Course Design—Business English Course
As one of the most important branches of English for Specific Purposes, more and more undergraduates are choosing majors in Business English to improve their chances of finding a job. Many English but not Business English major students, such as English translation, often have less opportunities to get an international business offer due to their lack of business knowledge. The goal of my course is let them acquire international business knowledge, build up their confidence when looking for a job. The following tentative syllabus is designed to achieve my goal within a term:
Week 1 Topic: An introduction to Business English. Objectives: To define “Business”, develop concepts of business marketing. To figure out elements of a business company. To become familiar with terms. Materials/Facilities: Video: “Welcome to Business English”. An authentic paper about an analysis of brand building and market development of Haagen-Dazs. Activities: 1: After watching the video, discuss: “Why are you studying business?” in groups to show their personal reasons.2: Ask each group to paraphrase the main idea of the Haagen-Dazs paper.Focus on the vocabularies and professional terms related to business in this article. Week 2 Topic: Getting to know international trade. Objectives: To understand international trading situations.To be familiar with trading terms and trading clauses. To be familiar with payment terminologies such as The Letter of Credit. Materials/Facilities: Video: A sell process from a native trading company to a foreign one. The paper version of it. Activities: 1: After watching the video, Let them summarize the key words and expressions.2: Role play: ask them to work in groups to simulate the video clip characters and make the full use of what they just learned into real communicative setting. Week 3 Topic: How to Write a formal international business contract. Objectives: To get the skill writing a formal international business contract.To understand the structure、correct formats points of a contract. Materials/Facilities: Book:
Designing business English course is a challenging program but rewarding process. As Sylvie Donna states: “Business English is special because of the opportunity it gives you to fulfill students immediate needs of English.” Business English is not only a major, it can become an interesting area of teaching.
[1]Dubin,Fraida&Olshtain,Elite(2002).Course Design.Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
[2]Jack C.Richards(2001).Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching,2thEdition.Cambridge University Press.
[3]Ellis,Rod(1999).The Study of Second Language Acquisition.Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.