So This Is Why Kate Middleton Always Carries a Clutch
一直以来,英国王室在全球都享有崇高的地位,他们的一举一动似乎都暗藏深意。近日,每日邮报网的专家William Hanson就揭秘了为何凯特王妃在正式场合一直都手提包包。
Have you ever seen Kate Middleton at an official engagement carrying anything other than a clutch①? We know—we too racked our brains②(a.k.a. Google) trying to find at least one exception, but alas, the clutch is as much a Kate Middleton staple③as is her bouncy④hair. However, the reason the Duchess⑤of Cambridge always seems to select a small box clutch goes far deeper than fashion-statement purposes. Myka Meier, founder of Beaumont Etiquette, told Good Housekeeping that Kate "holds her bag in front of her in both hands when shaking hands might be awkward." Yes, duchesses have awkward moments too.
MailOnline's expert, William Hanson, explains, "It is protocol⑥that you do not extend your hand to any member of the royal family (blood royal or those who have married into the family) unless their hand extends fi rst"—hence the reason Kate feels the need to pick a bag that puts both her hands out of commission.
So if you want to take a page from Kate's book at your next awkward f a m i l y gathering (or during flu season), keep your clutch in both hands and smile politely.
你见过凯特·米德尔顿在正式场合携带其他东西而不是包包的情况吗?我们知道——即使是绞尽脑汁(也就是搜遍谷歌全网)也不会找到一次例外,哎,包包同凯特那极富弹性的头发一样重要。然而,这位剑桥公爵总是选择手提一个小型包包的原因远不止是出于诠释时尚。Beaumont Etiquette的创始人Myka Meier向《好管家》表示,凯特在面临握手尴尬时会把包包放到自己的双手前。是的,公爵夫人也会有尴尬的时候。
每日邮报网的专家William Hanson解释道:“这是一种外交礼仪,你不要伸手与王室的任何成员(王族或者是那些嫁入王室的人)握手,除非他们主动伸手”——所以,这就是凯特觉得有必要提个使她不能腾出双手的包包的原因。
①clutch英 [klʌtʃ] 美 [klʌtʃ] n. 离合器;控制;手;紧急关头 vi. 攫;企图抓住vt. 抓住;紧握adj. 没有手提带或背带的;紧要关头的
②rack one's brains v. 绞尽脑汁;苦思冥想
③stable英 ['steɪb(ə)l] 美 ['stebl] n. 马厩;牛棚 adj. 稳定的;牢固的;坚定的bouncy英 ['baʊnsɪ] 美 ['baʊnsi] adj. 有弹性的;快活的;精神饱满的;自大的
⑤duchess英 ['dʌtʃɪs; -es] 美 ['dʌtʃəs] n. 公爵夫人;女公爵;雍容华贵的妇女;小老板娘vt. (澳)盛情款待;讨好 vi. 热情款待;讨好
⑥protocol英 ['prəʊtəkɒl] 美 ['protə'kɔl] n. 协议;草案;礼仪 vt. 拟定 vi. 拟定