

世界建筑 2017年6期




1 外景/Exterior view







建筑师们采用了多种不同的建筑方案来实现惩罚与幸福感间的完美平衡:也是悲观与乐观之间难以达成的平衡。哈尔登监狱是关押囚犯的理想之地;但当刑满时,这里也非流连之地。(王单单 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Statsbygg

主持建筑师/Principal Architects: HLM arkitektur AS, Norway

主要合作单位/Principal Cooperator: EMA AS, Denmark

设计团队/Design Team: Per Højgaard Nielsen, Gudrun Molden, Ragnvald Winjum, Tina Larsen, Dag Bjerk (HLM arkitektur AS); Hans Henrik Høilund, Arne Vejbæk, Rikke Hansen, Perder Elgård, Harald Thornvald (EMA AS)

设计合作/Other Design Partners:

室内设计/Interior Design: Beate Ellingsen, Kaja Geiran, Diana Kourennagia (Beate Ellingsen AS)

景观设计/Landscaping Architect: Anna Wathne, Knut Hellås, Margit Opsahl (Asplan VIAK Bergen AS)

技术设计/Technical Design: Structural, 结构、构造与项目管理/Construction and Project Administration: Trond Ellingsen, Jørn Lindgren (A.L. Høyer AS); 供暖、水及卫生设备/Heating, Water and Sanitation: Otto Bjørge (Erichsen og Horgen AS); 电气/Electrical: Erik Glørsen, Johnny Åmodt (Malnes & Endresen AS)

总面积/Gross Area: 27,500m2

材料/Materials: 砌块、木材、钢/Masonry, wood and steel造价/Cost: ca. €140,000,000 (2010)

设计时间/Design Period: 2003-2010

建成时间/Completion Time: 2010

摄影/Photos: HLM arkitektur AS, EMA AS

Halden Prison is situated in an undulating landscape between mountain-ridges, outcrops and under large pine trees. The prison's main functions are divided between several buildings which are spread about in an area of about 30 hectares. Central functions like administration, delivery area and common building follow a layout that resembles a 90-degree grid system, and are organised in a way which is reminiscent of a high school or university campus. The prison inmate's cell buildings do not lie according to this grid system but instead follow more the landscape's direction. The longterm prisoner's cell building has been placed a little more removed from the rest of the prison complex buildings and is more hidden behind rocks and vegetation.

The prison wall that surrounds the prison and the buildings themselves indicates to the prisoner that freedom and contact with the rest of the world has been removed. However, spending time in the prison is also meant to help the inmates to develop in a positive direction. The architecture of Halden Prison makes visible in a straightforward way what the purpose of a prison sentence is. It makes the perimeter wall clearly visible from each cell building and activity building. However, this wall is not visible in its completeness from ground level because of the way the wall follows the topography of the site.

The cell buildings have, like the rest of the complex, an institutional and strict quality, but the prison cells and the dwelling areas have a simplicity and beauty that comes from the clear use of solid materials. Combined with this are vistas to the natural surroundings outside.

2.3 内景/Interior views

4.5 外景/Exterior views

6 总平面/Site plan

Halden Prison has been designed in a surefooted and unaffected way. As a visitor, one experiences that the architect has had the confidence to come up with an uncomplicated design solution showing that clear composition gives good architectural experiences and dwelling qualities. This shows up in the uncomplicated and welldimensioned exterior spaces that lie in the spaces between the wings of the activity building, here the hill ridges in the distance seems to create a "fourth wall" to the space. In many parts of Halden Prison one can see all the way through the building so that the building beyond it is visible. The corridors in the complex are wide enough that they are almost the same dimension as the outside space between the buildings. This gives the user the impression that corridors have a street-like quality with additional functions and rooms connected to it. This is an intelligent and simple way of connecting the exterior and the interior spaces together.

From the prison cell to the "contemplation room" views of both the perimeter wall and of nature are always visible. In this way one is always reminded that one is incarcerated whilst at the same time close to nature. This offers the inmate a different perspective on what it means to be in prison.

The Halden complex gives a clear answer to an important task of society. It explains clearly to the inmate the situation that he has found himself in. Halden Prison evokes solidity and security, both on macro scale and all the way down to details. The qualities it displays are those of modesty and thoroughness, which it achieves - but never in a miserly manner.

The architect has used a varied amount of architectural solutions to achieve a successful balance between punishment and the evoking a feeling of well-being - the difficult balance between the pessimistic and the optimistic. It is a good place to be whilst one is there but it is also a good place to leave when that when that time has come.

7.8 外景/Exterior views

9.10 内景/Interior views




11 外景/Exterior view

12 内景/Interior view


JIA Dongting: What is the purpose of imprisonment and what is the meaning of freedom? The project of Halden Prison has led us to reflect on these questions.The chief function of a prison, certainly, is to imprison criminals. Tangible and intangible "walls" often form such imprisonment. Yet, the ultimate aim of a prison is to offer an opportunity for the convicts to walk out of those walls and help them to return to society. But could there not be a more positive approach to achieve such an aim? If those convicts could be treated with dignity and given a sense of freedom during their sentence, able to experience a feeling of warmth in the cold prison, as well as being provided contact with nature in the artificial environment of the jail - could the good in them not be encouraged to flourish? The design of Halden Prison is influenced by Christian values, and Norwegians' strong faith in the positive effect of interacting with the natural environment. This calls to mind the sentiment in Crime and Punishment: "The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons". (Translated by Dandan Wang)

13-16 内景/Interior views

SHE Yishuang: At first sight of the playground, I thought it was a school. Until I saw the solid division door and robust prison wall, I began to realise that it bears the composition of a prison. Prison time here is like a long vacation. Sorrow and hope are interwined and can be transformed. Through the peaceful construction and the comfortable art and natural scene, the prison provides the inmates a respect based on the most basic human rights, creating a unique living atmosphere. Here, the natural landscape that follows the topography of the site gives us the greatest sense of balance. (Translated by QI Yiyi)

Halden Prison, Halden, Norway, 2010

Architects: HLM arkitektur AS


Designing the Exhibition Space for "The New Normal", Beijing, China, 2017