

疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年8期

⊙ By Tony Hawk



⊙ By Tony Hawk


Tony Hawk: Skating Is an Art Form

美式发音 适合泛听



My Love for Skating

As far as I’m concerned, like, when I started skating, I always felt that there was something to skating that people weren’t seeing. They were just looking at the1)hairdos and the music and the fact that it was2)outlawed everywhere. But they weren’t seeing the physical act of it as being something unique and something special. And I always felt like skating gave me the sense of self-confidence that I never had. And it’s sort of this art form and a sport, and I just feel like people have finally come to realize all that, and so, yes, I’m surprised it’s that big, but part of me is like, “What took you so long to figure it out?” You know, skating has always been amazing.

3)Basically I…my brother gave me his old board. I started riding down the4)driveway, and I remember yelling back at him, “How do I turn?” And then I just basically ran into the wall and picked the thing up, turned it around and went back. And so, I would get it out every once in a while, and my friends in my neighborhood were skating, and then, I think it was once I got to the skate park, and I fell into that5)mode of “Oh, you can skate these bowls, you can skate these5)transitions.” And when I saw a picture of a guy doing an7)aerial out of a pool, an empty swimming pool, that’s when I said, “I wanna do that. I wanna learn how to do that.”

My Difficult Time

I was dealing with two8)mortgages. I was just starting a family. I was still trying to skate and, basically, like, doing everything I could to make skating a career still. I really9)pulled back on all expenses, and I was eating10)Top Ramen, and11)Taco Bell, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a good two years.

I think the lowest point in that time for me was agreeing to do exhibitions in amusement park parking lots for $100 a day, three shows a day, and traveling to St. Louis or to Dallas to go do that and staying there for five days to do that. I mean, that was12)literally just to pay the bills, ’cause it wasn’t something I was necessarily enjoying.

Skateboarding Video Games

1) hairdo ['heəduː] n. 发型,发式

2) outlaw ['aʊtiɔː] v. 宣布为非法

3) basically ['beɪsɪkəiɪ] adv. 大致来说,基本地,主要地

4) driveway ['draɪvweɪ] n. 车道,私人车道

5) mode [məʊd] n. 状态;形式

6) transition [trɑːn'sɪʃ(ə)n] n. 坡道过渡部分

7) aerial ['eərɪəi] n. 空中动作

8) mortgage ['mɔːgɪdʒ] n. 房屋按揭,抵押

9) pulled back 紧缩开支

10) Top Ramen 日清顶级拉面,日本方便面的大牌子,在此代指方便面。

11) Taco Bell 塔可钟快餐,上世纪50年代创建于美国加州,是世界上规模最大的墨西哥风味快餐连锁店,在此代指快餐。

12) literally ['iɪtərəiɪ] adv. 真正,完全

13) genre ['ʒɑːŋr] n. 类型,流派

Having skating as a13)genre of gaming is something that I never imagined at all. And Ican honestly say that. But I felt skating was never represented properly in those modes, and so, when I got a chance to work on a game, I dove in head first and I wanted to make it fun for skaters to play. You know, I thought it would be something that it was good, the skating industry appreciated it and the skaters liked it, and maybe inspired some people to go buy a game system,’cause they thought it was a cool game. But I never thought it was gonna be this giant14)franchise or create a genre, and I’m proud of that, though.

The Most Satisfying Work

The stuff [sic] that close to my heart is doing a foundation for public skate parks. Basically we try to help to fund public skate parks in low-income areas where there is a lot of at-risk youth that maybe don’t have much [sic]15)outlets for activities, but, choose to skateboard and don’t have many’s support in doing so. There are way more than people imagine. And, to date we’ve given away over $4 million. We’ve helped to fund over 500 skate parks. We actually want them to feel like they have16)ownership of it. And to go to the grand openings and see the faces of the kids is…that’s the best.

14) franchise ['fræntʃaɪz] n. 特许经营权,系列品牌

15) outlet ['aʊtiet] n. 出口,发泄机会

16) ownership ['əʊnəʃɪp] n. 所有权


◆ peanut butter and jelly sandwich 花生酱和果冻三明治:简称PB&J,通常在两块面包之间夹一层或多层花生酱和一层或多层果酱。这种三明治号称是美国小孩子的主要食品、最受美国人喜爱的三明治。据查,这种三明治最早出现在1900年的一本烹饪杂志上,到了上世纪20年代,它已经广受美国孩子的欢迎。有一项统计表明,美国人在中学毕业前平均每人会吃1500个花生酱和果冻三明治。


固定搭配:a good

Good是一个同学们再熟悉不过的词了,但它也有大家不太熟悉的用法。Good作形容词用时有一层意思是“充分的,足够的,相当的”,但要表达这层意思,它需要有“a”的配合,“a good”作为一种固定搭配一起充当形容词,如:take a good rest(充分休息)和a good five miles(足足五英里)等;下次再看到have a good meal(饱餐一顿),可不要以为这是指餐桌上食物丰盛的意思哦,如:It will take a good three hours to get to the next destination.(要花整整三个小时才会到达下一站。)













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