1 A Lost Treasure Was Finally Found 江底宝藏重见天日
Ancient Chinese legend told that a treasure was lost in China’s Minjiang River. There was a battle centuries ago.
People think the legend is just a story, but it turns out to be true!
More than 10,000 items of gold, silver and bronze[青铜]have been found at the bottom of the river in China’s Sichuan Province. The treasure includes coins, jewelry and weapons.
Chinese archaeologists[考古学家]have confirmed[证实]that the pieces date from[追溯到]between 1368 and 1644 AD.
2 The Cat Came back…Four Years Later 失踪四年的小猫回家了
Booboo was a cat wandering around[徘徊]in Guelph[圭尔夫], Ontario in Canada.
Someone brought her into the humane society[动物保护协会]. When the employees checked Booboo’s microchip[微型计算机芯片]to see where she was from, they found something surprising.
It turns out, Booboo is from California—more than 3,000 kilometres away.
When they got the phone call from Canada, Booboo’s owners were shocked[震惊的]to find out how far she had travelled. She had gone missing[失踪]in 2013, four years ago. They said Booboo would often climb into cars, if someone left a door open. She may have “hitched a ride[搭便车]” to Canada!
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3 Book Returned 50 Years past Due Date 超期五十载,小说回归图书馆
A New Jersey library was surprised to receive a very overdue[逾期未还的]book.
The Phillipsburg Free Public Library confirmed that a copy of the Jules Verne注book Dropped from the Clouds was brought back 50 years later.
The book was due[到期的]on Jan. 5th, 1967. Library director said that they aren’t sure who returned the book. The book was in too poor of condition[状况很差]to return to circulation[流通].
“It looks like someone has loved it for a long time,” the director said. “Hopefully it did some good[起作用]out in the world.”
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4 Human Fountain Can Spray Water for Nearly a Minute 喷水近一分钟的“人体喷泉”
A medical[医学的]student in Ethiopia[埃塞俄比亚]has just earned a Guinness World Record for an amazing stunt[特技表演]: longest time to spray[喷射]water from the mouth.
Kirubel Yilma can spray water from his mouth for nearly a minute: 56.36 seconds to be exact[确切地说].
There’s some science behind this. Yilma said he used his medical studies to find the best way to regurgitate[使回流]water.
“I am a second-year medical student at Addis Ababa University, so I have the knowledge of how to use my muscles effectively[有效地],” he told Guinness World Records.
注:儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne),19世纪法国著名作家,被誉为“现代科学幻想小说之父”。
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5 John Lennon’s Hair Sold for $35,000 列侬的头发天价售出
Someone recently bought a lock of[一缕]John Lennon’s hair for more than $35,000.
The 10-centimetre[厘米]lock of hair is about 50 years old. Hairdresser[理发师]Klaus Barbuck gave Lennon a haircut in 1966. He saved the hair all that time. It turns out to be a smart idea.
John Lennon is a famous British musician. He was one of the Beatles. After the Beatles broke up[解散]in 1970, Lennon went on to have an extremely[极其]successful solo[单独的]career. Lennon died tragically[悲惨地]in 1980, but music lovers around the world still remember him. That’s why a lock of his hair is so valuable[宝贵的].
Paul Fraser the buyer collects Beatles memorabilia[纪念品]. He paid about three times more than anyone expected.
Key words:
1. treasure, Minjiang River, between 1368 and 1644 AD
2. cat, Canada, California, had gone missing, four years
3. a very overdue book, 50 years later, returned
4. a medical student, Guinness World Record, spray water, nearly a minute
5. hair, John Lennon, more than $35,000