[摘 要] 目的:分析貝伐单抗联合化疗治疗转移性结肠癌患者疗效,观察血清血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)变化及其与疗效关系。方法:根据221例结肠癌患者意愿单纯化疗的105例为对照组,联合贝伐单抗化疗的116例为观察组,并按照观察组患者近期疗效将其分为有效组、无效组,比较各组患者临床疗效、不良反应发生情况及治疗前后血清VEGF变化。结果:患者不良反应均以Ⅰ~Ⅱ级恶心呕吐、中性粒细胞减少、贫血、血小板减少为主,两组不良反应发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组客观有效率为46.55%,高于对照组的22.86%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。有效组、无效组、对照组治疗后血清VEGF水平均较治疗前下降,有效组治疗后VEGF下降率为(27.24±6.09)%,其VEGF下降率高于无效组,无效组VEGF下降率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:贝伐单抗联合化疗能够在保证安全性的基础上提高结肠癌治疗近期客观有效率,血清VEGF水平下降越明显,患者预后质量更佳,可根据VEGF变化早期评估调整方案。
[关键词] 贝伐单抗;化疗;结肠癌;血管内皮生长因子;疗效
中图分类号:R735.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5200(2017)03-072-03
[Abstract] Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of the combination of bevacizumab and chemotherapy in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer and to observe the changes of serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its relationship with the efficacy. Methods: On the basis of the patients will, among the 221 patients , 105 patients treated with chemotherapy alone were selected as the control group and 116 treated with the combination of bevacizumab and chemotherapy were selected as the observation group. The patients of the observation group were divided into effective group and non-effective group according to the treatment effect, and the clinical efficacy, adverse reactions and changes of VEGF levels in serum were compared among all the groups. Results: All the patients mainly manifested with nausea and vomiting of gradeⅠ-Ⅱ, neutropenia, anemia and thrombocytopenia, the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups was not statistically significant(P>0.05). The effective rate of the observation group was 46.55%, which was higher than 22.86% of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The rate of VEGF decreased in the effective group, non-effective group and control group as compared before treatment, the decrease rate of VEGF was (27.24±6.09) % in the effective group and was higher than that of the ineffective group; the decrease rate of VEGF in the effective group was higher than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusions: The combination of bevacizumab and chemotherapy can improve the objective and effective rate of colorectal cancer treatment on the basis of safety. The more obvious the decrease of serum VEGF level, the better prognosis of patients. The early plan should be evaluated and adjusted according to the changes of VEGF.
[Key words] bevacizumab; chemotherapy; colon cancer; vascular endothelial growth factor; efficacy
结肠癌是常见消化道恶性肿瘤之一,且约有50%~60%患者会发生全身转移 [1]。目前临床治疗转移性结肠癌的标准方案包括氟尿嘧啶、亚叶酸钙联合奥沙利铂的FOLFOX方案或联合伊立替康的FOLFIRI方案[2]。贝伐单抗主要通过结合血管内皮生长因子(VEGF),阻断肿瘤血管生成,发挥抗肿瘤作用,但文献报道仍有部分患者无法在贝伐单抗联合化疗治疗中获益[3]。本研究就贝伐单抗联合化疗治疗结肠癌患者血清VEGF变化及其与疗效的关系进行分析,为疗效预测提供参考。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
221例病例来自2013年3月—2016年3月经病理组织学及细胞学检查确诊结肠癌[4] 化疗方案均为FOLFIRI患者,随访时间均大于3个月。结合患者意愿将单纯化疗105例作为对照组,联合贝伐单抗的116例为观察组。两组患者年龄、性别、转移部位、分化程度、组织学分型等基线临床资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性,见表1。
1.2 方法
标准FOLFIRI方案化疗参照文献[5]。观察组加用贝伐单抗注射液(商品名安维汀,瑞士罗氏制药有限公司,注册证号S20120068,规格100 mg: 4 mL)静脉滴注,剂量为5 mg/kg,d1。两组患者治疗均持续3个周期,化疗前后处置方法同文献[6]。
2 结果
2.1 疗效和不良反应
2.2 血清VEGF变化
3 讨论
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