenhouse with 20 cm vertical distance from the ground.The buried depth of pipe processing heatexchange in the treatment greenhouse was 60 cm,including 14 groups of polyvinyl chloride(PVC)pipes with the diameter of 110 mm.With 160 W of the input power,0.2 m3/s of the measured air quantity,and 40 r/s of the rotation,the fan was turned on at 6:00 a.m.and turned off at 6:00 p.m.in the same day.The bottom ventilation was set at 80 cm from east and west side along the greenhouses.The greenhouses were planted with watermelon and ventilated normally from 6:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.every day without using sunshade net.The ambient temperature and humidity,and the soil temperature at 60 cm, 40 cm and 15 cm were tested,and the processing humiture at inlet and outlet of heat exchange pipe of greenhouse was calculated at a 10-minute frequency.Then enthalpy difference,heat accumulation capacity,average heat flux,average density of heat flow,and energy efficiency and consumption were analyzed.
The result indicated that from May 5 to July 17,the average temperature reduction in the treatment greenhouse with heat exchange pipe was 3.4℃in sunny days,1.5℃in cloudy days and 0.8℃in rainy days,compared with the control without heat exchange pipe.The change in humidity was comparatively insignificant between the treatment and control, which were both 40%-90%in sunny days,60%-100%in cloudy days,and 80%-100%in rainy days.In three continuous sunny days,the ground temperature at the depth of 60 cm was basically at the constant temperature of 21.3℃in the control greenhouse,and it fluctuated at 21.8℃±0.4℃in the treatment greenhouse;the average daily temperature at the depth of 40 cm was basically at 22.7℃,rising at 0.1℃/d for the control,and it was 23.9℃,rising at 0.4℃/d in a wave mode for the treatment;the average daily temperature at the depth of 15 cm was basically at 24.8℃for the control,and it was 25.7℃,rising at 0.5℃/d in a wave mode for the treatment.In heat exchange,enthalpy difference was 0.166-9.560 kJ/kg; the heat accumulation capacity was 3.94×105kJ;the daily electricity consumption was 0.8×105kJ,and the coefficient of performance(COP)was 4.21 in the treatment greenhouse.Compared with the investment cost of air condition(AC)with the highest energy efficiency standard,the investment cost of the shallow geothermal exchange system was only 15.5%and the energy consumption ratio was 1.4 times higher than that of AC.
Therefore,we conclude that the cooling effect using the heat exchange system at superficial layer is significant and promising in south Jiangsu in summer.
地源热泵技术是以浅层土壤或地下水为热源或冷源的一种兼具加温和降温作用的技术,是近年来发展迅速和研究较多的节能空调工艺之一;与空气相比,土壤和水具有更好的热稳定性,因此,地源热泵比空气源热泵能效更高[3-5]。白义奎等[6]对辽沈Ⅰ型温室地下热交换系统进行了研究,提出了北方日光温室地下热交换系统设计的一般方法和原理;吴德让等[7]建立了日光温室数学模型,用于分析地下热交换系统热特性和土壤温度场的分布状况;王永维等[8]针对现行温室地下埋管式换热系统结构的缺点,提出了合理的设计和主动蓄热时长依据;方慧等[9]提出了基于热泵的日光温室浅层土壤水媒蓄放热方法,即白天开启循环水泵,将后墙获得的太阳辐射储存到温室浅层土壤中,傍晚自然释放加热温室;柴立龙等[10]以性能系数(coefficient of performance,COP)为评价指标对系统降温性能进行分析,并提出了适用于该研究的能量传递和系统性能分析模型。综上可以看出,目前地热交换系统研究重心在温室大棚的增温效应方面,关于降温效应的研究很少。本试验针对南方地区夏季高温造成棚内作物生理障碍的情况,以降温为目的,分析了苏南地区浅层地热交换系统的温度、湿度、地温、焓差、蓄热量、能耗等变化情况,以评估该系统在苏南地区大棚内的降温效果及实用性。
1 材料与方法
1.1 供试塑料大棚的结构参数及试验布置
试验于2016年5月5日—7月17日在江苏省张家港市常阴沙现代农业示范园区(北纬31°52′,东经120°45′)内进行。塑料大棚南北走向,长88 m,跨度7 m,脊高3 m,为钢管装配式大棚,棚膜采用EVA膜,东西两侧棚面80 cm处设置底通风。选取2座外部环境条件、规格一致的塑料大棚作为处理和对照,土质为黏质土壤[11],处理大棚地下热交换管道埋深为60 cm,共14组。因棚面最高处为截面温度最高的位置,故在屋脊处设置进风口,在棚体西侧距地面20 cm处设置出风口,用直径为110 mm的聚氯乙烯(PVC)管道铺设;大棚每日06:00—18:00正常通风,夜间根据天气情况进行开闭,种植作物为西瓜,不启用遮阳网。温湿度记录仪布置在棚的4等分点处,记录此处高1.5 m和2.0 m的温度和湿度。在管道进入地下处(测点1)和伸出地面处(测点2),分别布置一台温湿度记录仪,记录此处的温度和湿度变化。地温测点布置在各个大棚中央管道的垂直面,距地表15、40、60 cm的位置。风机输入功率为160 W,实测风量0.2 m3/s,转速40 r/s,上午6:00开启,下午6:00关闭,每10 min记录一次棚内温度、湿度、地温、管道测点1和测点2的温度和湿度。
图1 供试塑料大棚的效果图和部分视图Fig.1Impression drawing and part views of tested plastic greenhouse
1.2 理论计算
式中:Pv为温度在T℃时的水蒸气饱和分压,kPa;Pa为自然压强,取值101.325 kPa。
2 结果与分析
在2016年5月5日—7月17日共74 d的测定期间内,晴天11 d,占14.9%,阴雨天35 d,占47.3%,多云天28 d,占37.8%。因此,温度和湿度变化趋势分晴天、阴雨天和多云天3种情况进行分析。
2.1 不同天气条件下塑料大棚内温度变化
2.1.1 晴天天气条件下塑料大棚内温度变化
图2 晴天大棚内外温度的日变化Fig.2Daily temperature variation inside and outside greenhouse in sunny days
2.1.2 多云天气条件下塑料大棚内温度变化
图3 多云天大棚内外温度的日变化Fig.3Daily temperature variation inside and outside greenhouse in cloudy days
2.1.3 阴雨天气条件下塑料大棚内温度变化
2.2 不同天气条件下塑料大棚内湿度变化
图4 阴雨天大棚内外温度的日变化Fig.4Daily temperature variation inside and outside greenhouse in rainy days
图5 晴天大棚内外湿度的日变化Fig.5Daily humidity variation inside and outside greenhouse in sunny days
2.3 大棚内的地温变化
图6为7月15日—17日连续3个晴天大棚内60 cm土层深处的地温变化。结果显示,没有浅层地热交换系统装置的对照大棚,其60 cm土层深处的温度基本处于21.3℃的恒温状态,而装有换热管道的大棚,由于管道与土壤的热交换作用,60 cm处地温在21.8℃±0.4℃范围内波动。
图6大棚内60 cm土层处地温变化Fig.6Soil temperature variation in the greenhouse at 60 cm depth
图7 为7月15日—17日连续3个晴天大棚内40cm土层处的地温变化。从中可以看出:对照大棚日平均地温为22.7℃,平均以0.1℃/d呈缓慢上升的趋势,这是由深层土壤受棚内温度的影响较小造成的。而处理大棚40 cm深处靠近地热交换管道,会接收来自管道的热量,所以地温高于对照,最高达23.9℃;且处理大棚的温度日变化较大,一天中最高温出现在18:00左右,最低温出现在6:00前的一段时间(由于此时风机关闭,无法继续进行热积累);由于连续晴天土壤的蓄热作用,处理大棚平均以0.4℃/d呈波浪式上升。处理和对照大棚每天的最低和最高温都高于前一天。因为40 cm深处接受大棚内的热量很小,所以处理大棚的大部分热量来源于管道换热。
图7 大棚内40 cm土层处地温变化Fig.7Soil temperature variation in the greenhouse at 40 cm depth
图8为7月15日—17日连续3个晴天大棚15 cm土层处的地温变化。从中可以看出:对照和处理大棚的地温变化趋势基本一致,以0.5℃/d波浪式上升,二者每天的最高温(分别为24.8℃和25.7℃)均出现在15:30;处理大棚平均地温比对照高0.8℃,这是因为处理大棚还会接收来自换热管道的热量。二者每天最高温出现时间提前,且变化趋势一致的情况,说明15 cm土层处地温受换热管的影响减弱,受地表传热的影响较大。
图8 大棚内15 cm土层处地温变化Fig.8Soil temperature variation in the greenhouse at 15 cm depth
2.4 试验大棚换热管道测点1和测点2温度变化
图9为6月20日—22日连续3 d测点1、测点2的温度变化情况。结果显示,6:00风机开启前,2个测点温度一致,6:00后2个测点温差逐渐拉大,12:00—14:30的管道换热效率最高,最高温差为10.8℃,平均温差7.3℃,16:00后2个测点温度开始下降,温差也逐渐缩小,18:00风机关闭后,二者温度达到一致。
图9 管道测点1和测点2温度变化Fig.9Temperature change of the measure point 1 and point 2
2.5 大棚内热变化分析
图10为6月20日—22日连续3 d 6:00—18:00管道测点1和2间的焓值变化情况。从中可以看出:大棚的热空气流经换热管道后,焓值降低范围为0.166~9.560 kJ/kg,3日平均焓差为3.370 kJ/kg,中午12:00—15:00达到较高水平,蓄热效率高;一天中焓差在风机开启后和关闭前的1 h最低。
图10 管道测点1和测点2间的焓差Fig.10Enthalpy difference between the measure point 1 and point 2
2.6 大棚浅层地热交换系统蓄热性能分析
从表1可以得出,每根管道日平均蓄热量为28 170.5 kJ,日平均热流量为0.783 kW,日平均热流密度为17.80 J/(m2·s),系统平均能效比(COP)为4.21。计算可得,棚内14根管道每天总蓄热量约为3.94×105kJ,而每天风机消耗的总电能约为0.8× 105kJ。因此,系统蓄积的热能远大于风机运行消耗的电能。
2.7 各降温措施成本及降温效果比较
表1 蓄热性能计算结果Table 1Calculation results of heat storage performance
表2 各降温措施成本及降温效果Table 2Cost and effect of different cooling measures
3 讨论
本研究表明,测试期间浅层地热交换系统在不同天气条件下的降温效果为0.8~3.4℃,但降温后棚内温度仍处于30℃以上的高温状态。对于如何改良温室内的降温方式有待进一步研究。在本试验中,连续3个晴天处理大棚60 cm土层处地温在21.8℃±0.4℃内平稳波动。戴巧利等[17]在主动式土壤蓄热试验中发现,主动式土壤蓄热系统具有明显的白天蓄热效果,且具有长期蓄热能力,可见土壤良好的蓄热性能是降温的关键。充分利用土壤的蓄热性能对大棚进行降温将是今后的研究方向。此外,苏南地区雨水充沛且位于江畔,拥有丰富的地下水资源,经实测,夏季多雨时浅层地下水的水位距地表50 cm左右;根据林俊等[18]及范蕊等[19]的研究,富水土壤会对管道的换热效果起到促进作用。在下一步研究中,可考虑探究地下水热渗流作用对管道换热效果的影响。
4 结论
4.1 浅层地热交换系统晴天平均降温3.4℃,多云天平均降温1.5℃,阴雨天平均降温0.8℃。
4.2 浅层地热交换系统日平均蓄热量3.94×105kJ,日消耗电能0.8×105kJ,蓄积热量远大于耗电量,平均能效比4.21。
4.3 浅层地热交换系统具有较好的降温效果,同其他降温措施相比各有优劣,存在初期投资较大的缺点,需进一步改进和完善。
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Preliminary study on the cooling effect of geothermal exchange at the superficial layer on greenhouse in South Jiangsu in summer.
Journal of Zhejiang University(Agric.&Life Sci.),2017,43(4):519-526
WANG Jiawei,WANG Zhao,YANG Junwei,ZHAO Hailiang,ZOU Zhirong*(College of Horticulture,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi,China)
plastic greenhouse;geothermal exchange;temperature;underground heat storage
S 625.51
(First author):王嘉维(http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0679-5268),E-mail:18220587476@163.com