"Laugh and the world will laugh with you."2) That legendary line by Ella Wheeler Wilcox still holds true. Just like yawning, laughing is also highly contagious, but laughing is one contagious disease that we love and we gladly spread it to others. In fact, even the sound of someone laughing can make you let out a gut-busting3) chuckle4).
How many times has it happened that you laughed your heart out5) at a movie theatre, but when you watched the movie alone again on TV, you didn't find it that funny, or at least didn't laugh nearly as loud? It's because you were watching the movie by yourself, but that isn't the same thing that happens when we experience humor in larger groups. So what makes laughing so contagious? Why do we end up laughing with other people even if we don't find the joke all that funny?
Why Do We Laugh?
People may laugh for various reasons, such as if they like a joke, if they see their friend take an awkward tumble6), or if they experience anything else that might tickle their funny bone7).
Studies have shown that laughing has been passed on to humans from our ancient primate8) ancestor. For our ancestors, laughter was a process of strengthening the bond between them. People laugh when they feel free and are comfortable with one another, so laughter definitely increases bonding between people, just as it did for our ancestors.
Why Is It Contagious?
The way a person reacts to a sound is dependent on the brain's premotor cortical9) region. This region is responsible for how the muscles in the face react to the corresponding sounds. University College of London conducted a study on certain volunteers where they played different sounds to them and measured their brain's reaction to the sound.
It was seen that responses were higher for positive sounds, such as laughing or the sound of triumph, and were much lower for negative sounds like screaming or retching10). This suggests that humans are more susceptible11) to the sound of laughter as compared to negative sounds. This explains the reason for our involuntary12) smile when we see other people laughing.
There is a famous case of the contagious nature of laughing known as the Tanganyika laughter epidemic13). In 1962, three girls studying in a boarding school14) in a village in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) began to laugh, and soon it spread to the whole school. Eventually, it affected about 95 of the 159 pupils.
This natural response that we have to laughter is the reason why pre-recorded laughter is frequently put on sitcoms15), as this increases the chance of inducing laughter from the audience. Laughter therapy also works on the same principle: when you see many people laughing, you involuntarily end up laughing too!
It is often said that laughter is the best medicine, as it has many benefits for human health. In that case, I just have one thing to say: laugh and make the whole world laugh with you.
1. contagious [k?n?te?d??s] adj.(感情、态度等)感染性的
2. 这句话出自美国作家、诗人埃拉·惠勒·威尔科克斯(Ella Wheeler Wilcox, 1850~1919)的诗歌《孤独》(Solitude),诗歌的前两句为:Laugh, and the world laughs with you; /Weep, and you weep alone.
3. gut-busting: 让人捧腹大笑的
4. chuckle [?t??kl] n. 轻轻的笑
5. laugh one's heart out: 捧腹大笑;纵声大笑
6. tumble [?t?mbl] n. 跌倒;摔跤
7. funny bone: 幽默感
8. primate [?pra?me?t] adj. 灵长类(动物)的
9. premotor cortical: 大脑前运动皮层的
10. retch [ret?] vi .作呕;恶心
11. susceptible [s??sept?bl] adj. 易受……影响的
12. involuntary [?n?v?l?ntri] adj. 不由自主的
13. Tanganyika laughter epidemic: 坦噶尼喀大笑病。1962年1月30日,新兴国家坦噶尼喀(现在是坦桑尼亚的大陆部分)有三个女孩子因为一个笑话大笑出声,传染了整个学校,影响了全校一半以上的学生,并在当地传染开来。这些学生突然爆发出笑声,笑到流泪、昏倒、出疹子。有专家认为这与压力有关,但具体原因不详。
14. boarding school: 寄宿学校
15. sitcom [?s?tk?m] n. 情景喜剧