(杭州电子科技大学 物理系,浙江 杭州,310018)
(杭州电子科技大学 物理系,浙江 杭州,310018)
图1 磁场作用下的石墨烯p-n结。中间区域为磁场作用区,左边区域为N型区,右边区域为P型区。Fig.1 Schematic of the graphene p-n junction modulated by an external magnetic field.The length of the central magnetic field region is L,the left region is n-doped graphene,and the right region is p-doped graphene.
图2 不同磁场作用下透射率T(θ)曲线随入射角的变化关系。费米能为E=100meV,势能为V0=200meV,磁场区的宽度为L=100nm。Fig.2 The total transmission T(θ)plotted as a function of the electron injection-angle θ for different magnetic fields.The Fermi energy is E=100meV,the potential barrier is V0=200meV and the width of the magnetic field region is L=100nm.
图3 (a)L=100nm,势能V0不同,(b)V0=200meV,磁场区宽度L不同时,透射率T(θ)与入射角的变化关系。费米能为E=100meV,磁场强度为B=1T。Fig.3 The total transmission T(θ)plotted as a function of the electron injection-angle θ for (a) different potential energies V0 and L=100nm,(b) different width L and V0=200meV.The Fermi energy is EF=100meV,the magnetic field is B=1T.
图4 (a)B=0T和(b)B=0.8T时,以费米能量和入射角sinθ为变量的透射率分布图。电势垒为V0=160meV,磁场区宽度为L=100nm。Fig.4 The transmission T(θ)plotted as a function of the Fermi energy and the sinusoidal value of sin θ for (a)B=0T and (b)B=0.8T.The potential barrier is fixed at V0=160meV,and L=100nm.
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Giant magneto resistance modulated by a magnetic field in the grapheme p-n junction
LI Yuan,DING Guanyun
(Department of Physics,Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou 310018,China)
We investigate the tunneling transport across a graphene p-n junction in the presence of the magnetic field.We adopt the tight-binding model and non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) to calculate the transmission of the graphene p-n junction under the effect of the magnetic field.We observe a sideway deflection of the transmission profile,which can be quantitatively explained by invoking the classical Lorentz force.We obtain the angular dependent transmission as a function of the magnetic field,potential barrier and the width of the scattering region.In terms of the angular distribution of the transmission,we obtain the energy regime of the case that the transport of the electrons is full suppressed.
Graphene;p-n junction;giant magneto resistance