

中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2017年2期

任东 邢丹谋 冯伟 陈焱 赵志明 王欢 肖志宏



任东 邢丹谋 冯伟 陈焱 赵志明 王欢 肖志宏


桡骨头骨折; 锁定钢板; 可吸收植入物






2010年1月至2015年1月武汉市普爱医院收治并采用解剖型锁定钢板(DePuy Synthes公司)联合可吸收软骨钉(成都迪康公司)内固定治疗的粉碎性桡骨头骨折患者19例,其中男7例,女12例;年龄16~58岁,平均38.1岁;左侧8例,右侧11例。致伤原因中:平地摔伤14例,高处坠落伤5例。其中2例合并肱骨小头骨软骨损伤,4例合并尺骨冠突骨折,1例合并同侧桡骨远端骨折。受伤至手术时间3~18 d。所有患者术前均行肘关节正侧位X线片及CT三维重建检查(图1)。

图1 患者男,28岁,术前X线片及CT诊断为左侧MasonⅢ型桡骨头骨折 图A为术前肘关节正侧位片; 图B为术前CT三维重建图像

图2 术中复位及固定情况 图A为桡骨头关节面复位后用可吸收软骨钉固定,克氏针临时固定桡骨颈;图B为解剖型锁定加压钢板固定桡骨颈


手术在臂丛麻醉、气囊止血带下进行,采用肘外后侧Kocher切口,在肘肌和尺侧腕伸肌之间进入,切开环状韧带和部分旋后肌,暴露桡骨头颈部。显露过程中注意保持前臂旋前位,使桡神经远离术野以避免伤及。术中小心保留附着于骨片上的骨膜,先将碎裂的桡骨头盘状关节面复位,用2~3枚直径2.0 mm可吸收软骨钉固定,钉尾埋于关节面下(图2A)。再将颈部复位,用解剖型锁定钢板固定(图2B)。有多枚骨片游离的桡骨头骨折,可采用“on-table”技术[4],将骨块取出,在手术桌面上拼接,用可吸收软骨钉固定成完整的桡骨头,再用锁定钢板将其与颈部固定。对于合并Ⅱ型尺骨冠突骨折患者,可在显露桡骨头颈时,将桡骨近端向外侧脱位,即可显露尺骨冠突骨折端,先将其复位用微型螺钉或克氏针固定,再固定桡骨头骨折。手术可在一个切口内完成。对于合并肱骨小头软骨骨折患者,采用“线锚钉”方法固定[5-6],即在软骨缺损的两侧边缘预钻孔并导入缝线,将软骨片复位后收紧缝线并打结以固定软骨片。



术后第1天开始口服塞来昔布胶囊200 mg,2次/d,连服4周,镇痛同时可预防异位骨化的发生。



结 果



患者肘关节屈伸活动度80~140°(平均 120.8°), 旋 转 活 动 度60~150°( 平 均112.4°)。所有患者未出现关节不稳定。遗留肘部疼痛者6例,其中轻度4例,中度2例;肘部或腕部轻度无力者5例,其余患者肌力正常。Broberg-Morrey评分为64~100分,平均88.4分;其中优7例,良13例,可3例,优良率为86.9%。


图3 内固定术后23个月,可见肘前异位骨化

图4 术后23个月,行内固定取出及异位骨化切除

图5 第2次术后18个月,左肘功能情况 图A为伸肘;图B为屈肘;图C为旋后;图D为旋前

讨 论





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Anatomical LCP combined with absorbable cartilage tack in treatment of MasonⅢradial head fractures

Ren Dong, Xing Danmou, Feng Wei, Chen Yan, Zhao Zhiming, Wang Huan, Xiao Zhihong. Department of Hand Surgery, Wuhan Puai Hospital, Wuhan 430033, China

Xing Danmou,

BackgroundThe radial head fracture is a common elbow fracture in clinic,accounting for approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of all elbow fractures. Furthermore, about 1/3 of radial head fractures were companied by other elbow injuries such as coronoid process fracture,elbow joint dislocation, etc. These complications suggest more severe and complex damages that often affect the stability of elbow joint. Surgical treatments for complex radial head fractures include open reduction and internal fixation, radial head resection, and radial head prosthesis replacement. However, the choice of the best method remains controversial. With the understanding of the important role radial head plays in maintaining the stability of elbow joint and the longitudinal load of forearm, the simple radial head resection has been seldomly used.The short-term effect of radial head replacement is satisfactory in most cases. However, later complications such as joint stiffness, prosthetic loosening, valgus elbow joint, osteoarthritis,etc. may occur as well. Thus, it is only used when the radial head cannot be preserved.With the development of reduction techniques and internal fixation materials and the application of radial head neck anatomical locking plates and absorbable self-enhancing cartilage tacks, some of the radial head that was used to be regarded as irreparable is preserved.In this study, the data of anatomical locking plate combined with absorbable cartilage tack in the treatment of Mason type III radial head fractures were analyzed to assess the clinical curative effect and to explore its indications.Methods(1)General data.From January 2010 to January 2015,19 patients (7 males and 12 females) with comminuted radial head fractures were treated with anatomic locking plate (DePuySynthes company) and absorbable cartilage tack (Chengdu DUCAM company).The age ranged from 16 to 58 years with an average of 38.1 years. 8 cases had the left side affected, and 11 cases had the right side affected. Causes of injury: 14 cases of flat fall and 5 cases of high fall. The complications included 2 cases of combined injury of humeral cartilage, 4 cases of combined fracture of ulna coronoid process and 1 case of combined fracture of ipsilateral distal radius. The time of injury to surgery ranged from 3 to 18 days. All patients were examined by X-ray and CT three-dimensional reconstruction of elbow joint.(2)Operative methods.The operation was performed under brachial plexus block and pneumatic tourniquets. A posterior lateral Kocher incision was made between anconeus and cubitalis posterior, and the annular ligament and part of musculi supinator were cut open to expose radial head and neck. Attention was paid to maintain the pronation of forearm in order to keep the radial nerve away from the surgical field, which helped to prevent injury. The periosteum attached to bone was carefully retained intraoperatively. The fractured articular disc of radial head was reduced and fixed with 2-3 absorbable cartilage tacks of 2.0 mm in diameter, and the tail was buried under the articular surface. Then, the neck was reduced and fixed with the anatomical locking plate. The “On-table”technique could be used for the radial head fracture with dissociation of several fragments. The fracture fragments were taken out and stitched into a complete radial head on the surgical table followed by fixation with absorbable cartilage screws.Later, the stitched complex and neck were fixed with the locking plate. For patients with the type II fracture of ulna coronoid process, the proximal radius was dislocated laterally during the exposure of radial head to expose the fracture end of ulnar coronoid process. The fracture was reduced and fixed firstly with micro screws or Kirschner wires, and then the radial head fracture was fixed. For patients with the fracture of capitelum cartilage of humerus, the “suture anchor” method was adopted for fixation. To be specific, both sides of the cartilage defect edge were pre-drilled and penetrated with sutures.After being reduced, the cartilage slices were fixed by the tightening and knotting of sutures. (3)Postoperative treatment. The injured limb was fixed with long arm plaster cast after the operation.As the plaster was removed 1 week after the surgery, the flexion and extension training of elbow joint and the rotation training of forearm were carried out. The training was mainly based on active activities and supplemented by passive activities. Violent pulling was forbidden. The brace was removed 4 weeks after the operation, and the resistance training was initiated. The weightbearing exercise began 12 weeks later.On the first day after the operation, oral Celecoxib of 200 mg was taken twice per day for 4 weeks, which could help with analgesia and prevent heterotopic ossification simultaneously.(4)Functional evaluation. The conditions of elbow mobility, muscle strength, joint stability and pain were scored based on the Broberg-Morrey functional scoring criteria. The total score is 100 points, including 27 points for flexion and extension, 13 points for rotation mobility, 20 points for muscle strength, 5 points for stability and 35 points for pain. 95-100 points were considered as excellent; 80-94 points were considered as good; 60-79 points were considered as moderate; 60 points below were considered as poor.ResultsThe incision of 19 cases of this group obtained primary healing without any infection or interal fixator failure. Two cases had the symptom of radial nerve injury and recovered completely within 4 weeks. The injury was considered to be caused by intraoperative traction. The patients were followed up for 12-60 months with an average of 34 months. All fractures were healed by 8-20 weeks with an average of 12.4 weeks. No radial head necrosis was found. The flexion and extension mobility of elbow joint ranged from 80 to 140° (120.8°on average), and the rotation mobility ranged from 60 to 150° (112.4°on average). No joint instability occurred in patients. Six cases had residual pain of elbow, including 4 cases of mild pain and 2 cases of moderate pain. Five cases had mild weakness of elbow or wrist, and the rest of patients had normal muscle strength. The patients had an average Broberg-Morrey score of 88.4 points (64-100 points), which included 7 cases of excellent, 13 cases of good and 3 cases of moderate. The good and excellent rate was 86.9%. 3 patients had heterotopic ossification in the anterior and lateral elbow, including 2 cases of goodand 1 case of moderate. The removal of internal fixation and procedures of ectopic bone resection and arthrolysis were preformed respectively 1-2 years after the initial operation. The score was excellent 3 months after the second operation. Since the “security zone” was affected by the fracture line in 1 patient, the plate was partially placed on the medial side for better fixation effect. During the postsurgical follow-up, the function was good with 50° of pronation and 10° of supination. However, the patient felt no inconvenience as shoulder abduction could compensate for part of forearm pronation.ConclusionThe treatment of Mason type III radial head fracture using anatomical locking compression plate combined with absorbable cartilage tack achieves good joint function, patient satisfaction and radial head reconstruction. Thus, this strategy provides a beneficial treatment option and is worth of clinical promotion.

Radial head fracture; Locking plate; Absorbable implant




430033 武汉市普爱医院手外科


任东,邢丹谋,冯伟,等.锁定钢板联合可吸收软骨钉治疗MasonⅢ型桡骨头骨折[J/CD]..中华肩肘外科电子杂志 ,2017,5(2):108-112.

