

哈尔滨理工大学学报 2017年3期


摘 要:针对陶瓷、金属等光滑表面在结构光三维测量时,由于表面局部的强反射特性使得物体失真产生较大测量误差这一问题。依据反射分量分离理论,设计了一种反射分量分离结合像素填补的改进算法。首先通过像素参数对比方法找到图像中的高光像素点,然后对其进行反射分量分离处理,为了避免一些高光强度过大的像素点在处理之后变为黑点,本文采用像素填补方法对其进行处理。实验结果表明,采用此种算法对1920×1080分辨率的图像进行处理,其高光像素的數目降低了8~11倍,实现了三维测量领域中强反射表面高光的有效去除。



中图分类号: TP391.41

文献标志码: A

文章编号: 1007-2683(2017)03-0073-07

Abstract:In structured light 3D measurement field, when the object is smooth surface, it can form a highlight area due to the specular reflection of the surface, and the distortion of the object will make a large measurement error. In order to solve this problem, a new algorithm is designed which is based on the theory of reflection component separation and pixel filling. Firstly, the specular pixels in the image are found by comparing the pixel parameters, Then the reflection component is separated and processed. Finally, in order to avoid some of the highlight are processed into black pixels the pixel filling method is adopted to deal with them. Experimental results show that when we deal with the image of 1920*1080 by using this algorithm, the number of specular pixels is reduced by 8-11 times. This method can effectively remove the specular pixels in the field of 3D measurement.

Keywords:structured light; 3D measurement; reflection component separation; pixel filling

4 结 语

本文设计了一种反射分量分离结合像素填补的改进算法,并进行了试验系统的搭建,阐述了该方法去除图像中高光信息的原理。 与传统的方法相比,该方法完全基于颜色信息,对被测物要求较宽松,测量范围较广。实验结果表明,对1920×1080的图像进行处理,其高光像素的数目降低了8~11倍,能够有效地去除图像中的高光像素,验证了该算法的有效性。但本文所提算法对于高光区域较大的图像处理效果不明显,会出现失真现象。因此,如何处理高光区域较大的图像是今后研究的重点。

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