Vladimir Nabokov—Lolita


英语世界 2017年4期

By Harold Bloom

Vladimir Nabokov—Lolita

By Harold Bloom


Lolita, baroque and subtle, is a book writing to be reread, but whether its continued force matches the intricacy of its design seems to me problematic. Little is gained for Nabokov by comparing him to Sterne1Lawrence Sterne劳伦斯·斯特恩(1713—1768),18世纪英国伤感主义小说的代表作家,著有《项狄传》《感伤旅行》等。or to Joyce2James Joyce詹姆斯·乔伊斯(1882—1941),爱尔兰作家、诗人,后现代文学的奠基者之一,代表作《尤利西斯》《都柏林人》,其“意识流”思想对世界文坛影响巨大。. Borges3Jorge Luis Borges豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯(1899—1986),阿根廷诗人、小说家、散文家兼翻译家,著名作品有短篇集《虚构集》《阿莱夫》等。, who was essentially a parodist4parodist戏仿者。戏仿,又称谐仿,是在自己的作品中对其他作品进行借用,以达到调侃、嘲讽、游戏甚至致敬的目的,属二次创作的一种,戏仿的对象通常都是大众耳熟能详的作品。, is an apter parallel to Nabokov. Perhaps parodists are fated to resent Sigmund Freud5(1856—1939),奥地利精神分析学家,犹太人,被誉为“精神分析之父”。; certainly Borges and Nabokov are the modern writers who most consistently and ignorantly abuse Freud.

[2] Where Nabokov hardly can be overpraised is in his achievement as a stylist. This is one of the endlessly dazzling paragraphs of Lolita:


So Humbert6《洛丽塔》的男主人公,到美国任教时租住在夏洛特·黑兹家中,迷恋上了夏洛特的女儿洛丽塔,为了得到洛丽塔假意与夏洛特结婚。后因枪杀与洛丽塔私奔的奎尔蒂被捕,在狱中身亡。the Cubus schemed and dreamed—and the red sun of desire and decision (the two things that create a live world) rose higher and higher, while upon a succession of balconies a succession of libertines, sparkling glass in hand, toasted the bliss of past and future nights. Then, figuratively speaking, I shattered the glass, and boldly imagined (for I was drunk on those visions by then and underrated the gentleness of my nature) how eventually I might blackmail—no, that is too strong a word—mauvemail big Haze7即夏洛特·黑兹(Charlotte Haze),是洛丽塔的母亲,无意间看到亨伯特的日记,受刺激冲出家门,遇车祸身亡。into letting me consort with little Haze8即洛丽塔,当时年仅14岁,母亲身亡后与继父亨伯特在一起,后与奎尔蒂(Quilty)私奔,又嫁给其他人,难产而亡。by gently threatening the poor doting Big Dove with desertion if she tried to bar me from playing with my legal stepdaughter. In a word, before such an Amazing Offer, before such a vastness and variety of vistas, I was as helpless as Adam at the preview of early oriental history, miraged in his apple orchard. [3] It is a grand prose-poem, and the entire book in little. Reading it aloud is a shocking pleasure, and analyzing it yet another pleasure, more inward and enduring. Humbert,more “cubus”9作者哈罗德·布卢姆自创词汇,意思是没有incubus程度严重。than “incubus”10incubus男性梦魔,指在女子睡觉的时候降临并与之交媾的男妖,一般形象为美男子,会吸取女人的精气。, casts the red sun of his lustful will over the aptly named Haze females, yet avoids incurring our moral resentment by the exuberance of his language, with its zest for excess. What could be more captivating and memorable than:“while upon a succession of balconies a succession of libertines, sparkling glass in hand, toasted the bliss of past and future nights?” That delicious double“succession” achieves a kind of higher innocence, insouciant and stylized, delighting more in language than in the actual possibility of sensual bliss. Shattering the sparkling glass, Humbert breaks the vessels of reverie in order to achieve a totally drunken vision of sexual exploitation, indeed like a new Adam overcome by the fumes of the fruit.




[4] What Nabokov offers, in Ada11《阿达》,全名《阿达,或激情的快乐——家庭纪事》,是纳博科夫最长的一部英文小说,小说具有互文性的写作特点。as well as Lolita, is an almost pure revel in language, by no means necessarily allied with insight. His loathing of Freud reduces, I think, to a fear of meaning, to a need to defend against overdetermined sense, a sense that would extend to everything. Memory, in Nabokov, fears not so much Oedipal12Oedipal俄狄浦斯情结的,即恋母情结的。intensities as it does more-than-Oedipal genealogies. Here, Nabokov compares weakly to Proust13Maecel Proust马塞尔·普鲁斯特(1871—1922),20世纪法国最伟大的小说家之一,意识流文学的先驱与大师。代表作《追忆似水年华》是一部回忆录式的自传体小说。, his most daunting precursor. Lolita gives us Maecel14《追忆似水年华》的男主人公,娶阿尔贝蒂娜为妻。as Humbert and Albertine15《追忆似水年华》的女主人公,被马塞尔发现是女同性恋,遭到丈夫的禁闭离家出走,最后不幸坠马身亡。as Lolita, which is to replace a sublime temporal pathos by a parodistic cunning that unfortunately keeps reminding us how much we have lost when we turn from Proust to Nabokov.



[5] Early defenses of Lolita by John Hollander16(1929—2013),美国诗人与文学批评家。and Lionel Trilling17(1905—1975),美国社会文化批评家与文学家。centered upon the insistence that it was an authentic love story. Rereading Lolita now, when no one would accuse the book of being pornography, I marvel that acute readers could take it as a portrayal of human love, since Humbert and Lolita are hardly representations of human beings. They are deliberate caricatures, as fabulistic as Charlotte Haze and Clare Quilty18《洛丽塔》中代表“罪恶”的人物,一个与亨伯特极其相似的人,后被亨伯特枪杀,是唤醒亨伯特精神回归的一面镜子。. Solipsistic nightmares, they wander in the America of highways and motels, but would be more at home in Through the Looking-Glass19英国童话作家刘易斯·卡罗尔(LewisCarroll,1832—1898)所著,故事描写了爱丽丝在梦中种种神奇虚幻的经历。卡罗尔镜中影像与真实形象相反的基本原理,将梦发生的场地设计在镜子之中,制造分荒诞而又滑稽可笑的效果。or The Hunting of the Snark20刘易斯·卡罗尔于1874年创作的打油诗。故事讲了一群乌合之众组成的猎人经历了一场痛苦的历程,去诱捕虚伪狡诈的隐形生物蛇鲨,但它却不是外来的野兽,而是一位被派出抓蛇鲨的猎人。. Poor Lolita indeed is a Snark, who precisely does not turn out to be a Boojum21刘易斯·卡罗尔的小说《猎鲨记》中的一种虚构怪物。.


[6]Nabokov, like Borges, is the most literary of fantasists, and takes from reality only what is already Nabokovian. Jane Austen22(1775—1817),英国著名女性小说家,作品主要关注乡绅家庭女性的婚姻和生活。代表作《傲慢与偏见》。, a powerful Protestant will, was as interested in social reality as the compulsive Dreiser23TheodoreDreiser西奥多·德莱塞(1871—1945),美国现代小说的先驱,现实主义作家。代表作《嘉莉妹妹》《美国悲剧》。was, but Nabokov’s social reality died forever with the Bolshevik Revolution. Admirers who defend Nabokov’s writing as mimesis do him violence. His genius was for distorted self-representation. Whether the Proustian intensities of sexual jealousy lend themselves to the phantasmagoric mode of Gogol24(1809—1852),俄国批判主义作家,他的作品将现实和幻想结合,人称“怪诞现实主义”,具有讽刺性的幽默。代表作《死魂灵》。is a considerable question, but Nabokov intrepidly did not wait for an answer.


[7] “So what is that queer world, glimpses of which we keep catching through the gaps of the harmless looking sentences. It is in a way the real one but it looks wildly absurd to us, accustomed as we are to the stage setting that screens it.” That is Nabokov on Gogol, or Nabokov on Nabokov. It is not Humbert on Humbert. Nabokov’s uncanny art refuses identification with his protagonist, yet lends the author’s voice to the comically desperate pursuer of nymphets. “The science of nympholepsy is a precise science,” says Humbert and we reflect that Nabokov is the scientist, rather than poor Humbert, a reflection that is proved by an even more famous declaration:

I am not concerned with so-called“sex” at all. Anybody can imagine those elements of animality. A greater endeavor lures me on: to fix once for all the perilous magic of nymphets.


[8]Humbert perhaps knows that“the perilous magic” of eroticism crosses animality with death; Nabokov certainly knows, though he rejects so crassly the greatest of modern knowers, Freud. Rejecting Freud however is not a possible option in our time, and the whole of Part Two of Lolita is an involuntary repetition of Beyond the Pleasure Principle25论述人的行为除快乐原则及由此派生的现实原则之外,还有更符合人本能的强迫性原则。. The death drive, fueled by that negative libido26libido力比多,即性力,泛指一切身体器官的快感。精神分析学认为,力比多是人的心理现象发生的本能驱动力。Freud once toyed with calling “destrudo,”takes over poor Humbert completely, through the agency of his dark double and despoiler, Clare Quilty. Refusing to compound with Freud, who is the greatest and most pervasive of modern imaginations, Nabokov is doomed merely to repeat the Freudian mythology of the dual drives27the dual drives生死驱力。弗洛伊德相信人类由相冲突的两种中心欲望所驱动:包含所有创造性及产生生命的原欲能量爱欲,与代表死亡本能的死欲。, Eros28Eros爱欲;厄洛斯(爱神)。-Humbert and Thanatos29Thanatos死的愿望;自我毁灭的本能;桑纳托斯(希腊神话中的死亡之神)。-Quilty. All of Part Two of Lolita becomes, not a parody, but a Freudian allegory30弗洛伊德式寓言,即所谓的性嫉妒。弗洛伊德把嫉妒分为三类:竞争性和正常的嫉妒;投射性嫉妒;幻想性嫉妒。他认为男人不仅为自己所爱的女人受痛苦的折磨,并且仇恨自己的同性竞争对手。, considerably less splendid than the joyous Part One.

[8]亨伯特或许知道,性欲的“危险魔力”是兽性与死亡的结合。纳博科夫当然也知道,尽管他是如此愚昧地否定伟大的现代知者弗洛伊德。今天的我们不太可能去反对弗洛伊德,而且《洛丽塔》的整个第二部分都是对弗洛伊德的《超越快乐原则》的无意识重复。这种死亡驱力被弗洛伊德戏称为“破坏欲”的消极力比多所点燃,通过亨伯特人性中黑暗部分的另一个角色克莱尔·奎尔蒂,完全控制了可悲的亨伯特。纳博科夫拒绝妥协于现代幻想领域最伟大、最广为人知的学者弗洛伊德,但他却注定只能重复弗洛伊德的双驱力神学理论,塑造出被性欲驱使的亨伯特和被死亡驱力所驱使的奎尔蒂。《洛丽塔》的整个第二部分不是戏仿,而是弗洛伊德式的寓言,比充满欢乐的第一部分乏味许多。[9]Humbert’s murder of Quilty is at once the most curious and the least persuasive episode in Lolita. Each figure is the “familiar and innocuous hallucination” of the other, and Humbert’s bungling execution of his double lifts the book momentarily into the category of nightmare. It is no accident that Humbert returns to the slain Quilty (C.Q.) in the novel’s closing sentences:

And do not pity C.Q. One had to choose between him and H.H., and one wanted H.H. to exist at least a couple of months longer, so as to have him make you live in the minds of later generations. I am thinking of aurochs and angels, the secret of durable pigments, prophetic sonnets, the refuge of art. And this is the only immortality you and I may share, my Lolita.

[10]That doesn’t sound to me like Humbert31全书以亨伯特自白的语气所写。, and rather clearly Nabokov has usurped these closing tonalities, explaining why he did not have Quilty murder Humbert, which I suspect would have made a better end. I don’t hear remoteness in this final tone, but rather an attempt to recover something of the aura of Part One, so sadly lost in the frenzies of Humbert’s later sorrows. ■



[10]这一段听起来不像是亨伯特的自白。无疑,这是作者篡夺了结尾的语调,解释自己为什么没有让奎尔蒂杀死亨伯特,我觉得那样的话结局反而会更好。在结尾处,我并没有听出语气的客观性,只显出作者想力挽狂澜,试图去恢复小说第一部分的光晕,很遗憾,这种光晕在亨伯特后来狂暴的悲伤中丢失了。 □


文/哈罗德·布卢姆 译/周桐 刘红丽 审订/徐怀静



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