刘均平, 戚燕云, 魏红山
首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院 1.消化内科;2.神经内科,北京 100015
刘均平1, 戚燕云2, 魏红山1
首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院 1.消化内科;2.神经内科,北京 100015
目的比较胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD)中非糜烂性反流病(non-erosive reflux disease, NERD)与反流性食管炎(reflux esophagitis, RE)患者精神心理异常症状表现,为其有效治疗提供依据。方法选择反酸、烧心、胸骨后疼痛为主诉,伴焦虑和(或)抑郁症状的患者,经胃食管反流病问卷(Gred Q)调查确定为GERD者为研究对象,依据胃镜检查结果分为RE组和NERD组。两组均进行汉密尔顿焦虑、抑郁量表问卷调查。结果GERD伴焦虑和(或)抑郁患者共52例,其中NERD患者32例、RE患者20例。年龄、病程、文化程度及Gred Q评分等两组比较,差异无统计学意义(P<0.05);抑郁状态患者中NERD组27例(84.4%),RE组19例(95.0%),抑郁量表评分两组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);焦虑状态患者中NERD组32例(100%),以女性为主(84.4%),RE组 20例(100%),女性7例(35.0%),焦虑量表评分两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);焦虑合并抑郁状态患者中NERD组27例(84.4%),RE组19例(95.0%),两组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论GERD合并精神心理异常症状的患者中,NERD患者呈焦虑状态比例较RE高,且女性患病率高。汉密尔顿焦虑、抑郁量表测评有助于GERD伴有精神心理异常症状患者心理干预和(或)药物治疗的选择。
胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD)包括非糜烂性反流病(non-erosive reflux disease, NERD)、反流性食管炎(reflux esophagitis, RE)和Barrett’s食管(Barrett’s esophagus, BE),其发病机制有所不同。目前临床专家普遍认为,GERD是指胃内容物反流入食管引起不适症状和(或)并发症的一种疾病[1]。本研究拟通过比较NERD和RE患者精神心理评分状况, 探讨精神心理因素与NERD和RE发病的相关性,为NERD和RE的有效治疗提供临床循证医学的证据。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料选取2013年12月-2015年6月就诊于首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院消化科门诊,以反酸、烧心、胸骨后疼痛为主要症状,伴有焦虑和(或)抑郁,经胃食管反流病问卷(Gred Q)调查[2]诊断为GERD的患者为研究对象,评分值10分作为GERD的诊断标准[6]。入选病例经检查排除伴随疾病:(1)肝、胆、胰、甲状腺疾病;(2)消化性溃疡、消化道恶性肿瘤;(3)肝硬化;(4)腹部重大手术;(5)糖尿病;(6)其他部位肿瘤;(7)心脏疾病;(8)2周内未使用过抗焦虑、抑郁药物。
1.2 分组经胃镜检查将入选病例分为NERD组与GERD组,食管下段黏膜破损者为RE,黏膜正常者为NERD。胃镜检查由消化科医师完成。应用汉密尔顿焦虑、抑郁量表采用他评方法问卷调查,焦虑评分>7分和抑郁评分>7分患者纳入研究。汉密尔顿焦虑、抑郁量表问卷调查均由神经内科专职心理医师完成。
1.3 汉密尔顿焦虑量表调查测评项目焦虑共14项,包括焦虑心境、紧张、害怕、失眠、认知功能、抑郁心境、躯体性焦虑感觉系统、躯体性焦虑肌肉系统、心血管系统症状、呼吸系统症状、胃肠道症状、生殖系统症状、植物神经系统症状、会谈时行为表现。焦虑状态判定标准:7分以下者为无,7~14分者为轻度,15~21分者为中度,22~29分者为重度,>29分者为严重。
1.4 汉密尔顿评抑郁量表调查测评项目共17项,包括抑郁情绪、有罪感、自杀、入睡困难、睡眠不深、早醒、工作和兴趣、迟缓、激越、精神性焦虑、躯体性焦虑、胃肠道症状、全身症状、性症状、疑病、体质量减轻、自知力。抑郁状态判定标准: 7分以下无,7~17分者为轻度,18~24分者为轻-中度,>24分者为重度。
2 结果
2.1 患者人口学资料GERD伴焦虑及/或抑郁患者52例。其中NERD患者32例、RE患者20例。患者的年龄、病程、文化程度及Gred Q评分等两组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),性别差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,见表1)。
表1 两组患者一般资料比较
Tab 1 Comparison of base data between two groups
2.2 NERD 和RE患者焦虑状态合并焦虑状态的患者中NERD组32例(100%),以女性为主(84.4%),RE组 20例(100%),女性7例(35.0%),焦虑量表评分两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,见表2)。
表2 两组患者焦虑状态分布的比较 [例数(%)]
Tab 2 Comparison of anxiety state distribution between two groups [n(%)]
2.3 NERD 和RE患者抑郁状态抑郁状态者中NERD组27例(84.4%),RE组19例(95.0%),抑郁量表评分两组比较,差异无统计学意义(见表3)。焦虑合并抑郁状态者中NERD组27例(84.4%),RE组19例(95.0%),两组比较,差异无统计学意义(见表4)。
表3 两组患者抑郁状态分布的比较[例数(%)]
Tab 3 Comparison of the distribution of depression between two groups [n(%)]
分组例数<7分男女7~17分男女18~24分男女NERD组3205(15.6)5(15.6)17(53.1)05(15.6)RE组2001(5.0) 12(60.0)5(25.0)1(5.0)1(5.0)
表4 两组患者焦虑合并抑郁状态比较 [例数(%)]
Tab 4 Comparison of anxiety combined with depression between two groups [n(%)]
3 讨论
GERD包括RE、NERD及Barrett’s食管。目前多数学者倾向RE、NERD及Barrett’s食管属三种独立的疾病,但其各自的发病机制及三者之间的关系,目前仍不明确。RE与NERD患者常合并精神心理异常,近年来引起国内外学者关注[3]。临床发现,RE、NERD患者中有部分存在焦虑、抑郁等心理异常,且NERD患者对抑酸剂治疗效果较差[4]。本研究显示,NERD组患者中女性比例显著高于RE组,与近期报道结果类似[5]。NERD女性患者焦虑状态、抑郁状态、焦虑合并抑郁状态发生率显著高于RE组。NERD组焦虑状态程度显著高于RE组, 提示NERD患者较RE有更明显的焦虑倾向,更易合并焦虑状态。NERD患者焦虑状态与反酸、烧心、胸骨后疼痛等症状关系密切,焦虑状态与反酸、烧心、胸骨后疼痛症状间可能存在因果关系。目前已证实,各种应激、精神心理异常等因素均与烧心症状密切相关。有研究显示,心理异常和神经质是NERD的危险因素,但不能预测内镜下食管黏膜损伤[6]。
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Initial clinical evaluation of the states of anxiety and depression in gastroesophageal reflux disease patients
LIU Junping1, QI Yanyun2, WEI Hongshan1
1.Department of Gastroenterology; 2.Department of Neurology, Beijing Ditan Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100015, China
Objective To compare abnormal psychological symptoms among non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) and reflux esophagitis (RE) patients in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and to provide the evidence for the effective treatment. Methods Acid reflux, heartburn, retrosternal pain as chief complaint, while patients with anxiety and (or) depression symptoms, the gastroesophageal reflux disease questionnaire (Gred Q) survey identified GERD were chosen as the research object. Gastroscopy indicated that the patients whose lower esophageal mucosa being damaged were enrolled as RE.The rest were enrolled the NERD. Both of two groups were adopted depression scale questionnaire and Hamilton anxiety. Results Depression and/or anxiety were found in total of 52 GERD patients, including 32 NERD patients and 20 RE patients. There were no significant differences in age, course of disease, culture degree and the Gred Q score, etc between two groups (P>0.05). There were 27 NERD patients with depression (84.4%) and the same condition in RE were 19 patients (95.0%). Symptom scores had no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). There were 32 cases in NERD patients with anxiety (100%), female cases were 27, which occupied for 84.4% of total. There were 20 RE patients with anxiety (100%), female were 7 patients (35.0%). Symptom scores was significantly different between two groups (P<0.05); the NERD patients with depression and anxiety was in 27 patients (84.4%) and the same conditions was seen in RE patients (95.0%), and there was no significant difference between two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion In the patients who suffer from GRED and psychological anomaly, NERD patients show more anxiety than RE patients, and the female patients have high prevalence rate. The methods of Hamilton anxiety and depression scale assessment are helpful to GERD patients with mental abnormality providing information for medication.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease; Non erosive reflux disease; Reflux esophagitis; Anxiety; Depression
魏红山,主任医师,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:肝癌预警及早期诊断标志物研究。 E-mail:drwei@ccmu.edu.cn
A 文章编号:1006-5709(2017)02-0161-03