专题1 以磷酸二酯酶为靶标治疗神经精神疾病、神经退行性疾病以及其他类型疾病
专题1 以磷酸二酯酶为靶标治疗神经精神疾病、神经退行性疾病以及其他类型疾病
S1-1 Phosphodiesterase 1:a unique therapeutic target with multiple potential indications
(Intra-Cellular Therapies,Inc.,New York,NY,USA)
S1-2 Targeting phosphodiesterases for cognition enhancement: a translational approach
(Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology,School for Mental Health and Neuroscience,Maas⁃tricht University,Maastricht,The Netherlands)
Dr.Jos PRICKAEERRTTSS is associate professor of Experimental Neuropsychopharmacology at the Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology at Maastricht University(The Netherlands). He studied biology at Utrecht University and obtained his PhD degree on′Memory Formation, Neurodegeneration and Drugs′at the Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology at Maas⁃tricht University(1998).Thereafter,he was working as a researcher in multidisciplinary teams at Maastricht University and eventually pharmaceutical industry(Johnson and Johnson PRD, Belgium).Ten years ago,he returned to the Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology at Maastricht University and his research focuses on signal transduction and plasticity.In particular, the role of phosphodiesterases(PDEs)and growth factors in this respect is being studied.His major aim is to unravel the mechanism of action of signaling pathways both in health and disease (mainly Alzheimer disease),while at the same time exploring the therapeutic potential of key players in the affected signaling pathways.He was the first to demonstrate the cognition enhancing potential of PDE5 inhibition and he is a leading expert in the field of PDEs and invited for numerous symposia,writing book chapters,discussions in forums/meetings, as well as consultant for pharmaceutical companies.With the latter there is also a substantial collaboration to develop and test new cognition enhancers.He has co-authored over 160 scientific papers(H-index 47),contributed to 9 book chapters and has 4 patents.Study grants have been obtained from pharmaceutical industry,Dutch Government(eg The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development)and the Alzheimer Foundation Netherlands.His research involves working with animals and human subjects in a translational context with the Faculty of Psychology and Neuro⁃science(adults)and the memory clinic(elderly,patients with Alzheimer disease).
Abstract:Cyclic adenosine monophosphate(cAMP)and/or cyclic guanosine monophosphate(cGMP) have been suggested to play specific roles in processes of memory.These cyclic nucleotides are hydrolyzed by specific enzymes,iephosphodiesterases(PDEs).Thus,selective PDE inhibitors preventing the breakdown of cAMP and/or cGMP could improve memory.Studies with different timing of treatment with specific PDE inhibitors indicated that distinct underlying signaling pathways for early and late consolidation processes exist corresponding to specific time-windows for memory consolidation into longterm memory.There is evidence that the underlying mechanisms of PDE inhibition on the observed behavioral effects are independent of possible cerebrovascular effects.Most likely the underlying mech⁃anisms are a cGMP/PKG pathway for early consolidation processes and a cAMP/PKA pathway for late consolidation processes.In addition,the early-phase cGMP/PKG signaling actually requires late-phase cAMP/PKA-signaling in long-term memory formation.Recently,the effects of specific PDE inhibitors are explored on other cognitive domains including acquisition processes/short-term memory and infor⁃mation processing.It will be shown that elevation of central cGMP levels or cAMP levels after treatment with a specific PDE inhibitor both improve acquisition processes/short-term memory.In vitrostudying the effects of PDE inhibitors on long-term potentiation,the physiological substrate of memory,supportthein vivodata and further show that AMPA receptor trafficking very likely mediates the memory enhancing effects.In a translational approach we initially also investigated the effects of cGMP elevation via PDE5 inhibition with vardenafil or sildenafil on cognition in humans.However,in contrast to studies with rodents and monkeys,PDE5 inhibition had no effect in humans on cognition including memory processes.It is clear that the transition of a drug from preclinical to clinical creates translational hurdles.Nevertheless,based on the expression patterns of its isoforms in the brain,PDE4,which is cAMP specific,appears more interesting for CNS targeting than PDE5.Indeed we found that a low dose of the PDE inhibitor roflumilast clearly improved cognition in humans.Interestingly,this pro-cognitive effect was not associated with emetic side effects(nausea,vomiting),which are commonly associated with PDE4 inhibition.Based on our data we suggest that the future for disease-specific PDE4 enzyme inhibition lies in the development of PDE4 isoform-specific inhibitors without emetic effects.Within the context as described above,the latest results of specific PDE inhibitors on cognitive processes will be presented and its implications will be discussed for finding and testing new cognition enhancers.
Key words:phosphodiesterases;cognition;memory
S1-3 Phosphodiesterases:novel targets for treatment of alcoholism
LIU Xin1*,WEN Rui-ting2,3*,GONG Mei-fang4*,XU Ying5*,Nicolas GRAHAME6,XU Jiang-ping5, LIANG Jian-hui3,Marco CONTI7,ZHANG Han-ting1,2
(1.Institute of Pharmacology,Taishan Medical University,Tai′an 271016,China;2.Departments of Behavioral Medicine&Psychiatry and Physiology&Pharmacology,Blanchette Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute,West Virginia University Health Sciences Center,Morgantown,WV 26506,USA;3.Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology,School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China;4.Department of Pharmacology,School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,China;5.Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,State University of New York at Buffalo,Buffalo,NY 14214,USA;6.Department of Psychology,Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis,Indianapolis,IN,46202,USA;7.Center for Reproductive Sciences,Department of Obstetrics,Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences,University of California,San Francisco,CA 94143,USA)
张汉霆,博士,泰山学者海外特聘专家,泰山医学院药理学研究所所长、药学院教授,美国西弗吉尼亚大学医学院教授及博导,中国旅美科技协会西弗吉尼亚分会会长,美国西弗吉尼亚华人协会会长。张博士1987年7月毕业于广州南方医科大学(原第一军医大学)医疗系,并获得医学学士学位;1992和1995年在军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所师从罗质璞教授和秦伯益院士,分别获得药理学硕士及博士学位。1998年赴美留学,先后在美国路易斯安那州立大学和田纳西大学卫生科学中心,从事神经精神药理学博士后研究;2005年起于美国西弗吉尼亚大学医学院行为医学与精神疾病系任助教授,博士生导师及终身教授。2015年起受聘为山东省政府“泰山学者海外特聘专家”,泰山医学院药理研究所所长。张博士一直从事磷酸二酯酶(PDE)的生物功能与机制研究。在PDE对中枢功能的调控方面取得了国际同行公认的成就。他在国际上第一个证明脑内PDE4D对抑郁以及PDE4对饮酒的重要调节作用,并阐明脑内PDE4亚型(PDE4A,PDE4B,PDE4D)对抑郁、焦虑和认知等行为的不同调控及机制。张博士先后两次(2006,2008)获得美国NARSAD青年科学家奖(NARSAD Young Investigator Award);并多次担任重要国际会议的主席和(或)作大会报告。应邀在中、美、欧等地的高校及科研院所做学术报告100余场。在Journal of Neuroscience,Neuropsychopharmacology,Trends in Pharmacological Sciences等高影响力杂志上发表论文及综述80余篇,书稿(篇章)18部。论文他引次数2600余次;H指数为28。作为国际著名的磷酸二酯酶研究专家,主编英文版磷酸二酯酶专著1部(Phosphodiesterases:CNS Functions and Diseases,Springer出版社),参与编写磷酸二酯酶专著五部(均为英文版)张博士还担任海内外多种科研基金/项目的评审专家,包括美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)研究基金,美国弗罗里达州卫生厅老年性痴呆研究专项基金,欧洲Alzheimer病研究基金ISAO,荷兰转化研究项目(ZonMw′s PTO),中国国家自然科学基金重点项目和重大国际合作项目,教育部“长江学者特聘教授/讲座教授”计划,教育部自费留学奖学金(中国驻美使馆辖区),等。此外,张博士还担任14种国际学术期刊的主编、副主编或编委,包括Current Pharmaceutical Design客座主编,Frontiers in Pharmacology副主编,Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience副主编,Metabolic Brain Disease常务副主编,Scientific Reports和Journal of Clinical Pharmacology等杂志的常务编委。同时担任包括PNAS,Journal of Neuroscience,Neuropsychopharma⁃cology等在内的50余种国际期刊的审稿人。此外,张博士作为旅美华人杰出代表于2011年胡锦涛主席访美和2012,2015年习近平主席访美期间,先后受到两位领导人的亲切接见。
Abstract:OBJECTIVEAlcoholism is one of the most damaging psychiatric disorders and causes serious social and health problems in the world.However,there are no ideal treatments for this disease in clinic. Phosphodiesterases(PDEs)are a superfamily of enzymes consisting of 11 PDE families that hydrolyze cyclic AMP(cAMP)and/or cyclic GMP(cGMP).Among them,PDE4 is critical in the control of intracellular cAMP levels and has been shown to play an important role in the regulation of ethanol consumption. However,the functional role of PDE4 in mediating alcoholism remains unclear.METHODSEthanol drinking and preference were examined using the two-bottle choice and/or drinking-in-dark(DID)test in high alcohol preferring(HAP)animals,including C57,HAP,and PDE4-subtype knockout mice,and Fawn-Hooded(FH/Wjd)rats,treated with or without the PDE4 inhibitor rolipram or roflumilast.Ethanol withdrawal-induced anxiety-and depressive-like behaviors were examined using the elevated plusmaze,holeboard,forced-swim,and tail-suspension tests in C57 mice or FH rats in the presence of PDE4 inhibition.Levels of cAMP,CREB were determined in brain regions.RESULTSTreatment with rolipram or roflumilast decreased ethanol intake and preference in two-bottle choice and DID tests in C57 and HAP mice as well as FH rats.Mice deficient in PDE4B,but not PDE4D,displayed similar effects to general PDE4 inhibition.In addition,rolipram reversed ethanol withdrawal-induced anxietyand depressive-like behaviors 1 d and 14 d,respectively,following withdrawal from ethanol drinking in the two-bottle choice in C57 mice or FH rats.Locomotor activity was not changed in either mice or rats treated with the PDE4 inhibitors.Levels of cAMP,pCREB in the brain were increased by rolipram.CONCLUSIONThe results provide solid evidence for the important role of PDE4 in ethanol consump⁃tionand ethanol withdrawal-induced symptoms.Inhibitors of PDE4,in particular the PDE4B isoform, can be a novel class of treatment for alcoholism.
Key words:phosphodiesterase;alcohol drinking;alcoholism;anxiety,depression;rodents
*Co-first author.
S1-4 PDE10A inhibitor in addiction
MU Ying,ZHEN Xue-chu
(Jiangsu Key Laboratory of translational research for Neuro-psychiatric diseases,College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Soochow University,Suzhou,China)
Dr.ZHEN XueN Xue-chuchu is a professor of neuropsychopharmacology in Department of Pharma⁃cology,Soochow University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Suzhou,China.He was formally a professor and principle investigator in Shanghai Institute of MaterialMedica,Chinese Academy of Sciences between 2006-2011.In 2003-2006,he became associate professor in department of Pharmacology and physiology at City University of New York Medical School.He received his PhD in University of Geneva,Switzerland in 1996.His lab is focused on neuro⁃transmission and diseases and CNS drug discovery targeted to schizophrenia,Parkinson disease and drug abuse.He has published more than 120 research papers and review articles in peered-reviewed international journals.He is awarded national outstanding young scientist in 2008.His research is supported by National Science Foundation of China,Ministry of Science and Technology of China.
Abstract:Chronic exposure to drugs of abuse will give rise to persistent structural and functional changes in the central nervous system.These phenomena are usually referred as′drug-induced neuro⁃plasticity′and depend on changes in gene expression.The cAMP response element binding protein (CREB),as a downstream molecule in mediating the actions of cAMP is an important transcriptional factor in establishing and maintaining addiction to drugs of abuse.Application of a PDE4 inhibitor attenuates the rewarding properties of cocaine and morphine.Given the fact that PDE10A is specifically located in striatum,an important structure involved in the reward circuit,we thus investigated the PDE10A inhibitormodulated the behavioral reinforcement exerted by morphine.The results show that MP-10 2.5 mg·kg-1, administered subcutaneously,significantly inhibited the acquisition of morphine-induced CPP.More⁃over,MP-10 did not alter the expression of morphine-induced CPP,but did accelerate the extinction of morphine-induced CPP.Additionally,chronic treatment with MP-10 2.5 mg·kg-1decreased expression of phosphorylated CREB(pCREB)in dorsomedial striatum,in shell of NAc,and in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)as well as decreased expression of ΔFosB in the shell of NAc and ACC.These data indicate that PDE10A inhibition may have a potential therapeutic effect on addiction.Since the MP-10 has rela⁃tive short metabolic Stability,we also developed a few novel potent new PDE10A selective inhibitor with improved stability and brain exposure.The new compound exhibited promising potential in schizo⁃phrenia and addiction treatment.
Corresponding author:ZHEN Xue-chu,E-mail:zhenxuechu@suda.edu.cn
S1-5 Regulation and function of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases in pathological vascular remodeling
YAN Chen
(Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute,University of Rochester,Rochester,New York,USA)
Dr.YAN Chen Chen received her Bachelor and Master degrees in the field of Biochemistry and Genetics,respectively,from Fudan University,Shanghai,China.She completed her PhD.in Pharmacology at University of Washington in Seattle,USA.Currently,she is a tenured professor in the Cardiovascular Research Institute,University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry,Rochester,USA.Dr.YAN has established a well-recognized and well-funded research program in the area of cyclic nucleotide signaling and cardiovascular biology by focusing on a family of enzymes called phosphodiesterases(PDE)that degrade cyclic nucleotides (cAMP and cGMP).The ongoing studies in Dr.YAN′s lab usingin vitroandin vivoapproaches have been focused on elucidating the roles and underlying mechanisms of PDE activation or inhibition in various cardiovascular diseases.To date,she has more than 130 SCI publications in a number of prestigious journals such asPNAS,CirculationandCirculation Research,etc.She serves on the editorial board of several journals such asArterioscletosis,Thrombosis,andVascular Biology(ATVB)andJournal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology(JMCC),as well as serves as an ad hoc reviewer for many other cardiovascular-related journals.She was a recipient of American Heart Association Established Investigator Award.
Abstract:Pathological vascular remodeling is characterized by thickening or thinning of the vessel wall through altering cellular and non-cellular components,which associates with various blood circulation disorders in brain,heart,lung,and peripheral vasculatures.Pathological vascular remodeling occurs in response to a variety of vascular insults such as mechanical(angioplasty or stenting)or biological (lipids,diabetes,smoking,or virus)injuries.It is a polygenic process involving multiple cell types in the vessel wall or circulation,including endothelial cells(ECs),smooth muscle cells(SMCs),fibroblasts, leukocytes,and platelets.One of hallmarks is the transition of vascular smooth muscle cells(SMCs)from a differentiated/quiescent contractile phenotype to a myofibroblast-like dedifferentiated/active so-called synthetic phenotype.Synthetic SMCs are proliferatory,migratory,secretory and inflammatory, playing key roles in the pathogenesis of vascular remodeling.In the normal vessel,ECs synthesize and secrete biological substances such as prostacyclins(PGI2)and nitric oxide(NO)that not only function as vasodilators but also inhibit SMC phenotype transition and other properties associated with the synthetic phenotype.Cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP are primary mediators of PGI2and NO, respectively,and play critical roles in control vascular structural integrity and function.Cyclic nucleo⁃tides are controlled by selective activation or inhibition of distinct cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE)isozymes catalyzing the degradation reaction.To date,more than 60 different PDE isoenzymes derived from 22 genes are identified and grouped into 11 broad families(PDE1-PDE11).PDEs are expressed in a cell/tissue-specific manner and only a few enzymes are expressed in any single cell type.Through systematic assessment of the expression levels of all known PDE isoforms in contractile versus synthetic SMCs,we found that the expression levels of a number of PDE are significantly altered between two SMC phenotypes.We then explored the functional roles and underlying mecha⁃nisms of these altered PDEs in vascular SMCs pathogenesis and vascular remodelingin vitroandin vivousing a variety of gain-of-or loss-of-function approaches.For example,we found that Ca2+/calmodulinstimulated cAMP/cGMP-hydrolyzing PDE1C is selectively expressed in synthetic SMCsin vitroand in various vascular disease modelsin vivo.PDE1C upregulation contributes to a number of pathogenic functions of synthetic SMCs,such as cell proliferation,migration,and matrix protein metabolism. PDE1C deficiency markedly attenuates intimal hyperplasia,atherosclerosis,and aortic aneurysm in experimental mouse disease models.These findings suggest that PDE1C functions as a key regulator of the synthetic SMC pathology in vascular remodeling.Inhibiting PDE1C function may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for protecting against the pathogenesis of vascular diseases.
Key words:phosphodiesterases;smooth muscle cells;vascular remodeling
S1-6 Role of PDE4D splice variants in the mediation of antidepressant and cognition-enhancing actions and its mechanisms
JIN Zeng-liang1,2,WANG Zhen-zhen3,XU Yuan-yuan1,YANG Wei-xing1,LI Yun-feng1
(1.Department of New Drug Evaluation,Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology,Beijing 100850,China;2.Department of Pharmacology,Capital Medical University,Beijing,China;3.Department of Pharmacology,Institute of Materia Medica,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,Beijing,China)
Abstract:OBJECTIVEPhosphodiesterase 4(PDE4),specific for cyclic AMP(cAMP)-hydrolyzing,has four isoforms(PDE4A-D)with at least 25 splice variants.PDE4 inhibitors produce definite antidepres⁃sant-like and cognitive-enhancing effects.However,none of PDE4 inhibitors has yet been approved for clinical utility so far due to the concomitant side effects.The present research is to explore the splice variants of PDE4D responsible for antidepressant-like and cognitive-enhancing effects of PDE4 inhibitors but not side effects.METHODSLong-form PDE4Ds were silenced by the bilateral microinfusion of lentiviral vector containing miRNAs(4DmiR)into the prefrontal cortex(PFC),PDE4D4 or D5 was over⁃expressed by the bilateral microinfusion of lentiviral vector containing full cDNA into hippocampus.Anti⁃depressant-like behaviors were measured by tail-suspension test(TST),forced swimming test(FST)and chronic unpredictable stress model.Cognitive behaviors were measured by the novel object recog⁃nition test(NOR)and Morris water maze test(MWM)in both normal mice and the mice with chronic unpredictable stress-induced memory deficits.The emetic potential was evaluated by the assessment of the anaesthetic reversal effect,a surrogate of the emesis test in non-vomiting species.The expres⁃sions of PDE4 isoforms/splice variants and cAMP level were examined by Western-blot and ELISA analysis.The dendritic complexity and spine density were assessed by Golgi staining.RESULTS(1) High and specific expression of EGFP(green,indicator of 4DmiR expression)in PFC was observed under fluorescence microscopy.(2)4DmiR significantly down-regulated PDE4D4/5 splice variants,but not PDE4A,PDE4B or PDE4D1/2/3.(3)4DmiR treatments significantly increased cAMP signaling and dendritic complexity in PFC.(4)Rolipram and/or 4DmiR treatments significantly decreased immobility in TST and FST.(5)Rolipram and/or 4DmiR treatments reversed the depressive-like behaviors in chronically stressed mice,including the reduced sucrose preference,prolonged latency to novelty-sup⁃pressed feeding and increased immobility in FST.(6)Rolipram and/or 4DmiR treatments significantly increased the recognition index in NOR task and both the entries and durations in MWM task.(7)Rolip⁃ram and/or 4DmiR treatments reversed the memory deficits in chronically stressed mice,including the reduced the recognition index in NOR task and the decreased durations in MWM task.(8)Rolipram and/or 4DmiR treatments reversed the decreased cAMP signaling,dendritic complexity and spine density. (9)Rolipram or plus 4DmiR treatment significantly decreased the duration of anaesthesia in the alpha2 adrenergic receptor-mediated anesthesia,but not 4DmiR treatment alone.(10)Hippocampal overexpression of PDE4D5,but not PDE4D4,produced depressive-like and cognitive defect behaviors, which were reversed by rolipram.The measurements including cAMP signaling,dendritic complexity andin vivohippocampal LTP,showed the same changes.CONCLUSIONLong-form PDE4Ds,espe⁃cially the PDE4D5,are the major isoforms responsible for antidepressant-like and cognitive-enhancing effects with little side effects.The critical roles of long-form PDE4Ds are mediated by their regulation of cAMP signaling pathway and neuroplasticity.
Key words:phosphodiesterase 4D;RNA interference;overexpressions;antidepressant;cognitive; prefrontal cortex;hippocampus
WENNOOGGLLEE received his PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology under Howard Berg and Marvin Caruthers at the University of Colorado,in Boulder,Colorado,USA.He stayed there to complete post-doctoral studies covering the red blood cell membrane structurefunctional relationships.His second post-doctoral fellowship was at the Pasteur Institute in Paris France where he studied structure-function relations of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor under Jean-Pierre Changeux.During his professional career,including 37 years working in the phar⁃maceutical industry,Dr.WENNOGLE has focused on discovering and developing novel agents as therapies for human diseases.He played a significant role in the identification of nine drug candidates that were evaluated in human clinical trials,including efforts in cardiovas⁃ cular diseases(hypertension,reperfusion injury),inflammation,diabetes,and disorders of the central nervous system. Two drugs were approved for human use:Prexige(COX2 inhibitor for arthritis)and benazepril(ACE inhibitor for hypertension) during his tenure of 20 years at CIBA-Geigy/Novartis,in part due to his efforts.His group identified the atrial narriuretic peptide degrading enzyme now called Neprilysin.Novartis recently won approval of a novel Neprilysin inhibitor-angiotensinⅡreceptor antagonist combination LCZ696 for heart failure(Entresto™).For the past fifteen years,he has headed a Drug Discovery effort at Intra-Cellular Therapies(ITI-NASDAQ ITCI).ITI is dedicated to developing drugs for major unmet medical needs and currently has two drug candidates in human clinical trials including Lumateperone(ITI-007)for schizo⁃phrenia and ITI-214,a phosphodiesterase I inhibitor,for cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia and other indications including heart failure.To enable these efforts,Dr.WENNOGLE assembled a talented team of drug discovery scientists including veteran medicinal chemists and pharmacologist and put in place a highly efficient platform of discovery capabilities employing state-of-the-art methods.They have assembled methods to maximize or minimize brain penetration and oral bio-availability of drug candidates.Dr.WENNOGLE identified the licensing opportunity for the ITI-007 portfolio.His group discovered the clinical candidate compound ITI-007 and managed all studies leading to the IND submission.Their Drug Discovery Group is the leader in the phosphodiesteraseⅠinhibitor field and they discovered and developed the potent and selective PDE1 inhibitor ITI-214.ITI-214 has completed four phase one human clinical trials and will soon enter phase two human testing. Earlier in his career,Dr.WENNOGLE discovered novel methods of efficiently screening and optimization drug candidate using combinatorial chemical libraries.For the past 15 years,he has been collaborating with a team of Alzheimer disease experts,including Nobel Laureate Paul GREENGARD of Rockefeller University,to identify and exploit novel targets with the goal to discover new therapeutics for Alzheimer disease.He has a major focus on therapeutics for degenerative disorders,including heart failure and ocular diseases.They have been exploring novel treatments for such diseases.Dr.WENNOGLE is a Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences and currently holds an Adjunct Professorship at Rutgers University,the State University of New Jersey.
Cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1(PDE1)is a unique enzyme family hydrolyzing both cyclic guanosine monophosphate(cGMP)and cyclic adenosine monophosphate(cAMP)intra-cellular signaling molecules.A unique aspect of this enzyme family is its activation by calcium-calmodulin upon excitation of excitatory cells such as neurons and cardiomyocytes.In chronic degenerative diseases such as Parkinson disease,Alzheimer disease and heart failure,over-stimulation and chronic excessive levels of intra-cellular calcium leads to cell death.Targeting the PDE1 enzyme family with enzyme inhibitors is a novel approach to develop therapeutic agents for degenerative disorders.ITI-214 is a potent,and selective PDE1 inhibitor that has been tested in four human clinical trials.It is safe and well tolerated even at high dose levels that lead to high plasma and cerebral spinal fluid levels.In animal models,ITI-214 has cognitive enhancing properties as demonstrated in the rat novel object recognition model.Using a unilateral 6-hydroxy-dopamine lesion mouse model,the cylinder test readout of front paw use indicated that ITI-214 displays L-DOPA sparing effects ITI-214 reverses catalepsyinduced by the potent dopamine D2 receptor antagonist haloperidol,indicating potential applications in Parkinson disease and as an adjunctive treatment in schizophrenia.Aspects of the Intra-Cellular Therapies PDE1 inhibitor program will be outlined and the potential application to multiple therapeutic areas will be discussed.
cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1;calmodulin-activation;cognition;degenerative;therapies
ZHANG Han-ting,E-mail:hzhang@hsc.wvu.edu