《The Medical Republic》案例分享
——“斗牛犬”不仅是澳式足球冠军Dogs Are More Than Just AFL Premiers


中国全科医学 2017年22期

Leon Piterman,蔚文礼(译),邱珊娇(译),黄文静(译),杨 辉(译)


《The Medical Republic》案例分享
——“斗牛犬”不仅是澳式足球冠军Dogs Are More Than Just AFL Premiers

Leon Piterman1,蔚文礼(译)2,邱珊娇(译)2,黄文静(译)2,杨 辉(译)1


PITERMAN L.斗牛犬不仅是澳式足球冠军[J]. 蔚文礼,邱珊娇,黄文静,等,译.中国全科医学,2017,20(22):2691-2693.[]

PITERMAN L.Dogs are more than just AFL premiers[J]. WEI W L,QIU S J,HUANG W J,et al,translators.Chinese General Practice,2017,20(22):2691-2693.





比亚知道自己有心脏病、支气管哮喘、高血压。她给我看了一个装着药和雾化吸入器的特百惠箱(塑料贮藏盒),药箱里装着各种药物,帮助我给她做出诊断。给比亚看病不是一项困难的任务,但让我感到惊讶的是,她的常规处方中有一瓶500 ml的鱼肝油。我尽职尽责地按照常规处方给她开药,她的药费由退伍军人事务部(联邦政府的一个部门)支付。我觉得可以用更好的现代复合制剂来为比亚治疗便秘,但她坚持要求按照常规处方开鱼肝油。








手术后5 d, 我收到了医院的信息,说手术顺利,珍妮弗恢复得很好,已经准备出院回家。我打电话给她的女儿,但得到了一个悲伤的消息:鲁佛斯已经去世了。鲁佛斯患上了皮肤感染,导致败血症,在24 h内死亡。凡妮莎非常伤心,她正准备去医院把这个坏消息告诉她的母亲。




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As an avowed and long suffering Western Bulldogs AFL supporter,I am still coming to terms with our magnificent and well-deserved premiership win.

Here was one instance when envy from the wider football public was not a prevailing emotion.Australians love the underdog and the Aussie battler.

After 62 years,it was widely felt that we Bulldogs fans deserved to bask in this glorious achievement.However,dogs are more than merely a club mascot,as I hope the cases below illustrate.

Bea′s story

Beatrice("call me Bea") was in her early 70s when I first met her.She was a World War Ⅱ widow in receipt of a widow′s pension and attended our clinic only because the doctor down the road,who had cared for her and her family for 30 years,had retired.

She knew that she had a heart condition,"bronical asthma" and "blood pressure" and presented me with a Tupperware box of pills and inhalers from which I was meant to derive her various diagnoses.

This was not a difficult task,however,I was rather surprised that among her regular scripts was a 500 ml bottle of cod liver oil,which I dutifully prescribed on a regular basis.The cost of her medications were covered by the Department of Veteran′s Affairs.I felt that we had more modern concoctions for constipation,but Bea insisted on her regular script for cod liver oil.

I did a house call in the knowledge that cod liver oil resistance would not be described in the literature.I was welcomed by a magnificent and rather tame-looking red setter.When I examined Bea,she was febrile,tender in the left iliac fossa and seemed quite distressed with the pain.Her dog looked on rather sorrowfully as I carried out the examination.

I felt that Bea may have diverticulitis and that hospital admission would be essential.I suggested that she take her medications with her but she could leave the cod liver oil at home.

I commented in passing what a beautiful dog she had and wondered who would look after him if she was in hospital.Bea suddenly became tearful as she replied:"Jack,my son,will look after the Lawrence the dog,but that′s not why I am so upset.I have to tell you doctor that the cod liver oil that has been prescribed all of these years was not for me but for Lawrence.You noticed what a fine coat of hair he has.It′s the cod liver oil".

Bea made a rapid recovery and a week later was home reunited with her beloved Lawrence.On reflection,I felt continued prescribing of cod liver oil was warranted.I have no doubt the cost-benefit equation in relation to Bea′s wellbeing was very much in favour of such action.

Jennifer′s story

Jennifer was aged 90 and her long-standing aortic stenosis was beginning to take its toll.

She was becoming short of breath with very little exertion and had three hospital admissions over a six-month period for heart failure.She also suffered from COPD,which appeared stable over this period of time,and generalised osteoporosis.

Following her last hospital admission,she met the cardiology team who advised her to have a transcatheter aortic valve replacement.She came with her daughters to discuss the pros and cons of this procedure.

Fortunately I knew a little about it.A family member had undergone this procedure at a similar age and it had added five symptom-free years to her life.

I had also recently attended a cardiology conference where papers were presented on the success rate of inserting a new aortic valve through a femoral or brachial artery approach.I strongly encouraged Jennifer to have the procedure.

Jennifer was a widow but did not live on her own.She had Rufus,her 16-year-old labrador who had been an integral part of the family and a vital part of Jennifer′s life.Her main concern was who would look after Rufus.He was losing his hearing and had arthritis in his hind legs.

Jennifer had gone on short interstate trips with her friends,and at the age of 88 went on a Pacific cruise.Her daughter Vanessa had looked after Rufus during these times and was prepared to do so again.So Jennifer agreed to have the procedure.

Five days after the procedure I had a message from the hospital that the procedure had gone well,Jennifer had made a wonderful recovery and was ready to be discharged home.I phoned the daughter and was met with the tragic news that Rufus had died.He had developed a skin infection,which resulted in septicaemia,and within 24 hours he was gone.Vanessa was devastated and was preparing to go to the hospital to break the news to her mother.

Jennifer came home,but was inconsolable.Vanessa stayed with her for several days and although the doctors reassured her that her mother was now fine,this was not the way she appeared.Jennifer still complained of shortness of breath,had no energy,was tearful and could not sleep at night.She blamed herself for Rufus′ death.

It became clear in the coming weeks that Jennifer was depressed,was having a grief reaction,and was struggling to cope on her own.Previously fiercely independent,she ultimately agreed to go into a residential aged-care facility.The cardiac procedure was a technical success,but the patient did not recover.

There is plenty of evidence to support the benefit of pets to the lives of their owners,particularly when those owners are elderly and live on their own.

Loneliness is one of the greatest afflictions of the elderly,especially widows or widowers.While all sorts of aids to daily living are subsidised,there is no subsidy to support the presence of a pet in the life of an elderly person.Perhaps it is time to rectify this.


General practitioners;Social support;Aged

wintery Monday morning I

an urgent call from a very distressed Bea.She was suffering severe abdominal pain and had not opened her bowels for two days,which was most unusual for her.

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【编者按】 澳大利亚的全科医生具有行业自律性,体现在其自行制定行业标准、自主进行资质考核及自主执业等方面,也体现在《The Medical Republic》这一共享平台上。Leon Piterman是医学学士,医学博士,教育学硕士,英国医生学会会员,澳大利亚全科医生学会会员,Monash University副校长、全科医学教授,从事全科医学临床服务近40年;研究兴趣为慢性病管理、心理健康、医学教育;曾获澳大利亚勋章,医学部医学教育奖,澳大利亚全科医生学会研究奖,香港全科医生学会研究奖等;获多项澳大利亚卫生和医学研究理事会等大型研究项目,发表科学文章和著作章节120余篇,是《全科医学中的精神病学》合作著者。Leon Piterman教授建议我国的全科医生应培养“共和”思想,以为全科医学领域提供更多的平等交流机会。目前Piterman教授定期为《The Medical Republic》撰写文章,本刊深受“医学共和”思想的启发,特邀本刊编委Monash University杨辉教授对Piterman教授的文章进行编译,并进行连载刊登!本期Leon Piterman教授为我们讲述了两例老年患者与宠物的故事,指出孤独是老年人最大的苦恼之一,经济支持和单纯的诊疗不足以给老年人以慰藉,宠物的陪伴或许为老年人提供了无可替代的生活支持。因此,Leon Piterman教授建议全科医生,在为该类老年人提供诊疗服务的同时,也要关注其情绪和心理健康,敬请关注!

1.3168 Monash University,Melbourne,Australia

2.518003 广东省深圳市,罗湖医院集团黄贝岭社区健康服务中心

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