

农业工程学报 2017年9期

丛 茜,陈廷坤,李 杨,孙成彬,金敬福


丛 茜1,2,陈廷坤1,李 杨1,孙成彬1,金敬福1※

(1. 吉林大学生物与农业工程学院,长春 130022; 2. 吉林大学汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室,长春 130022)

为减小农副产品冷藏设备表面的结冰危害,提高部件表面的抗结冰能力和设备运转效率,该文提出利用相变释能的主动防除冰方法。试验以带有不同凹坑尺寸的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(polymethyl methacrylate,PMMA)和6061铝合金作为基体材料,凹坑内填充气体或不同冰点的介质,表面覆盖双向拉伸聚丙烯薄膜(biaxially oriented polypropylene,BOPP)。试验采用水杯制冰法,测量表面结冰附着强度,结合剥离界面的形态,分析相变时差对界面附着强度的影响机理。结果表明:相对于光滑PMMA试样的表面附着强度169.81 kPa,试样(凹坑内分别填充纯净水和体积分数为6%乙醇溶液)表面的附着强度分别降低了100%和82%;对比无凹坑铝合金试样表面的附着强度,凹坑内填充体积分数为15%乙醇溶液低冰点溶液的试样表面附着强度可减小76.52%。因此利用不同水溶液的相变时间差和膨胀释能可减小试样表面的附着强度,并且试验表明试样材料、凹坑尺寸对附着强度的降低作用影响较小。利用相变时差和相变膨胀释能破坏冰在弹性冻结界面的接触稳定性,达到降低结冰表面附着强度的目的,并且水溶液中水的体积分数越大,试样结冰表面的附着强度的越小。研究结果为农产品冷藏领域中的防、除冰方法研究和开发提供参考。


0 引 言



1 材料与方法


1.1 试样制备

待测试样的材料为聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(polymethylmethacrylate,PMMA),采用激光雕刻加工直径30 mm、深3 mm的凹坑,如图1所示。

制备体积分数分别为6%、8%、10%的乙醇溶液,3种体积分数溶液的冰点分别为:−1.94、−2.6、−3.26 ℃。冻结介质填充凹坑后,表面粘贴双向拉伸聚丙烯薄膜(biaxially oriented polypropylene,BOPP),作为试样表面的弹性接触界面。制备6种待测试样,并分别命名为a、b、c、d、e、f,特征如表1所示。

表1 制备的6种PMMA试样特征

同时为验证该防除冰思路不受材料导热性、凹坑尺寸的影响,本文采用导热性差距较大的6061铝合金(237 W/(m·k))和PMMA(0.2 W/(m·k))作为试验材料,在材料表面制备直径30 mm、深3.5 mm的凹坑。凹坑内分别填充冰点为−6.8 、−10.4 ℃的15%、20%乙醇溶液,并分别命名为i~v,其具体特征如表2所示。

表2 制备的5种试样特征

1.2 试样制备


试验中采用“水杯制冰法”,其中铝杯内径为32 mm、外径为39 mm、高度为41 mm,用水量为5 mL纯净水。采用东莞宏展仪器的LP-225U高低温环境箱控制−25 ℃的环境温度。制冷1 h以后,采用图2装置进行测量,每种试样测试5次。

2 结果与分析

2.1 结冰表面附着强度测试

2.1.1 试验数据


由试验结果可知,凹坑试样表面的附着强度明显低于光滑试样表面的附着强度。相对于光滑试样表面的附着强度平均值(169.81 kPa),带有凹坑的b~f试样表面附着强度分别降低了56%、100%、82%、65%、59%,其中试样b表面附着强度最大(75.51 kPa),试样c表面附着强度为0。d~f试样中,d试样(6%乙醇溶液)表面的附着强度最小,e和f试样表面的附着强度值相近。


相对于无凹坑铝合金试样i表面的附着强度,带有凹坑的ii、iii试样表面附着强度明显的降低了76.52%、74.91%。材质为PMMA的iv、v试样,其表面的凹坑尺寸及填充的介质不同于a~f试样表面的凹坑尺寸和填充的溶液,但其表面的附着强度值(分别为24.76 kPa、26.62 kPa)也显著减小,明显低于试样a、d、e、f表面的附着强度。ii、iii铝合金试样表面的附着强度略高于iv、v试样表面的附着强度。

Fig4. Surface adhesion strength of different thermal conductivity samples


2.1.2 结冰界面形态

图5为剥离后BOPP及结冰界面的表面形态,并参照剥离后的界面形态添加了BOPP膜变形示意图。表面未经任何处理的a试样,剥离后BOPP膜及冰的冻结界面未发生变化。具有凹坑且填充不同介质的b~f试样中,BOPP膜出现了不同程度的变形,如b试样的凹坑表面BOPP膜出现凹陷现象,c~f凹坑部位BOPP膜呈现膨胀凸起。剥离测试后,采用数显游标卡尺测量c~f表面膨胀凸起高度,平均值分别为3.34、1.25、1.13、1.04 mm,并且由图5可见,c试样(凹坑内填充纯净水)表面的膨胀凸起最为明显。

1.剥离后的BOPP膜 2.剥离后的结冰界面 3.BOPP膜 4.PMMA 5.冰

1.BOPP film after stripping 2.Freezing interface after stripping 3.BOPP film 4.PMMA 5.Ice


Note:H,H,H,H,Hare the expansion deformation height of the BOPP film covered on the samples b-f, respectively.

图5 剥离后冻结界面的变形

Fig5. Deformation of freezing interface after stripping

2.2 结果分析与讨论



由试验结果及剥离后凹坑表面变形的BOPP覆膜可见,利用不同水溶液的相变时间差异以及膨胀释能,弹性冻结界面发生膨胀凸起,破坏结冰界面的连续性,降低表面的附着强度。试样凹坑内填充的低冰点溶液,水占据的比例越大,,相变膨胀能越大,对表面结冰附着强度的影响越大,如c试样(凹坑内填充纯净水,表面膨胀变形最大)表面附着强度为0 kPa。


3 结 论



3)冰在凹坑试样表面的附着强度明显(<0.05)低于在光滑试样表面的附着强度。相对于光滑试样a表面的附着强度,c试样(纯净水)对表面附着强度为0 kPa;凹坑填充不同体积分数乙醇溶液的试样中,6%乙醇体积分数表面的附着强度降低了82%。


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Active anti-icing method for agricultural product refrigerated equipment based on phase change energy release

Cong Qian1,2, Chen Tingkun1, Li Yang1, Sun Chengbin1, Jin Jingfu1※


The application of refrigeration in agricultural and sideline products preservation is getting more and more extensive. However, the surface of refrigeration equipment, such as evaporator, condenser and chiller, is prone to freeze, and ice and frost are easy to occur, which seriously affect the operation efficiency of refrigeration equipment and increase the cost. The formation of ice must be accompanied by the phase expansion. So, why not use the phase transition expansion as the deicing power, and make the refrigeration equipment surface own active control ability of ice? During the test, the polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) with pit and the aluminum alloy were used as the matrix materials, which were bonded with the biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) elastic film as the freezing interface. The pit of the PMMA was filled with gas or aqueous solution with different freezing point. The test adopted the cup method to make the ice under -25 ℃ temperature. With the same cup, the test directly adopted the measured peeling force as the icing adhesion strength. The experimental results showed that the influence of the freezing medium with different freezing point on the icing adhesion strength was different. Compared with icing adhesion strength on the smooth specimen surface 169.81 kPa, the icing adhesion strength of the sample filled with the pure water in the pit was 0 kPa, decreased by 100%. And the icing adhesion strength of the sample filled with 6% ethanol solution was declined by 82% compared with the smooth specimen. Compared with the aluminum alloy sample surface, the icing adhesion strength of the sample filled with the solution of low freezing point was reduced by 76.52%. The icing adhesion strength of the sample filled with 6% ethanol solution was the smallest among the samples with the pits filled with alcohol solution. After the test, it was found that the expansion bump with different height occurred on the surface of the BOPP film on the surface of the pits, and the maximum height (3.34 mm) was on the surface of the specimen filled with pure water, followed by the sample filled with 6%, 8% and 10% ethanol solution, whose swell bump heights were 1.25, 1.13 and 1.04 mm, respectively. The results showed that the icing adhesion strength would be reduced by the phase expansion energy owing to the time difference of phase change. What was more, the influence of sample material, size of pit and filled solution on the icing adhesion strength decrease was very small. During the test, BOPP elastic film was used as the icing interface, and the rigid freezing interface under normal conditions was transformed into a flexible freezing interface. Due to the different thermal conductivity, the moisture on the film was first frozen, and the water solution in the pit formed the boundary constraints. After the aqueous solution was frozen into ice, the swell was generated and the energy was released. The energy played a role on the BOPP elastic film, and it destroyed the contact stability of the interface and reduced the icing adhesion strength. Therefore, it is feasible to destroy the contact stability of the elastic freezing interface and reduce the surface icing strength by the phase transition expansion caused by the coupled effect of ice itself and time difference of the phase transition using different aqueous solutions. The experimental results could provide a reference for studying and developing of anti-icing during agricultural product refrigeration field.

refrigeration; freezing; interface; elastic film; phase transition; expansion; adhesion strength








丛 茜,女(汉族),吉林长春人,教授,博士,博士生导师,主要从事工程仿生学及低温防冻粘技术。长春吉林大学生物与农业工程学院 130022。Email:

金敬福,男(朝鲜族),吉林长春人,副教授,博士,主要从事工程仿生学及表面与界面效应分析。长春吉林大学生物与农业工程学院 130022。Email:

丛 茜,陈廷坤,李 杨,孙成彬,金敬福. 利用相变释能的农产品冷藏设备主动防除冰方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(9):276-281. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.09.036

Cong Qian, Chen Tingkun, Li Yang, Sun Chengbin, Jin Jingfu. Active anti-icing method for agricultural product refrigerated equipment based on phase change energy release[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(9): 276-281. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.09.036


苹果秋覆膜 树体营养好