M3设计师事务所是由Illia Temnov, Koss Turbin 和Kate Turbina创立的。团队专业致力于建筑和设计领域。其使命在于通过创新建筑方案的导入营造一种新的生活方式。他们营造了一个独一无二的“世界”,可以在现在、未来以及无时无刻不在启发人们。
M3 ARCHITECTS was established by IlliaTemnov, Koss Turbin and Kate Turbina.Our team consists of professionals in the sphere of the architecture and design. Our mission is to create a new level of lifestyle through the introduction of innovative architectural solutions. We form new unique ‘worlds’ that can inspire people today tomorrow and always
We are the adepts of the Functionalism and Mininimalism. We are looking for the timeless solutions in the architecture and design. We would like to inspire people for changes and the new level of their lifestyle.