The Mind Landscapes of Studio Zhu-Pei
莫森·莫斯塔法维/Mohsen Mostafavi
杜芳芳 译/Translated by DU Fangfang
The Mind Landscapes of Studio Zhu-Pei
莫森·莫斯塔法维/Mohsen Mostafavi
杜芳芳 译/Translated by DU Fangfang
1 自御窑厂国家考古遗地公园远观御窑博物馆
2 御窑博物馆室内局部空间
Contemporary Chinese architecture is at an interesting and important point of transition. The major architectural projects of the postwar period of modernization and development in cities like Beijing can be characterized as proto-Soviet in spirit, with many large-scale buildings using simple and repetitive elements of construction to symbolize power and authority.
The more recent period of modernization, however, has embraced a more contemporary "Western" approach to architecture. With the opening up of China's in the 1970s and 1980s, architects such as John Portman and other large US corporate firms played a significant role in the transformation of the urban landscape by responding to the country's new economic realities.The outcome, invariably, was city skylines made up of amalgams of "iconic" high-rise structures.
The search for progress and profit often came at the expense of the traditional fabric of the city. Across China historic districts were razed in order to create modern developments. This is an approach that still prevails in many areas of the country in pursuit of financially ambitious and "progressive" developments.
But there has also been a reversal of this trend, with a growing appreciation of traditional and vernacular architecture. The conservation and at times reconstruction of many older buildings, albeit with varying degrees of success, attests to a change in societal attitudes. Of course this process is not disconnected from the enormous increase in the monetary value of many architecturally significant buildings.
The work of Pritzker-winning architect WANG Shu is one manifestation of this change in sensibility. He and his partner LU Wenyu have developed a subtle body of architecture that builds on contemporary interpretations of vernacular materials and construction. But many other contemporary architects have formed a complex and perhaps less overt relationship to vernacular architecture as they have attempted to negotiate their own path between tradition and modernity. As can be expected, there are various recalibrations of this relationship in evidence in the projects of a new generation of Chinese architects today.
The work of Studio Zhu-Pei, as seen through the selection of projects on show at the Aedes Gallery, represents an important contribution to the evolution of contemporary architecture in China. ZHU Pei's earlier work can be characterized by its dedication to a contemporary material and aesthetic ethos that had more in common with the practices of Western avant-garde architects than it did with local heritage and traditions. The majority of ZHU Pei's body of work is composed of contemporary art and cultural institutions.
The cluster of projects shown in the current exhibition indicates a departure from the earlier work, pointing to a more varied range of interests based on location, materials, and history. These factors play an important part in helping shape the architecture of each project. And even though all the projects on display are still concerned with cultural and artistic endeavors, they are quite diverse in appearance as each is defined by a specific approach.
The Jingdezhen Historical Museum of Imperial Kiln, currently under construction in China's capital of porcelain, is a building that draws its inspiration from the local traditions of kiln construction. The parallel, linear, and arched structures of the museum, like the old kilns, reach below the level of the street. This strategy - in part also a response to height restrictions in the historic district of the city - leads to a productive ambiguity in relation to the building's horizontal datum. The "insertion" of the building into the ground of the site produces a series of public spaces at street level; also, more importantly, it allows for the design of a number of more intimate courtyards and terraces within the museum. One of these open spaces will also reveal the traces of the historic fabric on the site.
From the street, the building's arched structures appear as independent singular elements, but they are in fact connected internally above and belowground. This enables the building to present an external view that differs from its functional and programmatic use and reality. In section, the arched structures are either divided into two floors or designed as a single space with a series of suspended levels - an approach that will provide the visitor with a variety of spatial experiences of the building.
The reductive simplicity of the museum's external appearance is complemented by the complexity evident in its internal organization, method of construction, and choice of materials, colors, and lighting. While the design visually recalls the earlier technique of kiln construction, its execution is rooted in contemporary methods of construction.
Other projects in the exhibition, such as the Yang Liping Performing Arts Centre or the Museum of Contemporary Art, both in Dali, extend the exploration of architecture in relation to site; both these examples are located within natural settings.
The Performing Arts Center adopts a building/ canopy or cave/nest strategy to create a project that makes the most of its location by articulating a strong inside/outside relationship between the building elements. The nest canopy hovers over the external area of the enclosed performance spaces and defines a covered domain for use by the performing center while establishing a new horizon with the surrounding topography.
The Museum of Contemporary Art likewise engages directly with the natural setting. However, in this instance, because of the close proximity of a historic site with a pagoda, the museum is literally immersed within the sloping topography of the mountain setting, giving rise to a series of undulating "green terraces" that follow the natural shape of the site. While the main area of the museum is accommodated below ground, there is a series of structures protruding from the terraces that also act as skylights. As with the Jingdezhen project, the overall sense of the complex is of a building that is very much developed in section. This mode of conceiving architecture means that the user experiences the building not in purely frontal terms, as a façade, but as a series of fluid experiences between inside and outside. The feel of these buildings is more akin to meandering through a landscape.
It is therefore not surprising to discover that ZHU Pei is deeply interested in the history of Chinese landscape painting. And what seems of interest in this context is not just the connections between landscape and architecture, but also the way in which different generations of artists have construed the various genres or artifices of landscape painting. In particular, with the concept of "mind landscapes" developed during the Yuan dynasty, the idea was that the representation should not be limited to the depiction of the artist's garden, but should also embody or describe the artist's mind.
It is in this sense that the work by Studio Zhu-Pei presented in the exhibition is also a series of "mind landscapes", describing not only the relationship between architecture and landscape but also, through their designs, the minds of the architects involved in their realization.