

新疆农业科学 2017年6期


(1.新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院/新疆草地资源与生态自治区重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830052;2.新疆畜牧科学院草业研究所,乌鲁木齐 830011)



(1.新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院/新疆草地资源与生态自治区重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830052;2.新疆畜牧科学院草业研究所,乌鲁木齐 830011)



0 引 言

1 材料与方法

1.1 材 料

研究区位于新疆天山北坡中段乌鲁木齐市西南方向的低山带,行政区划上隶属于乌鲁木齐县甘沟乡(43°32′~43°34′N,87°12′~87°14′E,海拔1 660 m),属于典型的中温带大陆性干旱气候,夏季炎热干燥,冬季寒冷漫长,年均气温2~5℃,年均降水量220 mm,无霜期约121 d,土壤类型以山地栗钙土为主。草地的主要物种有针茅(Stipacapillata)、羊茅(Festucaovina)、冷蒿(Artemisiafrigida)、短柱苔草(Carexturkestanica)、黄芪(Astragalussp.)等[11],为典型的山地草原草地。

1.2 方 法

1.2.1 试验设计

研究采用完全随机试验设计,2015年在试验区东坡、西坡、坡顶的山地草原上设置3个样地,在每个样地的中部设置一条样线(>50 m),在每条样线上设置10个1 m×1 m的小样方,每个样方的间距在3 m以上(取样合计30个样方)。为了排除放牧对草地群落的影响,样地均被围栏,为休牧区,管理方式相同。在围栏之前均以放牧绵羊为主。图1

图1 取样点示意
Fig.1 Sketch map of sampling points

1.2.2 测定项目


于2015年6~9月每月中旬分别对东坡、坡顶和西坡样地进行野外植被取样,分种记录各样方中的物种种类和各个物种的数量特征(包括高度、盖度、密度和地上生物量)。盖度采用针刺法测量,高度采用卷尺测量物种的自然高度,密度采用直接计数法记录每个物种的株丛数,地上生物量采用齐地面刈割法,将草样放入贴好标签的信封带中,带回实验室置于105℃烘箱内杀青30 min,再80℃烘干24 h后称干重。

1.3 数据处理

采用SPSS 20.0中的One-way ANOVA对同一月份不同坡向的主要物种重要值、数量特征进行差异分析,并运用Excel 2003进行相关统计分析及图表的制作,结果均已均值±标准误的形式表示。


2 结果与分析

2.1 坡向对山地草原主要物种重要值的影响





表1 不同坡向下草地群落主要物种重要值变化
Table 1 Influence of slope aspect on important value of main species on grassland community



Note: Different lowercase letters indicated significant difference in different slope directions with same mouth atP<0.05

2.2 坡向对山地草原群落高度的影响



Note: Different lowercase letters indicated significant difference atP<0.05. The same as below

图2 不同坡向下草地群落高度变化
Fig.2 Influence of slope aspect on grassland community height

2.3 坡向对山地草原群落盖度的影响


图3 不同坡向下草地群落盖度变化
Fig.3 Influence of slope aspect on grassland community coverage

2.4 坡向对山地草原群落密度的影响


图4 不同坡向下草地群落密度变化
Fig.4 Influence of slope aspect on grassland community density

2.5 坡向对山地草原群落地上生物量的影响

研究表明,在植物不同生长阶段(6~9月)山地草原地上生物量对坡向的响应规律不一致。6月,坡顶群落地上生物量分别显著高于东坡、西坡的24.0%和46.4%(P<0.05),而到7月,东坡群落地上生物量分别比坡顶和西坡显著增加了42.8%和62.9%(P<0.05)。在生长季后期(8~9月),地上生物量对坡向的响应不明显(P>0.05)。从整个生长季来看,随着生长季的延续,草地地上生物量基本呈先下降后上升的变化趋势,在8月达到最低(140~170 g/m2)。图5

图5 不同坡向下草地群落地上生物量变化
Fig.5 Influence of slope aspect on grassland community aboveground biomass

3 讨 论

3.1 山地草原主要物种重要值对坡向的响应规律


3.2 山地草原群落特征对坡向的响应规律


3.3 地形因子对草地的影响


4 结 论

4.1 冷蒿重要值在6~9月整体上表现出坡顶>东坡>西坡,针茅重要值在坡顶和西坡显著高于东坡的67.1%~673.7%(P<0.05),短柱苔草的重要值在6~7月表现出东坡≥西坡>坡顶。

4.2 在6月、8月、9月,东坡群落盖度比坡顶、西坡显著高了21.4%~36.1%(P<0.05),8~9月东坡群落密度显著高于西坡,7月的群落地上生物量在东坡显著高于西坡。


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Effects of Slope Aspect on the Community Characteristics of Mountain Steppe in the Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountain, Xinjiang

WANG Yu1,2, AN Sha-zhou1, DONG Yi-qiang1, XUN Qi-lei1, ZHENG Feng-ling2, HOU Yu-rong2


【Objective】 To study the effect of slope aspect on the community characteristics of mountain steppe and to reveal the change rule of plant community in different growing seasons.【Method】The mountain steppe in the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain was chosen as the research object, and the method of field investigation and sampling were used, and grassland community characteristics in the different slopes (the east slope, the west slope and the slope crest) and different growth period (June, July, August and September) were measured.【Result】(1) The important value ofArtemisiafrigidain the whole growing season showed the slope crest > the east slope > the west slope; The important value ofStipacapillatain the slope crest and the west slope was significantly higher than that of east slope by 67.1%-673.7% (P<0.05); and the important value ofCarexturkestanicain June and July showed the east slope ≥ the west slope > the slope crest. (2) The community coverage of east slope in June, August and September was significantly higher than that of the slope crest and the west slope 21.4%-36.1% (P<0.05), and the community density in August and September was significantly higher than that of the west slope, but the community aboveground biomass in July was higher than that of the west slope.【Conclusion】The slope and the growing season play important role in the community characteristics of mountain steppe Tianshan Mountains.

slope aspect; community characteristic; important value; mountain steppe; Tianshan Mountains

AN Sha-zhou (1956- ), native place: Fuping, Shaanxi. Professor, DAG; research field: Grassland resource and ecology. (E-mail)









Supported by: the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Hyperspectral Inversion of Chlorophyll Content in Mountain Grassland in Arid Area" (31460625) and the Fund for Basic Research Programs in Nonprofit Scientific Research Institutes of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region "The Influence of Utilization Modes on the Meadow Grassland Plant Diversity"

