李嘉妍, 宋金云, 王建芳, 吴旭平
(东南大学附属第二医院 临床科研中心, 南京 210003)
李嘉妍, 宋金云, 王建芳, 吴旭平
(东南大学附属第二医院 临床科研中心, 南京 210003)
目的 研究AFP、CA19-9、CEA联合检测对原发性肝癌进行早期诊断的临床价值。 方法 收集2014年10月-2016年12月东南大学附属第二医院门诊和住院的肝病患者248例,分为原发性肝癌组(n=88)和非肿瘤性肝病组(n=160),另选取130例健康体检者为正常对照组。采用Roche cobas e 411 analyzer检测3组患者的血清肿瘤标志物AFP、CA19-9、CEA水平,分析3种肿瘤标志物单个检测和联合检测的灵敏度和特异度。采用Beckman Coulter AU5800检测肝功能生化指标。采用Biotek ELX808检测HBV血清学标志物和HCV抗体。应用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC曲线)对原发性肝癌患者的血清AFP、CA19-9、CEA及3者联合检测结果进行分析评价。计量资料多组间比较采用单因素方差分析,进一步两两比较采用SNK-q检验,2组间比较采用t检验;计数资料组间比较采用χ2检验。相关性分析采用Spearman分析。结果 在原发性肝癌组和非肿瘤性肝病组中,肝功能异常患者的AFP、CA19-9均显著高于肝功能正常组(原发性肝癌组:t值分别为35.64、3.38,P值均<0.05;非肿瘤性肝病组:t值分别为12.51、8.19,P值均<0.05);原发性肝癌组中肝功能正常患者的CEA均明显高于非肿瘤性肝病组中肝功能正常患者和正常对照组(P值均<0.05);原发性肝癌组中肝功能异常患者的AFP、CA19-9、CEA水平均明显高于非肿瘤性肝病组中的肝功能异常患者和正常对照组(P值均<0.05)。血清AFP、CA19-9、CEA水平随Child Pugh分级的升高而升高,在原发性肝癌组肝功能异常患者中,AFP、CA19-9、CEA水平B级较A级,C级较B级均显著升高(P值均<0.05);在非肿瘤性肝病组肝功能异常患者中, AFP、CA19-9水平B级较A级,C级较B级均显著升高(P值均<0.05),CEA水平C级显著高于A、B级(P值均<0.05)。原发性肝癌组AFP、CA19-9、CEA的阳性率高于非肿瘤性肝病组和正常对照组(P值均<0.05);各组的联合检测阳性率显著高于单项检测阳性率(P值均<0.05)。原发性肝癌组中,三项联合检测的灵敏度和特异度分别为86.36%和92.35%,单项检测中AFP、CA19-9、CEA的灵敏度分别为71.59%、52.27%和39.77%,原发性肝癌患者的血清AFP、CA19-9、CEA及三者联合检测ROC曲线下面积分别为0.776、0.704、0.681及0.817。AFP在原发性肝癌组中与GGT相关(r=0.54,P=0.04),在正常对照组中与IBil相关(r=0.50,P=0.01);CA19-9在原发性肝癌组与ALT、 DBil、 IBil、TBil、TBA存在不同程度相关(r值分别为0.58、0.63、0.61、0.65、0.58,P值均<0.05),在非肿瘤性肝病组与ALT、ALP、DBil、 IBil、TBil、TBA存在不同程度相关(r值分别为0.51、0.63、0.66、0.64、0.70、0.59,P值均<0.05)。结论 AFP能较好地反映肝损伤,但对原发性肝癌的诊断仍有部分假阴性;CEA轻度升高对原发性肝癌的指示性不强;CA19-9受ALP、胆红素等因素影响明显,假阳性较高;联合检测可提高原发性肝癌诊断的灵敏度,优于AFP、CA19-9、CEA的单项检测,可为早期诊断和早期治疗提供有力的依据。
肝肿瘤; 甲胎蛋白类; CA-19-9抗原; 癌胚抗原; 诊断
1 资料与方法
1.1 研究对象 收集2014年10月-2016年12月于本院就诊的肝病患者248例,其中经病理检查确诊的原发性肝癌患者88例(原发性肝癌组),非肿瘤性肝病患者160例(非肿瘤性肝病组),同时收集体检健康的正常对照者130例(正常对照组)。本研究经医院医学伦理学委员会批准,且患者知情同意。
1.2 仪器 AFP、CA19-9和CEA采用Roche cobas e 411 全自动化学发光分析仪检测,肝功能采用Beckman Coulter AU5800检测,HBV血清学标志物和HCV抗体采用Biotek ELX808检测。
1.3 检测方法 所有研究对象均于清晨空腹采集外周血并及时分离血清,检测患者肝功能指标及肿瘤标志物水平,严格按照说明书进行操作。阳性判断标准分别为:AFP>20 μg/L,CA19-9>27 U/ml,CEA>4.7 ng/ml。AFP、CA19-9、CEA联合检测时其中1项阳性即视为三项联合检测为阳性。肝功能异常判断标准为:转氨酶(ALT>64 U/L或AST>50 U/L)、胆红素(DBil>8.0 μmol/L或IBil>14.0 μmol/L或TBil>22.0 μmol/L)及其他生化指标[ALP>150 U/L或总胆汁酸(TBA)>12.0 μmol/L或GGT>37 U/L]3项中有2项升高者被认为肝功能异常。HBV血清学标志物和HCV抗体阳性标准参照文献[2]。
2 结果
2.1 一般资料 原发性肝癌组88例患者中男67例,女21例,年龄33~75岁,平均(55.2±12.4)岁;HBsAg阳性83例,抗HCV阳性3例,HBsAg阳性合并抗HCV阳性2例;肝功能正常者25例,异常者63例。非肿瘤性肝病组160例患者中慢性肝炎55例,肝硬化57例,急性黄疸型病毒性肝炎48例;肝功能正常者92例,异常者68例。慢性肝炎55例患者中男43例,女12例,年龄20~67岁, 平均(37.50±10.06)岁,HBsAg阳性50例、抗HCV阳性3例、HBsAg阳性合并抗HCV阳性2例;肝硬化57例患者中男46例, 女11例, 年龄29~68岁, 平均(61 .34 ±30 .10)岁,HBsAg阳性49例、抗HCV阳性7例、HBsAg阳性合并抗HCV阳性1例;急性黄疸型病毒性肝炎48 例患者中男32例,女16例,年龄20~49岁, 平均(33.24±9.62)岁,抗HCV阳性5例、HBV感染43例。
2.2 3组AFP、CA19-9、CEA水平的比较 原发性肝癌组和非肿瘤性肝病组中,肝功能异常患者的AFP、CA19-9水平显著高于肝功能正常患者(P值均<0.05)(表1)。
表1 3组血清AFP、CA19-9、CEA检测结果
2.3 不同Child-Pugh评分的肝功能异常患者肿瘤标志物水平的比较 依据Child-Pugh评分,将原发性肝癌组和非肿瘤性肝病组中肝功能异常患者均分为Child-Pugh A、B、C 3个亚组。在原发性肝癌组肝功能异常患者中,AFP、CA19-9、CEA水平B级较A级,C级较B级均显著升高(P值均<0.05);在非肿瘤性肝病组肝功能异常患者中, AFP、CA19-9水平B级较A级,C级较B级均显著升高(P值均<0.05),CEA水平C级显著高于A、B级(P值均<0.05)(表2)。
2.4 3组AFP、CA19-9、CEA单项检测及联合检测的阳性率 3组单项检测和联合检测整体比较阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=20.23,P<0.05),原发性肝癌组AFP、CA19-9、CEA的阳性率均高于非肿瘤性肝病组和正常对照组(P值均<0.05)。各组的联合检测阳性率显著高于单项检测阳性率(P值均<0.05)(表3)。
2.5 原发性肝癌组AFP、CA19-9、CEA单项及三项联合检测的灵敏度、特异度和AUC 原发性肝癌组三项联合检测的灵敏度和特异度分别为86.36%和92.35%;在单项检测中,AFP灵敏度最高达71.59%, CA19-9和CEA的灵敏度分别为52.27%和39.77%。AFP、CA19-9、CEA的AUC分别为0.776、0.704、0.681,三项联合检测的AUC为0.817,高于单项检测(图1)。
表2 肝功能异常患者不同Child-Pugh评分的肿瘤标志物 水平比较
注:1)与Child-Pugh B级比较,P<0.05;2)与Child-Pugh C级比较,P<0.05
表3 3组AFP、CA199、CEA单项及三项联合检测的 阳性率[例(%)]
2.6 3组中AFP、CA19-9、CEA与肝功能指标的相关性分析 AFP在原发性肝癌组中与GGT相关(r=0.54,P=0.04),在正常对照组中与IBil相关(r=0.50,P=0.01)。CA19-9在原发性肝癌组中与ALT、 DBil、 IBil、TBil、TBA存在不同程度相关(r值分别为0.58、0.63、0.61、0.65、0.58,P值均<0.05),在非肿瘤性肝病组中与ALT、ALP、DBil、 IBil、TBil、TBA存在不同程度相关(r值分别为0.51、0.63、0.66、0.64、0.70、0.59,P值均< 0.05)。CEA在各组中与各指标未见明显相关。
3 讨论
图1 单项和联合检测诊断原发性肝癌的ROC曲线分析
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引证本文:LI JY, SONG JY, WANG JF, et al. Value of combined detection of AFP, CA19-9, and CEA in early diagnosis of primary liver cancer[J]. J Clin Hepatol, 2017, 33(7): 1291-1295. (in Chinese) 李嘉妍, 宋金云, 王建芳, 等. AFP、CA19-9、CEA联合检测对原发性肝癌的早期诊断价值[J]. 临床肝胆病杂志, 2017, 33(7): 1291-1295.
(本文编辑:王 莹)
Value of combined detection of AFP, CA19-9, and CEA in early diagnosis of primary liver cancer
Objective To investigate the value of combined measurement of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in the early diagnosis of primary liver cancer. Methods A total of 248 patients who visited the outpatient service or were hospitalized in The Second Hospital of Nanjing from October 2014 to December 2016 were enrolled and divided into primary liver cancer group with 88 patients and non-tumor liver disease group with 160 patients. A total of 130 healthy subjects who underwent physical examination were enrolled as normal control group. The Roche cobas e 411 analyzer was used to measure the serum levels of the tumor markers AFP, CA19-9, and CEA, and the sensitivities and specificities of these markers or a combination of them were analyzed. Beckman Coulter AU5800 was used to measure biochemical parameters for liver function, and Biotek ELX808 was used to measure hepatitis B virus markers and HCV antibody. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to analyze the results of measurements of serum AFP, CA19-9, and CEA alone or in combination in patients with primary liver cancer. A one-way analysis of variance was used for comparison of continuous data between multiple groups and the SNK-qtest was used for further comparison between two groups; thet-test was used for comparison of continuous data between two groups. The chi-square test was used for comparison of categorical data between groups. The Spearman correlation analysis was also performed. Results In the primary liver cancer group and the non-tumor liver disease group, the patients with abnormal liver function had significantly higher levels of AFP and CA19-9 than those with normal liver function (primary liver cancer group:t=35.64 and 3.38, bothP<0.05; non-tumor liver disease group:t=12.51 and 8.19, bothP<0.05). Among the patients with normal liver function, the primary liver cancer group had a significantly higher level of CEA than the non-tumor liver disease group and the normal control group (allP<0.05). Among the patients with abnormal liver function, the primary liver cancer group had significantly higher levels of AFP, CA19-9, and CEA than the non-tumor liver disease group and the normal control group (allP<0.05). The serum levels of AFP, CA19-9, and CEA increased with the increase in Child-Pugh class. Among the patients with abnormal liver function in the primary liver cancer group, Child-Pugh class B patients had significant increases in the levels of AFP, CA19-9, and CEA compared with Child-Pugh class A patients, and Child-Pugh class C patients had significant increases compared with Child-Pugh class B patients (allP<0.05). Among the patients with abnormal liver function in the non-tumor liver disease group, Child-Pugh class B patients had significant increases in the levels of AFP and CA19-9 compared with Child-Pugh class A patients, and Child-Pugh class C patients had significant increases compared with Child-Pugh class B patients (allP<0.05); Child-Pugh class C patients had a significant increase in the level of CEA than Child-Pugh class A/B patients (P<0.05). The primary liver cancer group had significantly higher positive rates of AFP, CA19-9, and CEA than the non-tumor liver disease group and the normal control group (allP<0.05), and the positive rates of these tumor markers were significantly higher when measured in combination than when measured alone (allP<0.05). In the primary liver cancer group, a combination of the three tumor markers had a sensitivity of 86.36% and a specificity of 92.35%, while AFP, CA19-9, and CEA measured alone had sensitivities of 71.59%, 52.27%, and 39.77%, respectively. In the patients with primary liver cancer, the areas under the ROC curve for serum AFP, CA19-9, CEA, and a combination of them were 0.776, 0.704, 0.681, and 0.817, respectively. AFP was positively correlated with gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase in the primary liver cancer group (r=0.54,P=0.04) and was positively correlated with indirect bilirubin (IBil) in the normal control group (r=0.50,P=0.01). In the primary liver cancer group, CA19-9 was positively correlated with alanine aminotransferase (ALT), direct bilirubin (DBil), IBil, total bilirubin (TBil), and total bile acid (TBA) (r=0.58, 0.63, 0.61, 0.65, and 0.58, allP<0.05), and in the non-tumor liver disease group, CA19-9 was positively correlated with ALT, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), DBil, IBil, TBil, and TBA (r=0.51, 0.63, 0.66, 0.64, 0.70, and 0.59, allP<0.05). Conclusion AFP can well reflect liver injury, but it may yield false-negative results in the diagnosis of primary liver cancer. A mild increase in CEA does not strongly indicate primary cancer. CA19-9 is easily influenced by the factors including ALP and bilirubin and has a high false-positive rate. Combined measurement of AFP, CA19-9, and CEA can improve the sensitivity of the diagnosis of primary liver cancer and is better than single measurement of AFP, CA19-9, or CEA. Therefore, it provides a strong basis for early diagnosis and treatment.
liver neoplasms;alpha-fetoproteins;CA-19-9 antigen;carcinoembryonic antigen;diagnosis