黄健元 凌 巧 王 欢
(1.河海大学人口研究所,江苏南京 211100; 2.河海大学理学院,江苏南京 211100)
黄健元1凌 巧2王 欢1
(1.河海大学人口研究所,江苏南京 211100; 2.河海大学理学院,江苏南京 211100)
一、引 言
为应对人口老龄化及劳动力市场供给不足的问题,西方先进国家纷纷采取延迟退休年龄的政策。2005年芬兰将退休年龄由60岁提高到63岁,身体健康且愿意继续工作的可延长至68岁。据芬兰统计中心数据,2012年底,芬兰65岁以上的工作人数为23 135人,比1990年增加了5倍[6]。2013年韩国将退休年龄由60岁提高到61岁,之后每5年提高1岁,直至退休年龄达到65岁。英国从2010—2020年计划将女性退休年龄由60岁逐步延长到65岁。而国内的研究主要集中于以下几个方面:一是是否应该延迟退休年龄。虽然这个问题存在一定争论,但以目前形势来看,延迟退休只是时间早晚的问题。谭远发从人均预期寿命、健康工作寿命的角度出发,通过研究认为我国可适当延迟退休年龄[7]。而唐钧认为延迟退休年龄解决不了劳动力老化的问题,相反只会使得劳动力的年龄结构更加偏大[8]。二是延迟退休年龄改革的方式。杨馥提出了稳步推行延迟退休年龄政策、延迟退休与弹性退休相结合、实施差异化退休等构想[9]。十八届三中全会《决定》提出,“研究制定渐进式延迟退休年龄政策”。三是延迟退休年龄的思路与方案设计。郑功成认为理性的延迟退休年龄方案是“小步渐进、先女后男、兼顾特殊”[10]。杨燕绥等在“清华方案”中指出通过提高领取养老金年龄引领国民推迟退休,具体计划和实施步骤如下:从2015年开始,1965年出生的女性职工和居民应当推迟1年领取养老金,1966年出生的推迟2年,以此类推,到2030年实现女性65岁领取养老金;从2020年开始,1960年出生的男性职工和居民推迟6个月领取养老金,以此类推,到2030年实现男性职工和居民65岁领取养老金。艰苦岗位的男女职工可以提前10年领取养老金[11]。
表1 延迟退休年龄方案
表2 2010—2015年江苏省劳动力供需状况 万人
表3 现行政策与延迟退休年龄方案下江苏省劳动力供给总量 万人
图1 现行政策与延迟退休年龄方案下劳动力供给总量
lnL2= 5.537 4+0.249 2lnG2
t值: (55.997 4) (17.353 5)R2=0.903 9
lnL3= 4.416 3+0.386 1lnG3
t值: (48.980 6) (27.448 9)R2=0.959 3
lnL1=10.647 3-0.584 9lnG1+0.784 9AR(1)
t值:(17.438 6) (-5.504 0) (9.331 4)
从上述得到的方程可看出,第二产业增加值与第三产业增加值对就业具有拉动作用,第二产业、第三产业增加值每增加1%,将分别促进0.249 2%、0.386 1%的就业量;而第一产业增加值对就业具有反向的挤出效应,其产业增加值每增加1%,就业量相应减少0.584 9%。
表4 2011—2050年三次产业增加值增长率方案 %
表5 2011—2050年劳动力需求预测 万人
表6 现行政策与延迟退休年龄方案下劳动力供需差额 万人
图2 现行政策与延迟退休年龄方案下劳动力供需差额
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[9] 杨馥.我国退休年龄改革的探讨[J].宁夏社会科学,2013(2):58-63.
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(责任编辑:吴 玲)
Mao Zedong’s Thoughts of Nurturing the Marxist Belief during the Revolutionary Period and Contemporary Inspiration/FAN Meixiang,et al(School of Marxism, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: Mao Zedong’s thoughts of nurturing the Marxist belief during the revolutionary period are an essential part of Maoism. Mao Zedong points out the importance of nurturing the Marist belief and argues that Marxism guides the direction of Chinese revolution, which is the “weapon of thoughts” and “spiritual pillar” for the victory of the revolution. Marxism can arouse the double “awakening” consciousness of the communists and common people. Mao Zedong holds that the basic components of nurturing the Marxist belief are the cosmology of dialectical materialists and historical materialists, the “two definite aims” of the new democratic revolution and the cause of socialism and communism, and the value aim and the moral pursuit of the thought that “people are the God”. Then, Mao Zedong explicates the approaches of nurturing the Marxist belief by means of stressing the importance of theoretical education, people’s benefits, and the Communist Party’s discipline, it is of great significance to review Mao Zedong’s thoughts of nurturing the Marist belief during the revolutionary period to strengthen Marxism and run the Party strictly in the new century.
Key words: MAO Zedong; Marxist belief; ideals and conviction;contemporary inspiration
The October Revolution and the First Dream Construction of the Chinese Communist Party/Liu Fusheng(School of Maxism of Chongqing Technology and Business University,Chongqing 400067, China)
Abstract: The October Revolution turned out to be a significant event, which exercised a great influence on the world history. The Chinese Communist Party has taken its own endless struggle as a new move in terms of the October Revolution. Clarification on the misreading of historical idealism and Historical Nihilism would be, both theoretically and practically, of great importance in cultivation of people’s ideals and beliefs. Therefore, to learn from the October Revolution and draw on its experience concerned, and to advance along the road to socialism as well as adhere to communism, would be all the kernel implications of “beginner’s mind” for the Chinese Communist Party.
Key words: the October Revolution; the World Significance; Chinese Communist Party; the First Dream Construction
Challenges in Innovation and Implementation of Harmonious Core Value and Countermeasures/GE Chunyu,et al(School of Marxism, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: Harmony, as one of the core values at national level, highly summarizes the objects of social and ecological construction in the five-in-one overall arrangement. In spite of its connection with the harmony in harmonious society or social harmony, but they are different. Provided that it is deemed as value at social level, it cannot fully reflect the objective requirements of the socialist market economy. Harmonious core value mirrors the theme of the times, peace and development, acts as the inheritance and transcendence of essential traditional Chinese philosophy that “man is an integral part of nature”, and represents the Marxism related to substitutive characteristics of socialist society. Harmony, as the value goal in the relationship between man and nature, is faced with the challenge of destroying the ecological environment for the development of economy. So it is necessary to establish the concept of green development and the strictest ecological and environmental protection system. Harmony, as the value goal in the interpersonal relationships, is also faced with the challenge of widening gap between the rich and the poor. Work is needed to be done to implement the concept of shared development in policy. Moreover, harmony, as the value goal in the physical and spiritual health development of citizens, is faced with the challenge of human alienation. Therefore, right world view and reasonable value should be established.
Key words: harmony; core values; significance; challenge
The Subject of Network Ideological and Political Education and Its Collaborative Relationship/Chen Zongzhang,et al(Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093,China)
Abstract: The space transfer from social space to cyberspace which provides a new spacial condition for ideological and political education.In the face of fragmentation, decentralization and formalization of the subject of network ideological and political education, We have to face the problem of identity fracture.In order to play a good system function of network ideological and political education,and maintain a good cyberspace ecology, various subjects have to get the identity.In addition, the subject of network ideological and political education should construct the benign interaction by establishing and perfecting comprehensive coordination mechanism.And then the subject of network ideological and political education will reconstruct its value in cyberspace,and build an organic and open ideological and political education community.
Key words: network ideological and political education; subject; space transfer; collaborative relationship
The Flexible Features of International Cooperation in International Rivers Water Resources and China/ZHOU Haiwei,et al(Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)
Abstract: Based on flexible strategic management framework, the paper takes international cooperation protocols related to water from Trans-boundary Freshwater Disputes Database (TFDD) for example and analyzes the number of cooperation governance issues, the amount of management layers and regulators’ agencies in cooperation organization and the categories of income (cost) distribution (allocation) mode. The research demonstrates that there are some flexible features of international rivers water resources cooperation governance: riparian countries may select relative diversification governance strategies related to water, tend to construct a flexible cooperation organization featured with moderate hierarchies and simplified administrations, and adopt selective inducement modes with more flexibility to respect “joint and several liability”.
Key words: international river;cooperation governance;flexibility;water—oriented international cooperation treaties
Strategic Thinking on the Adaptive Construction of Water Ecological Civilization in Jiangsu Province/QIU Lei,et al(Management Science Institute, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: Water is the most active controlling factor in the ecological environment. Water ecosystem is an important carrier and material basis for the survival and development of the mankind. Water ecological civilization is an important component and core element of ecological civilization. The paper analyzes the existing problems in the construction of ecological civilization in Jiangsu province and summarizes the international advanced experience of adaptive management. Under the guidance of ecological idea of “the new harmony between human and nature”, it puts forward the strategic thinking and the adaptive construction of ecological civilization. Based on the natural endowments and humanities of Jiangsu province, it proposes the specific strategic paths: planning the overall layout of water ecological civilization construction with “Water Chain” plan, carrying out the water sensitive urban construction and the red line control in Jiangsu province.
Key words: water ecological civilization; adaptive construction; “Water Chain” plan; water sensitive urban construction
A Study of Area Difference and Threshold Effect of Total Factor Productivity of Farmland Water Conservancy in China/SONG Min,et al(Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)
Abstract: Irrigation and water conservancy is an important part of agricultural infrastructure investment,which has important impact on agricultural economic growth and farmers’ income increase. This paper uses DEA-Malmquist method to estimate the irrigation and water conservancy efficiency of 31 provinces based on the data from 2001 to 2015. Result shows that the efficiency of farmland water conservancy is different between those areas: the efficiency of northeast is higher than that of east China and central China. Such areas have more agricultural provinces. Irrigation and water conservancy efficiency does not completely match the regional economic development level mainly because of the nonlinear of irrigation and water conservancy efficiency and its influential factors. On the basis of provincial differences of water conservancy efficiency, the paper uses the estimating method of threshold panel estimation to checkout the threshold factors which have impact on the efficiency of farmland water conservancy. The results show that rural economic development level has a significant convergence threshold effect on water conservancy efficiency and mechanical power input has obvious threshold effect on the acceleration of water conservancy efficiency.
Key words: farmland water conservancy; total factor productivity; threshold effect; DEA-Malmquist productivity index approach
Research into the Impact of the Development of Shadow Banking System on Monetary Policy from the Perspective of Credit Rationing/PAN Haiying,et al(Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)
Abstract: Based on the theory of equilibrium credit rationing and the shadow banking system, the paper theoretically analyzes the impact of the shadow banking system on the implementation of monetary policy. The paper uses the structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model and verifies the impacts on account of monthly data of China from 2007 to 2015. The results show that the liquidity supply of different types of shadow banking weakens the credit rationing which is dominated by commercial banks in different degree. When the central bank adopts an easy monetary policy,the shadow banking system has a positive effect on the economy and plays a positive role in promoting the implementation of easy monetary policy. Moreover, the shadow banking system has a significant stimulus effect on the economy under tight monetary policy and significantly inhibits the implementation of tight monetary policy to the economy. Compared to easy monetary policy, the shadow banking system makes a higher contribution to the economy under tight monetary policy and has more significant impact on the implementation of tight monetary policy.
Key words: credit rationing; shadow banking; monetary policy; SVAR model
An Analysis of Innovation Effect of Negative List Management Mode of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone/SHEN Yuan,et al(College of Applied Mathematics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,Nanjing 210046,China)
Abstract: Since 2010, China’s economy has entered a new normal state. Under the pressure of dual economic transformation and development both at home and abroad, China needs to find a new economic model that can cope with the increasingly fierce international competitive environment and effectively promote international development. The innovation of the “Negative List” management system of China (Shanghai) Free Trade Area has had a great impact on the economy of China and the world. Therefore, this paper uses the theoretical framework of the new institutional economics to account for the market effect produced by the negative inventory management system and studies the innovative mechanism and effect of management system of China’s free trade area from the perspective of market space focusing effect.
Key words: Shanghai free trade zone; institutional innovation;negative list; effect analysis
The Action Logic, Social Causes and Governance Mechanism of Industrial Water Pollution/XU Genhong(Law School, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)
Abstract: The industrial water pollution in China’s urbanization process is both an ecological technology issue and a social governance problem. Based on sociological dimension,it is found that there is an explicit social fact that formal rules and the practice norms are separated in industrial water pollution field. The formation of social fact is related with certain action logic: local policies surpass formal regulations, local governments are coerced by polluters, implicit violation actions appear from backstage to the front and violation actions change from endogenous ones to exogenous. The main social causes of such action logic lie in evaluation mechanism in the context of imbalanced institutional structure, supervision mechanism in the context of imbalanced power structure and the limited internalized regulation drive. Therefore, the governance mechanism of industrial water pollution chiefly includes main structure optimization, regulation culture reproduction and effective social supervision.
Key words: industrial water pollution; action logic; social causes; governance mechanism.
Study of Influential Factors of Chinese NIMBY Movement Outcomes: A Multi-Value Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of 22 NIMBY Cases/GAO Xinyu,et al(School of Finance and Public Administration,Anhui University of Finance and Economics,Bengbu 233030,China)
Abstract: This paper systematically compares 22 Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) movement cases from 2003 to 2015, using the method of multi-value set qualitative comparative analysis. Based upon the characteristics of Chinese contentious politics, the study proposes an exploratory analytical framework to explain the success of social protests. The results show that with regard to the theory of resource-mobilization, the theory of political opportunity explains NIMBY movement in a good way. The analysis demonstrates that risk perception, eastern region, internet mobilization, citizen participation and the favorable coverage of central media contribute to a successful outcome. Differing from the previous study, it is found that the intervention of the environmental protection organizations may result in the failure of NIMBY movement. In addition, this research broadens the methodological implications for the future research on NIMBY protest outcomes.
Key words: NIMBY movement; political opportunity; resource mobilization
A Functional Review of the Middle Class in the View of NIMBY Movements:Taking the “Nuclear NIMBY Movements” in R City for Example/WANG Gang,et al(School of Law & Politics, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China)
Abstract: In recent years, with the increasing of the NIMBY movements caused by urban middle class. Traditional Chinese academia usually regards the “middle class” as a “stable and buffer” device of social politics. It seems to be in accord with China’s social fabric, but in reality, it ignores the complexity and transition of Chinese political and social situations during the transition period. Based on a case study of “nuclear NIMBY movement” in R City, it is found that the social political functions of the middle class of the city may change at a particular time, or even appear two opposite states of “stabilizer” and “turbulence”. The internal mediation mechanism includes hierarchical class features and the rising-to-power elite and, the external intermediary mechanism includes “the production of resentment” and “divergences within the government”, which is the deep mechanism of evolution of social and political function of the middle class. In addition, it is worth noting that, due to the “dual identity limit” and “system limit”, the social political function of the middle class often does not evolve into a “subversive dissimilation”.
Key words: NIMBY movement; middle class; stable-buffer; conflict-turmoil
The Influence of the Delay Retirement Age on the Labor Market/HUANG Jianyuan, et al(Institute of population studies, Hohai University,Nanjing 211100, China)
Abstract: The aging of the population is deepening, and the supply and demand of the labor market will face a reversal. The retirement age is a general trend. In order to explore the impact of the retirement age on the supply and demand of the labor market, this paper forecasts the supply and demand of the labor market in Jiangsu by setting up 3 deferred retirement age schemes. The results show that the retirement age will for the first time to postpone the time gap between supply and demand of labor market, to reduce the gap between labor supply and demand scale, But it is still difficult to reverse the trend of labor supply from supply to demand. In addition, the effect of the delayed retirement age on the labor market is closely related to the starting population, speed, target age, and economic growth rate of the late retirement.
Key words: retirement age; labor force; supply; demand; forecast
Ecological Implication of Marx’s Labor Thought/WU Xuedong(School of Marxism, West Anhui University, Luan 237012, China)
Marx’s ecological thought is the logical extension of his labor thought. Ecological problem is a problem of the relationship between human and nature and labor is an interrelated link between human and nature. As a result, Marx takes labor as a logical starting point to deduce his ecological thought. Labor is not only material transformation mediation between human and nature and is the means of material transformation to adjust and control relationship between man and nature. When the function of labor about adjustment and control lose efficacy, material transformation cracks may appear and lead to ecological crisis. Marx’s research on ecological problem has a ingenious point which reveals the social root of ecology crisis by means of the alienation relationship between capital and labor through ecological problem. Then, based on the exploration, it is possible to find reality path to deal with ecological crisis through labor liberation.
Marx; labor; labor thoughts; ecological thought