Text by Chen Yuqiang, Chen Xilu, Sun Jiawen, ShenYan & Sunjin Photos by Ceng Jian& He Tian Translation by Tao Wenjia
Text by Chen Yuqiang, Chen Xilu, Sun Jiawen, ShenYan & Sunjin Photos by Ceng Jian& He Tian Translation by Tao Wenjia
“Mum!” After a cry of happiness, Liao Chuifu, one of the 11 left-behind children from the “Air and Land, Walk with the Children” project, ran into the waiting arms of his mother at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. This was the fi rst time that Chuifu saw his mother after the Spring Festival this year. She touched his hair, the love in her eyes was obvious.
This is only one touching scene from the “Air and Land, Walk with the Children” event on 21st July.
Air and Land, working together to fulfil the social responsibility of state-owned enterprises
When more and more rural young parents leave their hometowns to work in distant cities, "left-behind children" groups increase in both number and scale. According to a survey, currently, there are more than 9.02 million rural left-behind children in China. The average annual time with their parents is less than 10 days. ln order to fulfi l their social responsibility as a state-owned enterprise, China Southern Airlines worked with FAW-Volkswagen and the Passingdream Charity Fund to organise a charity event“Air and Land, Walk with the Children” to help 11 children from the Qinglong area of Guizhou province to meet their parents in Guangzhou. The group of children were fi rst driven to the airport in Guiyang by a Volkswagen motorcade. Then they took a China Southern fl ight to Guangzhou to be reunited with their parents. These children and their parents were also treated to a science and technology summer camp in Guangzhou to the FAW-Volkswagen factory, China Southern Airlines Training Centre, and the Guangzhou Science and Technology Centre. lt is the organisers' hope that it will help children to learn some knowledge and broaden their horizons. China Southern Air Media Company Limited is responsible for the implementation of the project. They made use of the in-fl ight media, The Outlook channel, new media and other means to record this relay of love.
Planting a Seed for Science and Technology when visiting China Southern Training Centre
On 22nd July, the 11 children and their parents visited the Training Centre at China Southern's headquarters, along with 11 local kids of similar age. They participated in cabin service, safety training and ceremonial training. Children followed the fl ight attendants excitedly onto a Boeing 737 and 777 simulation cabin. Under the guidance of China Southern's fl ight attendant, 11-year-old Zhang Feifei started her fi rst infl ight service as the "little fl ight attendant". These children even boarded the mysterious dynamic simulation cabin in the aquatic training hall to hear the sound of the aircraft climbing, cruising, cabin radio and so on. During the safe evacuation training session, after putting on training clothes and under the protection of their parents, these kids slid to the ground safely. Liao Chuifu told his mother Zhang Ji: "l want to learn more knowledge. And when l grow up, l am going to be an astronaut." His mum smiled. She had never seen her son so happy, so confi dent.
The three-day-science-and-technology summer camp is short but very valuable for these kids. Now a beautiful seed of knowledge is planted in their hearts. They not only fulfi lled their wish to reunite with their parents, but also experienced the love and care of society and a chance to broaden their horizons.
1. During check-in, a volunteer held one kid in his arms to help her face the camera and pass through for the first time in her life via facial recognition。在安检环节,随队的志愿者抱起小朋友,对准镜头,帮助他们实现人生的“第一次刷脸”通关。
2. The ground handling personnel of Guizhou Airlines was teaching kids about boarding. Kids listened earnestly.南航贵州公司地服部工作人员给小朋友们讲乘机知识,孩子们听得很认真。
3. “The little flight attendant” Zhang Feifei was learning how to offer cabin service. She asked her dad Zhang Jiabo: “Dear dad, today we have Sprite, Coca-cola, Fruit juice, tea and mineral water. What would you like to drink?”“小空姐”张飞飞现场学习客舱服务,对爸爸张家波,说:“尊敬的爸爸,今天有雪碧、可乐、果汁、茶水、矿泉水,请问您需要什么饮料?”
当越来越多的农村年轻父母离开家乡到遥远的城市打工, “留守儿童”的群体也日趋庞大。据调查,全国现有农村留守儿童902万人,平均每年与父母相聚时间不到10天。为履行社会责任、为留守儿童实现心愿,南航携手一汽-大众,联合传梦公益基金共同举办公益项目“天地童行”,让来自贵州晴隆地区的11名留守儿童搭乘南航航班和大众车队,与远在广东的父母团聚。随后,主办方还特意组织小朋友和父母们共同参加广州暑期科技夏令营活动,分别前往一汽大众工厂、南航培训中心、广州科技中心参观体验,帮助小朋友们增长见闻、开阔视野。南航传媒公司负责项目执行,并利用其运营的航机媒体、发现之旅频道、新媒体等全媒体,全程记录这场爱心接力。
Besides giving chances for these 11 children to realize their dreams, China Southern, as a central enterprise, is also responsible for spreading something positive to make more people care about leftover children. lf you have any constructive ideas or thoughts, feel free to tell us through email to nihao@csair.com and join our discussion.
除了给11位小朋友一个圆梦立志的机会,南航也希望担负起传播正能量的央企责任,让更多人到关爱留守儿童的行列中。如果您有好的建议和想法,欢迎发送到nihao@csair.com ,加入我们的爱心大讨论。
Q1:What is your main impression after your time with the kids?接触小朋友们后印象最深的是什么?
Han Chunrui (Ground Handling Department of Guizhou Airlines): From the kids entering the check-in area to all of them successfully boarding the fl ight, l was in charge of coordinating with the shuttle bus, the fl ight crew, as well as the operational headquarters. My impression is that all 11 kids were very cautious. They didn't talk much. lt made me feel very sad for them. Luckily, l was also the one who welcomed them back to Guizhou. ln a short week, they became outgoing, confi dent, and active. They liked to talk to each other and make jokes. The change was palpable.
Huang Peilei (Ground Handling Division,
China Southern): My job was to bring the 11 children to the arrival area of the Guangzhou Baiyun Airport to be reunited to their parents. My team was very excited about this task. l have to say, this is by far the most meaningful event that l have done in my job. l was worried that maybe the kids would feel weird after too long without their parents' company. However, when we were near the arrival area, all of them just ran over to their parents. The intimate reunion scene brought me to tears.
Xin Xiaoyan (Training Centre): l was in charge of the presentation and training in both the static simulation cabin and the Etiquette Training parts. 11 kids from Guizhou were accompanied by 11 kids from Guangzhou. You can tell them apart by their eyes and behaviour: kids from Guizhou were shy, but their eyes were full of curiosity about the world and about knowledge. When we gave lectures, the kids from Guizhou were extremely attentive.
Feng Yang (Training Centre): l was in charge of Etiquette training. One part was for the children to bow to their parents and thank them for their hard work. When the Guizhou kids bowed, you can see that it was no longer an exercise for them. They really wanted to show their gratitude to their parents even though they don't have much time to communicate with their parents.
Q2: What can we do better?我们还可以做些什么?
Han: l believe if there is someone who can guide them psychologically and bring them out of their world to look around, they would grow to be just as healthy and happy with other kids. l would love to be this person.
Huang: lt is my hope that more charity funds will be willing to help more kids.
Xin: l wish such events will give them a better hope for the future and open up to feel the warmth of others so they won't be as lonely.
Feng: l really hope there will be more events like this to give kids a chance to stay with their parents for a while and see the outside world together.