[摘 要] 目的:观察胸部孤立性纤维瘤(pleural solitary fibrous tumor,PSFT)的CT表现,总结鉴别诊断策略。方法:分析24例PSFT患者CT平扫和增强征象以及病理表现。结果:均为胸腔内单发肿块,CT平扫可见软组织肿块且边缘光滑,与胸壁或纵膈间夹角呈钝角,可见胸膜轻微局限掀起,呈胸膜尾征;19例肿瘤密度相对均匀,5例瘤体较大者,肿瘤内部密度欠均匀。12例增强扫描可见不均匀强化,以肿瘤中心点状、条状、斑片状不明显强化为主;10例肿瘤不同区域可见轻度、中度、显著强化同时存在,以轻度、中度强化为主;9例肿瘤内部可见血管影像,局部血供丰富;3例瘤体增强无特殊变化。22例肿瘤边缘与周围组织界限清晰,肿瘤包膜完整,周围组织受压明显,1例肿瘤可见瘤蒂,1例肿瘤因侵犯纵膈、心包局部致使界限不清。病理结果显示24例中18例来源于脏层胸膜,6例来源于壁层胸膜。结论:PSFT的CT表现具有较高特征性,结合肿瘤定位及其与周边组织结构的关系有助于本病的鉴別诊断。
[关键词] 胸部孤立性纤维瘤;CT;影像学;鉴别
中图分类号:R445 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5200(2017)03-001-03
[Abstract] Objective: This study was designed to observe the CT manifestations of pleural solitary fibrous tumor (PSFT), and to summarize the diagnostic criteria. Methods: CT scan, enhancement signs and pathologic features of 24 patients with PSFT were analyzed. Results: All patients manifestated with single-intracavitary mass, CT scan showed a soft tissue mass with smooth edges, and the angle between that and the chest wall or mediastinum was obtuse, showed the pleura raised slightly and limitedly, manifestated with pleural indenlation sign; the tumor density of 19 cases was homogeneous, the internal density of the tumor in 5 cases of large tumor was less homogeneous. 12 cases of enhanced scan showed uneven enhancement, mainly presented that the punctate, striped and patchy-shaped masses were not significantly enhanced in the center of tumor; the tumors of different regions could be seen mild, moderate and significantly enhanced at the same time in 10 cases, mainly characterized with mild and moderate enhancement; the internal tumor of 9 cases could be seen blood vessels imaging with abundant local blood supply; tumor body enhanced in 3 cases without special changes. Boundary between the edges of tumor and surrounding tissues was clear in 22 cases, in which the tumor capsule was complete and the surrounding tissues were compressed significantly. The tumor pedicle can be seen in 1 case, the boundary was not unclear due to violation of the local mediastinoscopy and pericardium in 1 case. Pathological results showed that among the 24 cases of PSFT, 18 cases were from the visceral pleura, 6 cases from the parietal pleura. Conclusions: The CT manifestations of PSFT were highly characterized, and the tumor location and its relationship with surrounding tissue structure are helpful to the differential diagnosis of this disease.
[Key words] pleural solitary fibrous tumor; CT; imaging; identification
胸部孤立性纤维瘤(Pleural solitary fibrous tumor,PSFT)是一种少见的间源性肿瘤,起源于广泛分布于人体结缔组织中的树突状间充质梭形细胞,存在一定的转移潜能[1]。由于本病发病率较低、临床症状特异性不明显,肿瘤形态及组织学改变存在多样性,临床漏诊、误诊率较高[2-3]。
1 资料与方法
使用Light Speed 16/64排螺旋CT机(美国GE公司)行CT平扫与增强檢查,扫描肺尖至膈顶。平扫结束后行增强扫描,自肘前静脉,使用高压注射剂注射碘帕醇,规格370 gI/L,剂量1.5 mL/kg,流速3.2~4.0 mL/s,对比剂注射后55 s行增强扫描,并对原始图像进行重建,重建层距、层厚均为2 mm[5]。
由我院影像科2名高年资医师进行CT图像复阅,病灶密以与相邻胸大肌密度为准分为低密度、等密度、高密度共3级[6]; 与相邻胸大肌强化程度相比,CT增强扫描强化特点[7]:轻度强化(病灶强化程度与胸大肌相仿)、中度强化(病灶强化程度明显高于胸大肌)、显著强化(病灶强化程度接近胸主动脉);周边组织继发征象。此外,由2名病理科医师归纳总结病理组织学检查结果。
2 结果
2.1 CT表现
CT平扫可见软组织肿块且边缘光滑,与胸壁或纵膈间夹角呈钝角,可见胸膜轻微局限掀起,呈胸膜尾征(图1a);19例呈椭圆或近似球形,3例肿块呈浅分叶状,2例形态不规则;肿瘤最大径4.2~18.5 cm,中位最大径13.9 cm。CT平扫图像均未见明显钙化灶,其中19例肿瘤密度相对均匀(图1b),平均CT值2~53 Hu,5例瘤体较大者,肿瘤内部密度欠均匀,可见低密度灶,呈小斑片状,平均CT值范围为15~23 Hu;密度分布:低密度11例,等密度13例。
2.2 病理组织学检查结果
24例肿瘤中,18例来源于脏层胸膜,其余6例来源于壁层胸膜。肿瘤标本圆形或局部分叶状,轮廓较光整,切面呈灰红色或灰白色,质地较韧,周边可见厚度1~3 mm的纤维包膜,其中21例包膜完整,3例包膜局部中断。镜下见:肿瘤细胞呈梭形、编织状,排列致密,胞核呈长梭形,少数细胞可见核仁及核分裂象;大量致密胶原纤维沉积于间质,部分区域可见间质粘液样变性或血管外皮瘤样结构形成。
3 讨论
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