茶禅一味 道法自然


质量与标准化 2017年3期

茶禅一味 道法自然

Integration of Zen and Tea in Natural Way



In Japanese culture, Zen has seven artistic characteristics, namely asymmetry, simplicity, austerity, nature, mystery, spirituality and quietness. Murata Juko, forerunner of the Japanese Teaism, introduced Zen into tea af f air, which developed a series of standards for teaism including "four truths and seven rules” and “asymmetry", creating a unique teaism culture of "integration of Zen and tea".


Spiritual Cores of Four Truths


The four truths of Japanese Teaism are harmony, respect, purity and tranquility, which are recognized as the spiritual cores of Japanese Teaism, and viewed as the teaism rules and ethical norms.


Take "respect" as an example, the primitive entrance of Japanese tea rooms were set up VIP entrance and common entrance according to the identity of the guests. After following the four truths, all the entrances were unified into small entrances which were free access regardless of identity or status. In tea affairs, the host should hold the bowl with left hand, and rotate the edge of the bowl lightly with right hand until the f l oral designs toward the guests, then offer the tea to the guest while raising the tea to the eyebrow level in kneeling. The guest needs to rotate the floral designs back toward the host after receiving the tea, and raises the bowl to the forehead to show appreciation. All these steps demonstrate interpersonal equality.


Seven Rules of Teaism System



Japanese teaism has a series of strict procedures and standards for environment, skill and etiquette. It can be concluded as seven rules, namely making tea at a proper temperature; laying the charcoal precisely; warmth in winter and coolness in summer of tea; arranging the flowers elaborately; preparation in advance; getting prepared for raining; and entertaining guests attentively.


For instance, most tea rooms are in an area of 9 square meters. The one smaller than 9 square meters will be called “small room”, while the one bigger than 9 square meters will be called “large room”; the charcoal shouldbe pure and delicate. Besides, the frequency, movement and direction of the dusting also have specific standards. The ceremony includes whisking tea, boiling tea, brewing tea and offering tea. Tea-tasting can be divided into “round drink” and “sole drink”. The former refers to a bowl of tea that is tasted by guests one by one, while the latter refers to a single bowl of tea drunk by one person. After the ceremony, the guests bow and leave, and the host sit on heels by side of the door and see the guests out.


Unique Asymmetrical Aesthetical Standard


Taking imbalance and asymmetry as beauty is the unique aesthetical standard for Japanese teaism. The most representative tea pottery "Raku Ware" is known as the top grade pottery for its irregular shape.


According to the glaze color, Raku is divided into "Red Raku" and "Black Raku". The body must be handmade, mixed with clinkers at the percentage from 10% to 20%, and be calcinated up to 800℃. The glazing is conducted in ways of pouring, soaking, sprinkling and shading. In terms of shape and color, Raku pursues irregularity and asymmetry. Some have wavy bowl lip and unsmooth body while some have uneven glazes and dif f erent colors inside and outside. All these characteristics ref l ect the aesthetic sense of "asymmetry”.

结 语



Japanese teaism originates from Zen and appears in tea. In the prolong history of development, Zen and tea inf i ltrate and inf l uence each other, and f i nally integrate into a new realm "integration of Zen and tea" under the subtle inf l uence of standards concept.



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