

中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2017年2期

周启荣 曹烈虎 翁蔚宗 陈晓 张军 汪林 王尧 苏佳灿



周启荣 曹烈虎 翁蔚宗 陈晓 张军 汪林 王尧 苏佳灿

目的探讨交锁髓内钉与锁定钢板治疗肱骨近端骨折的疗效对比。方法将2015年5月至10月第二军医大学附属长海医院创伤骨科收治的51例肱骨近端骨折患者按手术方式分为髓内钉组(n=25)及锁定钢板组(n=26)。记录患者平均手术时间、术中出血量、住院时间、骨折愈合时间、术后并发症的发生情况,采用肩关节Neer评分法和美国肩与肘协会评分系统(American shoulder elbow surgeons'form,ASES)综合评估肩关节功能。结果髓内钉组患者各项手术指标显著优于锁定钢板组(P<0.05)。髓内钉组术后并发症发生率为4.00%,锁定钢板组术后并发症发生率为23.08%,髓内钉组术后并发症发生率低于锁定钢板组。两组患者术后5个月肩关节功能优良率分别为96.00%、88.46%,髓内钉组肩关节功能优良率明显高于锁定钢板组(P<0.05)。结论交锁髓内钉用于治疗肱骨近端骨折,能缩短手术时间、住院时间,减少出血量,在固定骨折稳定性方面与锁定钢板固定相比并没有明显的差异,在手术并发症方面也较锁定钢板固定更具优势,值得临床推广。

肱骨近端骨折; 交锁髓内钉; 锁定钢板

肱骨近端骨折占四肢骨折的5%[1],肱骨近端骨折的发生率每年在105~342/10 000人。在通常情况下,非移位骨折通常采取保守治疗,移位骨折采取手术治疗。在骨质疏松的老年人中,由于致伤能量低,通常导致稳定或微移位的骨折,大多数患者通过保守治疗能够获得肩关节功能的恢复,只有大约20%的患者需要手术治疗。一般认为,头干位移大于50%的干部直径、内翻或外翻角比正常头干倾斜角大20°以上的骨折需考虑手术治疗。手术治疗方法包括经骨缝合固定术、经皮克氏针固定术、带锁髓内钉固定术、钢板螺钉固定术[2]。髓内钉内固定术和锁定钢板内固定术是临床应用较多的手术方法,髓内钉一般适用于移位较小的涉及干骺端或骨干的三、四部分骨折,切开复位钢板内固定术的适应证是包含大小结节或肱骨头移位的二、三、四部分骨折,一般认为切开固定能使骨折块获得更好的解剖复位,但手术并发症的发生率更高。髓内钉创伤小,但固定的稳定性不如锁定钢板。手术方式的选择仍存在较大争议,有研究显示在治疗肱骨近端二部分骨折时,髓内钉明显优于钢板,且并发症的发生率更低[2]。但另有多中心研究显示,两种固定方式经长期随访后,在治疗效果和并发症方面并无明显区别,髓内钉固定术导致医源性肩袖损伤需要肩关节镜治疗的比率更高[3-4]。






1.纳入标准:(1)年龄大于18岁,无严重合并症;(2)符合Neer骨折分型的二、三部分骨折;(3)无明显血管、神经损伤;(4)在入院后1~4 d接受手术,术后无严重并发症。



1.髓内钉组:采用臂丛麻醉或全身麻醉,在肩峰前外侧面做斜行切口,在三角肌的前、中1/3交界处沿肌纤维走形劈开三角肌,保护腋神经,劈开三角肌不能超过肩峰远端5 cm,顺纤维切开肩袖。在扩髓时使用全层缝合保护肩袖免受损害。牵拉复位后,透视下插入导针至适当位置,连续扩髓后,将髓内钉插入骨髓腔,确保钉尾埋入肱骨头的关节面,利用外装设备从前侧拧入近端、远端锁钉。直视下全层缝合修复肩袖。透视确认复位情况和螺钉的位置及长度。术后行早期肩关节功能锻炼。




采用美国肩与肘协会评分系统(American shoulder elbow surgeons'form,ASES)综合评估肩关节功能。优:复位满意,骨折无畸形愈合,肩关节外展及肘关节屈伸运动无受限,正常臂力,上肢功能恢复,无疼痛;良:复位满意,骨折无畸形愈合,肩关节主动上举大于140°,正常臂力,肩周偶有轻微疼痛或成角;一般:复位基本满意,关节主动上举大于100°,活动时有疼痛,基本正常臂力;差:复位较差,骨折端移位大于1 cm,成角畸形大于30°,骨折愈合困难,骨不连,内固定松动、断裂,患者疼痛明显而持久,肩肘关节功能活动明显受限。


应用SPSS17.0软件进行统计学分析,计量资料采用 x-±s表示,组间比较采用t检验,计数资料采用卡方检验,P <0.05为差异有统计学意义。

结 果


两组患者的平均手术时间、术中出血量、住院时间及骨折愈合时间见表1。髓内钉组患者各项手术指标显著优于锁定钢板组(P <0.05)。



表2 两组患者术后并发症的比较[例(%)]


两组术后5个月肩关节功能优良率分别为96.00%、88.46%,髓内钉组肩关节功能优良率明显高于锁定钢板组(P <0.05),见表3。



表1 两组患者手术指标比较(± s)

表1 两组患者手术指标比较(± s)

组别 例数 手术时间(min) 术中出血量(ml) 住院时间(d) 骨折愈合时间(d)髓内钉组 25 69.20±7.30 99.20±9.30 7.50±1.20 105.00±13.00锁定钢板组 26 96.50±12.10 137.30±17.80 13.30±4.60 146.00±21.00t值 3.261 8.733 7.358 7.312P值 0.011 0.024 0.018 0.015

表3 两组患者肩关节功能恢复情况比较[例(%)]

图1 两组患者术前及术后3个月愈合情况对比 图A为髓内钉固定术前;图B为髓内钉固定术后;图C为锁定钢板固定术前;图D为锁定钢板固定术后

讨 论






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A clinical research of interlocking intramedullary nail and locking plate in the treatment of proximal humerus fractures

Zhou Qirong, Cao Liehu, Weng Weizong, Chen Xiao, Zhang Jun, Wang Lin,Wang Yao, Su Jiacan. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China

Su Jiacan,

BackgroundProximal humerus fracture accounts for 5% of limb fractures, and the incidence affects 105-342/10 000 people per year. While non-displaced fractures are usually treated conservatively, displaced fractures are treated by surgery. As elderly patients with osteoporosis usually suffer from low energy injury that causes stable or slightly displaced fractures,most of them can obtain the recovery of shoulder joint function with conservative treatment with only about 20% of patients required for surgery. It is generally accepted that surgical treatment should be considered if the displacement of head and shaft is over 50% of shaft diameter, or the angle of varus or valgus is 20° greater than the normal head-shaft angle. Operative treatment methods include transosseous suture fixation, Kirschner wire fixation, intramedullary nail fixation and locking plate fixation. Intramedullary nail fixation and locking plate fixation are more applicable clinically.Intramedullary nailing is indicated for minimally displaced Part-3 and Part-4 fractures that involve humeral metaphyseal or shaft, while open reduction and interal plate fixation is indicated for Part-2,Part-3 and Part-4 fractures that involve greater and lesser tuberosity or humeral head. It is widely accepted that better anatomic reduction can be obtained by open fixation, but the rate of operative complications is higher. Intramedullary nailing is less traumatic, but its fixation stability is inferior to that of locking plate. Thus, the choice of operative methods is still controversial. Studies have shown that intramedullary nailing is superior to plate and has lower complication rate. However,another multicenter study shows that there is no significant difference in curative effect and the incidence of complications between two methods after long-term follow-ups. Intramedullary nail fixation leads to a higher rate of iatrogenic rotator cuff injury which requires further arthroscopic treatment.Therefore, there is still not enough clear guideline or evidence to guide the clinical treatment of proximal humeral fractures. As a relatively common type of fracture, it is seldomly studied by any randomized controlled study. Since the treatment method varies from multiple fracture types, it is difficult to carry out studies. Furthermore, there is no unified standard or guideline for the comparison of results among groups in various studies. In order to provide certain reference for the clinical treatment of proximal humeral fractures, 51 patients were treated with locking plate or intramedullary nail respectively from May to October in 2015 for study and comparison of these two fixation methods.Methods(1)General Information.From May 2015 to October, 51 patients with proximal humeral fractures were treated. According to the Neer classification, 30 cases of Part-2 fracture and 31 cases of Part-3 fracture were included. Patients were divided into two groups based on operative methods. 25 cases belonged to the intramedullary nailing group, including 12 males and 13 females; the age ranged from 35 to 67 years with an average of (46.46±5.78) years. 26 cases belonged to the locking plate group, including 15 males and 11 females; the age ranged from 30 to 65 years with an average of (43.45±6.34) years.There was no statistical difference in age, gender and fracture classification between two groups (P>0.05). The operation was performed by the deputy chief physician trained for professional shoulder and elbow surgery with the cooperation of the attending physician.(2)Inclusive and exclusive criteria.Inclusion criteria: ①age over 18 years without server complication;②Part-2 or Part-3 fracture based on Neer classification; ③ no obvious neurovascular injury; ④ operation performed 1-4 days after admission and no serious postoperative complications.Exclusion criteria:①age less than 18 years;② severe neurovascular injuries; ③ severe multiple injuries; ④ severe postoperative complications.(3)Treatment methods.Intramedullary nail group: after brachial plexus block or general anesthesia, an oblique incision was made on the anterolateral side of acromion. With the protection of axillary nerve, the deltoid muscle was split along muscle fibers at the 1/3 junction of anterior and middle parts of deltoid muscle. The splitting of deltoid muscle should not exceed the distal of acromion for more than 5 cm, and the rotator cuff was cut open along fibers. Full thickness suture was used to protect rotator cuff from damage during medullar cavity reaming. After traction reduction, the guide pin was inserted into the appropriate position of marrow cavity. After continuous reaming, the intramedullary nail was screwed in until the tail has been embedded under the articular surface of humeral head. Then, the proximal and distal locking screws were inserted from the front side with the help of external equipment. The rotator cuff was repaired with full-thickness suture under direct vision. Fluoroscopy was used to confirmed reduction and the position and length of screws. Early shoulder joint function exercises were performed postoperatively. Locking plate group:after brachial plexus block or general anesthesia, the proximal humerus was exposed through deltopectoral approach. The fracture ends were made visible by stripping deltoid muscle, and reduction was temporarily fixed with Kirschner wires. After the reduction condition was confirmed by fluoroscopy, the plate was placed on greater tuberosity and temporarily fixed with Kirschner wires. As the plate position was confirmed properly by fluoroscopy, locking screws were inserted into humeral head for fixation. Afterward, 1-2 screws were for humeral shaft fixation. The position of screws in articular cartilage and the quality of reduction were confirmed under fluoroscopy. In the end, the fixation screws were inserted under fluoroscopy. Early shoulder joint function exercises were performed after surgery. (4)Evaluation criteria.The operation indexes of two groups were recorded, including average operation duration, intraoperative blood loss, hospitalization time,fracture healing time and postoperative complications.American shoulder and elbow surgeons' form(ASES) was used for shoulder joint function evaluation. Excellent : satisfactory reduction, no fracture malunion, no restriction of shoulder abduction and elbow flexion and extension , normal armwrestle, full recovery of upper limb function , no pain; Good: satisfactory reduction, no fracture malunion,>140° of active shoulder elevation , normal arm wrestle, mild pain or slight angulation around shoulder ;Poor: poor reduction,>1 cm of fracture displacement ,>30° of angular deformity , difficulty of fracture healing , nonunion, loosening and breakage of internal fixator, obvious and lasting pain, obviously limited shoulder and elbow movements.(5)Statistical analysis.The SPSS 17.0 software was used for statistical analysis, and the measurement data was expressed as . The t test was used between the groups, and the chi square test was used for enumeration data. The difference was statistically significant ifP<0.05.Results(1)Comparison of operative indexes.The mean operation time, intraoperative blood loss, hospitalization and fracture healing time for the intramedullary nail group were significantly better than those for the locking plate group (P<0.05). (2)Comparison of postoperative complications.The two groups were followed up for 5 months after surgery. The postoperative complication rate of intramedullary nail group was 4.00%, which was lower than that of locking plate group (23.08%). (3) Comparison of shoulder function recovery.The good and excellent rates of shoulder function for two groups 5 months after operation were 96% and 88.46% respectively, and the excellent and good rate of shoulder function for intramedullary nail group was significantly higher than that for locking plate group (P<0.05).(4)Contrast of imaging observation.As what can be seen from images, proximal humeral fractures can be well fixed with both intramedullary nail and locking plate. After 3 months of observation, two fixation methods have both achieved good healing.ConclusionsInterlocking intramedullary nail for the treatment of proximal humeral fractures can shorten the time of operation and hospitalization and reduce blood loss. There is no obvious difference between two strategies in fixing fracture stability.In terms of surgical complications, the interlocking intramedullary nail has more advantages compared to locking plates. Especially in the treatment of senile fracture fixation, the interlocking intramedullary nail has broader applications and is worth of clinical promotion.

Proximal humeral fracture; Intramedullary nail; Locking plate





200433 上海,第二军医大学附属长海医院创伤骨科



