故宫博物院将全部实行网络售票Palace Museum Plans Eeb-only Tickets
The Palace Museum in Beijing, the most visited museum in the world each year, plans to stop selling paper tickets from its box office, perhaps by later this year. Shan Jixiang, the museum’s director, said an Internet-based system will be set up to better coordinate the number of visitors for different hours of the day. The new plan is preliminarily scheduled to be launched in an "appropriate time after late October", but he said it still depends on whether conditions allow. The Palace Museum opened its online ticket system in 2011, and its statistics show nearly half the tickets are sold via the internet. Shan said its online payment system will have English and other language versions to assist foreign visitors.
百年品牌凤凰携手OFO共享单车China’s Century-old Bicyle Brand to Team up with OFO
China’s 120-year-old bike manufacturer Phoenix is to supply bike-sharing startup OFO and help it explore overseas markets. In the following year, OFO will buy at least 5 million bikes from Shanghai-based Phoenix and put them on the streets of Beijing, Shanghai and neighboring areas. In addition, Phoenix plans to produce various versions of bikes for OFO based on overseas demand.All the Phoenix-made bikes for OFO will bear the Phoenix trademark.There were 18.9 million users of shared bicycles nationwide in 2016. The number is expected to hit 50 million by the end of 2017.
中国明年将发布可与维基百科匹敌的《中国大百科全书》China to Launch Wikipedia Rival in 2018
与维基百科不同,这本书是由从全国高校和研究机构挑选出来的专家学者编撰的,而不是由志愿者编辑而成。该项目主编、中国书刊发行业协会会长杨牧之说:“《中国大百科全书》不是一本书,而是一座文化的长城。”China is to launch an online version of its national encyclopaedia next year, to compete with Wikipedia.Officials said more than 20,000 people had been hired to work on the project, which will feature 300,000 entries at about 1,000 words each. Unlike Wikipedia, it will be created by selected scholars from state-run universities rather than being openly editable by volunteers.The Encyclopaedia of China "is not a book, but a Great Wall of culture", Yang Muzhi, the editor-in-chief of the project, who chairs the Book and Periodicals Distribution Association of China.