

新东方英语·中学版 2017年7期

高考完了,中考完了,毕业季又来了。不管你是要从中学迈入象牙塔,还是要从象牙塔走向社会,面对漫漫人生路,谁都希望活得充实而精彩。But how? 对于这个问题,美国著名学府杜克大学(Duke University)的教职员工和校友们试着给出了建议。下面不妨一起来听听看。

Stick with it. 坚持下去。

Give back—serve from a sense of gratitude. 要回报,要心怀感恩。

Be true to yourself. Be willing to learn and to be coachable1). 做真实的自己。愿意学习,愿意接受教导。

Read outside of your chosen field, read broadly, and read enthusiastically2). Creativity is a necessary life skill and some inspirations will come from unexpected sources. 阅读所选专业之外的书,广泛阅读,热情阅读。创造力是一项不可或缺的生活技能,有些灵感会从意想不到之处迸出。

Be generous to other people. 要慷慨待人。

Never confuse being educated with being smart. 永远不要把受过教育与聪明混为一谈。

As you move forward into the next stage of your life, do not forget to stop and look back to discover the meaning of where you have been. That will help you better understand who you are, where you may be heading, and how you can get there. 當你步入人生的下一个阶段时,不要忘记停下脚步,回首找寻已经走过的这段人生路的意义。这会有助于你更好地认识自己,认清自己可能正去往哪里,以及如何抵达那里。

Don't be afraid to diverge3) from your "plan". Embrace ambiguity4). The uncertain and what may appear high risk in relationships, jobs and life is usually very cool and worthwhile. 不要害怕偏离“计划”,要直面那模糊不定。感情、工作和生活中的那种不确定和可能看似的高风险一般来说都会很酷,值得经历。

You will get more satisfaction from the relationships you form than from the things you acquire. 你和他人建立的关系要比你获得的东西带给你更多的满足。

People always obsess5) over big decisions (e.g., which job/position to accept), but really, tomorrow will always be a blur6). Plan with calmness, and then take the leap in the direction you think is best, knowing that there will rarely be a "right" or "wrong" but just a choice that leads to the next steps of life. 人们总是在面临重大抉择(比如做什么工作或担任什么职位)时心神不宁,但其实呢,未来永远是模糊不清的。冷静规划,然后向着自己认准的方向大步前进,要明白选择很少有什么对错之分,不过是走向人生下一阶段的一个决定而已。

Pay close attention. This is your life. 专心致志。这是你的人生。

1. coachable [?k??t??bl] adj. 可训练的,可培养的

2. enthusiastically [?n?θju?zi??st?kli] adv. 热心地;满腔热情地

3. diverge [da??v??d?] vi. 分叉;出现差异;发生分歧

4. ambiguity [??mb??ɡju??ti] n. 模棱两可,意义含糊不清

5. obsess [?b?ses] vi. 困扰

6. blur [bl??(r)] n. 模糊的东西


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