小麦是世界上第三大粮食作物,蚜虫是影响小麦生产的主要害虫。据全国农技推广中心历年公布的数据,我国麦蚜常年发生面积约为0.1~0.17亿公顷,造成小麦减产10%左右[1],其中麦长管蚜(Sitobion avenae F.)是我国黄淮麦区的优势种[2],不仅直接吸食麦株汁液,同时通过传播病毒,对小麦产量造成极大的影响。
研究表明,供钾水平对植株碳氮代谢有重要影响。例如Van Emden等[15]发现,施钾可降低甘蓝可溶性氮的含量;Hu等[16]研究认为,缺钾的棉花植株游离氨基酸含量较高;低钾胁迫条件下,玉米可溶性蛋白含量降低,而可溶性糖含量增加[13]。植食性昆虫取食亦可诱导植物基本代谢物质尤其是碳水化合物和氨基酸的变化。蚜虫取食可诱导小麦韧皮部必需氨基酸含量的升高[17–18];蚜虫取食日本花楸后植株游离氨基酸含量比未取食植株高约4倍[19],但关于蚜虫取食条件下供钾水平对植株碳氮代谢相关物质积累的影响研究较少,尤其是将上述变化与蚜虫发生相联系的研究还鲜见报道。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验设计
本试验采用水培试验,在光照培养室中进行,采用钾水平和蚜虫侵染水平5×2设计,其中5个供钾(K+)水平分别为0.005、0.05、0.5、2、10 mmol/L;蚜虫侵染分为不接虫和接虫两个水平。植物所需要的钾用氯化钾提供(其中钾水平低于2mmol/L处理中Cl–用NaCl补充)。营养液配方采用杨振明营养液:Ca(NO3)2·4H2O0.6mmol/L,NH4NO30.8 mmol/L,CaCl22.6mmol/L,MgSO4·7H2O0.3mmol/L, (NH4)2HPO40.28mmol/L,NH4H2PO40.64mmol/L, CuSO4·5H2O0.001mmol/L,ZnSO4·7H2O0.001 mmol/L,H3BO30.033mmol/L,MnSO40.01mmol/L, (NH4)6Mo7O2·4H2O0.0002mmol/L。螯合铁:EDTAFe2+0.02mmol/L。培养过程中每2天更换1次营养液。小麦五叶一心开始接种蚜虫(5头/株),蚜虫选用虫龄一致的健壮成虫,每个处理15株为一个重复,共设3个重复。为防止蚜虫从接虫植株上迁出,用上端开口的玻璃纸罩将植株罩住,开口处再盖上用80目(Á0.178mm)的尼龙网做成的盖子。所用麦长管蚜的饲养设定温度为20℃,相对湿度为70%,光照(LED灯)每日为L(light)∶D(dark)=14h∶10h。小麦品种为黄淮地区的主栽品种‘矮抗58’。
1.2 小麦植株蚜虫群体密度的测定
1.3 游离氨基酸、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量的测定
1.4 数据处理
数据处理采用Excel2010和SPSS statistics19.0进行数据计算与统计分析;相关性采用双变量相关性分析。
表1 处理 4 天、8 天后麦株蚜虫数量 (No./g, DW)Table 1 Number of aphids in wheat under different K treatments on the 4th and 8th day after the infestation
2 结果与分析
2.1 不同供钾水平对麦株蚜虫数量的影响
随着时间的推移,各施钾水平蚜虫数量均呈增加趋势;随着钾水平的提高,麦株上蚜虫数量整体呈降低趋势(表1)。接虫后第4天,蚜虫数量在K 0.005~0.5mmol/L范围内显著下降,继续提高钾水平蚜虫数量无显著变化;接虫后第8天,蚜虫数量在K0.005~10mmol/L范围内显著下降。由此可以看出,随着蚜虫侵染时间的延长,降低蚜虫数量所需的供钾水平随之增加。
2.2 钾水平和蚜虫取食对小麦叶片游离氨基酸含量的影响
在两个时间节点上,钾水平和接虫水平对小麦游离氨基酸影响的主效应及其交互效应均达显著水平(表2)。同一接虫水平下,叶片游离氨基酸含量均随着钾水平的提高呈先降低后趋于稳定的趋势,其转折点在K0.5水平。钾水平相同时,与不接虫处理相比,接虫植株叶片游离氨基酸含量均呈增加趋势,但接虫植株与不接虫植株两者差值随钾水平的增加而缩小,其中在接虫后第4天K0.005、0.05 mmol/L水平下,接虫与不接虫植株叶片游离氨基酸含量差异达显著水平;而在接虫后第8天,各供钾水平下接虫与不接虫植株叶片游离氨基酸含量差异均达显著水平。两个时间点相比,随时间推移,不接虫处理植株游离氨基酸的增加幅度较小,为–4.8%~10.8%,平均增幅为2.6%;而接虫处理不同钾水平下植株游离氨基酸含量增加幅度较大,为40.2%~100.0%,平均增幅为67.3%。
2.3 钾对蚜虫取食过程中小麦叶片可溶性蛋白质含量的影响
表2 接虫后第 4 天和第 8 天不同钾水平处理小麦游离氨基酸含量 (mg/g)Table 2 Free amino acids content of wheat after the aphids infestation under different K levels on the 4th and the 8th day
2.4 钾水平和蚜虫取食对小麦叶片可溶性总糖含量的影响
表3 接虫后第 4 天和第 8 天不同钾水平处理小麦可溶性蛋白质含量 (mg/g)Table 3 Effect of K levels on total soluble protein content of wheat under different K treatment levels on the 4th and the 8th day after the aphids infestation
表4 接虫第 4 天和第 8 天不同钾水平处理小麦可溶性总糖含量 (mg/g)Table 4 Total soluble sugar content of wheat affected by the K treatment levels on the 4th and the 8th day after the aphids infestation
2.5 不同生化指标与蚜虫密度的相关性分析
表5 接虫后第 4 天和第 8 天各测定指标与蚜虫密度的相关性分析Table 5 Correlation analysis of the measured items and aphid population density on the 4th and 8th day after the aphids infestation
3 讨论和结论
关于施钾增强植株抗虫性的机理,前人从钾对植物基础代谢的影响角度虽进行过阐述,例如Van Emden提出,施钾降低甘蓝蚜虫繁殖力机理与降低了植株游离氨基酸含量有关[15];Walter等[11]提出,施钾降低大豆蚜虫发生与降低了植株韧皮部中的天冬氨酸含量有关,但上述研究主要基于施钾对未感虫植株的生理代谢的影响进行分析,因而未涉及施钾对虫害诱导植物抗蚜性的影响。而本研究通过对不同钾水平下小麦植株分别进行不接虫和接虫处理,在探讨供钾水平和蚜虫取食对麦株游离氨基酸、可溶性蛋白质和可溶性糖影响的主效及其交互效应基础上,分析了供钾水平对蚜虫取食过程中麦株上述物质变化的影响及其与蚜虫密度的关系,既探讨了施钾对植株组成型抗性的影响,也探讨了施钾对蚜虫取食诱导抗性的影响,更为深入地阐述供钾水平—植株基础代谢—蚜虫发生的关系。
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Physiological mechanism of potassium application in decreasing density of aphid (Sitobion avenae F.) in wheat
FU Yan-lei1,WANG Yi1,2,WANG Yi-lun1,2,JIANG Ying1,LI Pei-pei1,YAN Feng-ming2,3,TAN Jin-fang1,2,HAN Yan-lai1,2*
(1 College of Resource and Environment, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Food Crops in Henan, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 3 College of Plant Protection, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China)
【Objectives】Based on the view of plant basic metabolism,the experiment revealed the mechanism of reducing aphid(Sitobion avenae F.)population density of wheat by applying potassium,and provided scientific basis for ecological regulation of wheat aphids in the field.【Methods】A solution culture method and fully balancing design with five potassium levels(0.005,0.05,0.5,2and10mmol/L KCl,respectively)and two aphidinfection levels(aphid infection and not infection)were used in this experiment,and three repetitions were arranged for each treatment.When the wheat seedlings had5expanded leaves,5adult wingless aphids in the same size and age were set on the latest fully expanded leaves per wheat plant.Then the density of aphids were surveyed and the wheat samples were collected respectively at the fourth and eighth days after the aphid infection to study effects of potassium level and aphid feeding on free amino acids,soluble protein and the content of soluble sugar of wheat leaves.【Results】The results showed that at the fourth day after the infection of aphids and in the range of K0.005–0.5mmol/L,the aphid density of unit dry weight of wheat decreased significantly as potassium level increased,and if improving the potassium level further,the aphids population density did not increase significantly.At the eighth day after the aphid infection,the aphid population density decreased significantly with the increase of potassium levels in the arranged range.As potassium level increased,the free amino acid contents in the wheat plants uninfected by aphids showed adecreasing trend,while both soluble protein and soluble sugar contents showed increasing trends at first and then showed decreasing trends.In the wheat plants infected by aphids,the free amino acids and soluble protein contents showed the same changing trend as in the former,however,the soluble sugar content showed acontinuously increasing trend.Comparing the treatment infected by aphids with the treatment uninfected by aphids at the same time nodes,as potassium level increased,the free amino acids and soluble protein contents of wheat plant were decreased by aphid infection,while the soluble sugar contents were increased.By comparison of the involved indexes in the two time nodes,as the time prolongation,there were average increments of2.6%,18.1%,2.0%for free amino acid, soluble protein and soluble sugar contents respectively in the uninfected wheat,and of67.3%,20.9%and 22.9%for infected wheat respectively,which showed greater increase for free amino acids and soluble sugar content in infected wheat plants than in uninfected wheat plant.In addition,the contents of induced free amino acid,soluble protein and soluble sugar,had significant or extremely significant correlation with the aphid population density in relevant each time node,and the correlation coefficients were0.948,0.920and–0.908in the fourth day,and0.944,0.985and–0.991in the eighth day respectively.The contents of constitutive soluble protein and soluble sugar had no significant correlation with aphid density,but the content of constitutive free amino acid had extremely significant correlation with aphid density,and the correlation coefficients were0.995 and0.944respectively at the fourth and eighth days after the aphid infection.【Conclusions】Our results showed that increasing potassium supply could significantly reduce aphid population density by significantly reducing constitutive free amino acid content,inhibiting the accumulation of free amino acids and soluble protein and promoting the induced soluble sugar content.
winter wheat;potassium;Sitobion avenae;aphids feeding;free amino acid;soluble protein; soluble sugar