

新东方英语·中学版 2017年7期


Although the books about Harry Potter are technically a series for children, they explore many different grown-up themes. From dealing with loss to overcoming fear, the Harry Potter series is a thoughtful one. Whether you fancy yourself a Gryffindor or a Slytherin, a human or a house elf1), these eight lessons from Harry Potter will have you thinking about your approach2) to life.


We are only human.

"Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right."

—Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Much of the conflict in the Harry Potter series centers around greed and ego. The only way to overcome these problems is to see ourselves as fallible3), and accept that sometimes we are wrong. The Harry Potter series consistently reminds us to look at our own faults before tearing down4) others.

You can move on5) from loss.

"The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end—if not always in the way we expect."

—Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix








Another theme in the Harry Potter series is unexpected loss. Growing from tragedy and moving on is something we all have to learn to do. Ultimately, we recover from loss by growing in unexpected ways, which happens a number of times across the series.

Love is irreplaceable.

"Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love."

—Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Love is the closest thing to magic that we have, so in the Harry Potter universe, it's only fitting that love has special powers too. A recurring6) theme we could all imitate more, Harry Potter teaches us that love is the best solution.

You can overcome fear.

"Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself."

—Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The Harry Potter series attacks head-on7) our desire as humans to protect ourselves from the world. While pretending something doesn't exist is comforting, ignorance of what challenges us only causes more problems. The Harry Potter series regularly reminds readers that fear of a problem is much worse than the actual problem.

Courage is complex.

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to8) our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."

—Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Where most adventure tales involve standing up to powerful villains9), the Harry Potter series doesn't avoid the challenges of standing up to your friends. At the end of the first book, when nerdy10) Neville challenges the cool kids to try and save their lives11), he requires just as much courage as those of us standing up to evil. It is important to remember that all kinds of courage are required to be a good person in life.

Respect makes a difference.

"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors12), not his equals."

—Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The Harry Potter series is full of inequality between those of different species and backgrounds. Despite the attention that surrounds Harry, however, he refuses to treat anyone like less than a friend. The lesson that everyone deserves respect is a powerful one.

Hope can never be extinguished13).

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

—Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Throughout the course of the series, Harry Potter faces some truly troubling challenges. Despite the evil and darkness he fights, Harry is never willing to give up or grow tired. This is a powerful reminder that each of us has the power to make the world a little brighter, regardless of our circumstances.

Age is just a number.

"Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth."

—Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Another incredible lesson from the Harry Potter series is that age is no barrier to what you can accomplish. Despite their youth, Harry, Ron and Hermione conquer some of the most dangerous forces in their world. On the other hand, however, aging wizards like Dumbledore still remain powerful and capable. Emphasizing once again that choices define who you are, the Harry Potter series shows people of all ages limited only by their motivation and imagination.


























1. house elf: 家养小精灵,是《哈利·波特》系列中一个卑微的种族。它们一般身高仅有60~90cm,四肢细长,头部和眼睛特别大,有着蝙蝠似的尖耳朵,必须世世代代为巫师主人服务。它们承担一切家务,受主人的束缚,不能随便违抗其命令,如果违抗则必须对自己进行惩罚。

2. approach [??pr??t?] n. (待人接物或思考问题的)方式,方法,态度

3. fallible [?f?l?bl] adj. 会犯错误的

4. tear down: 诋毁;贬低

5. move on: 继续前进;(在生活中)成长,长进

6. recurring [r??k??r??] adj. 反复出现的

7. head-on [?hed ??n] adv. 正面地;直接地

8. stand up to: 对抗;勇敢反对;不甘忍受某人的欺负(或不公平对待)

9. villain [?v?l?n] n. 反面人物;坏人

10. nerdy [?n??di] adj. 书呆子气的;无趣乏味的

11. 在《哈利·波特与魔法石》的第16章“穿越活板门”中,哈利、罗恩和赫敏怀疑斯内普要偷走魔法石,担心如果他得手的话伏地魔就会回来,霍格沃茨学校可能就将被夷为平地,于是便决定一起去拿魔法石。正在这时,他们碰到了纳威。为了避免他们三人被抓住甚至是被开除,纳威不顾一切地阻拦和反对他们。challenge [?t??l?nd?] vt. 盘问;查问

12. inferior [?n?f??ri?(r)] n. (地位、等级等)低于他人者;不如别人的人

13. extinguish [?k?st??ɡw??] vt. 使破灭

