

新东方英语 2017年6期



Its been one week since Donald Trump pulled off the biggest upset in modern political history, and his headquarters at Trump Tower in New York City is a 58-story, onyx1)-glassed lightning rod. Barricades, TV trucks and protesters frame a fortified Fifth Avenue. Armies of journalists and selfie-seeking tourists stalk Trump Towers pink marble lobby, hoping to snap the next political power player who steps into view. Twenty-six floors up, the president-elect is choosing his Cabinet.

Winners will emerge shortly. The most compelling figure, however, wasnt in Trump Tower. Jared Kushner was three blocks south, high up in his own skyscraper, where he oversees his familys Kushner Companies real estate empire. Trumps son-in-law, dressed in an impeccably2) tailored gray suit, sitting on a brown leather couch in his impeccably neat office, displays the impeccably polite manners that won the 35-year-old a dizzying number of influential friends even before he had gained the ear, and trust, of the new leader of the free world. A year ago he had zero experience in politics and about as much interest in it. Suddenly he sits at its global center.

Running the Trump Campaign

Kushner almost never speaks publicly, but interviews with him and a dozen people around him and the Trump camp lead to an inescapable fact: The quiet, enigmatic young mogul delivered the presidency to the most fame-hungry, bombastic candidate in American history.

“Jared Kushner is the biggest surprise of the 2016 election,” says Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google. “Best I can tell, he actually ran the campaign and did it with essentially no resources.”

No resources at the beginning, perhaps. Underfunded3) throughout, for sure. But by running the Trump campaign—notably, its secret data operation—like a Silicon Valley startup, Kushner eventually tipped the states that swung the election4). And he did so in a manner that will change the way future elections will be won and lost. President Obama had unprecedented success in targeting, organizing and motivating voters. But a lot has changed in eight years. Specifically social media. Clinton did borrow from Obamas playbook5) but also leaned on traditional media. The Trump campaign, meanwhile, delved into message tailoring, sentiment manipulation and machine learning. The traditional campaign is dead, another victim of the unfiltered democracy of the Web—and Kushner, more than anyone not named Donald Trump, killed it.

That achievement, coupled with the personal trust Trump has in him, uniquely positions Kushner to be a power broker6) of the highest order for at least four years. “Every president Ive ever known has one or two people he intuitively trusts,” says former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, “I think Jared might be that person.”

Jared Kushners ascent from Ivanka Trumps little-known husband to Donald Trumps campaign savior happened gradually. In the early days of the scrappy7) campaign, it was all hands on deck8), with Kushner helping research policy positions on tax and trade. But as the campaign gained steam9), other players began using him as a trusted conduit10) to an erratic11) candidate. “I helped facilitate a lot of relationships that wouldnt have happened otherwise,” Kushner says, adding that people felt safe speaking with him, without risk of leaks.

Kushners role expanded as the Trump ticket gained traction—so did his enthusiasm. Kushner went all-in with Trump last November after seeing his father-in-law pack12) a raucous13) arena in Springfield, Illinois, on a Monday night. “People really saw hope in his message,” he says. “They wanted the things that wouldnt have been obvious to a lot of people I would meet in the New York media world or the Upper East Side14).” And so this Harvard-educated child of privilege put on a bright-red Make American Great Again hat and rolled up his sleeves.

Just as Trumps unorthodox style allowed him to win the Republican nomination, Kushners lack of political experience became an advantage. Unschooled in traditional campaigning, he was able to look at the business of politics the way so many Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have sized up other bloated industries.

“Jared understood the online world in a way the traditional media folks didnt. He managed to assemble a presidential campaign on a shoestring15) using new technology and won. Thats a big deal,” says Schmidt, the Google billionaire. “Remember all those articles about how they had no money, no people, organizational structure? Well, they won, and Jared ran it.”

His Family

Controlled, understated and calm, Jared Kushner couldnt be more different from his father-in-law in personality and style. Take Twitter. While Trumps impulsive tweeting to his 15.5 million followers reportedly forced his staff to withhold his phone during parts of the campaign, Kushner has never posted a single tweet.

And whereas Trumps office is wall-to-wall16) Donald, a memorabilia17)-stuffed shrine to ego, the headquarters for the Kushner Companies is sparse and sober. A leather-bound copy of Jewish teachings, the Pirkei Avot18), sits on a wooden pedestal19) in the reception room, and identical silver mezuzahs20) adorn the side of each office door. The only decoration in his large, terraced boardroom is an oil painting of his grandparents, Holocaust survivors who immigrated to the U.S. after World War II. But enter Kushners corner office and you see—under a painting with the words “Dont Panic” over a canvas of New York Observer pages—two critical commonalities that unite the pair: columns of real estate deal trophies and framed photos of Ivanka. If you are looking for a consistent ideology from either Kushner or Trump, it can be summarized in a word: family.

Jared and Ivanka met at a business lunch and started dating in 2007. During the courtship Kushner had met Donald only a few times in passing when, sensing the relationship was getting serious, he asked Trump for a meeting. Over lunch at the Trump Grill, they discussed the couples future. “I said, ‘Ivanka and I are getting serious, and were starting to go down that path,” Kushner says and laughs.

“He said, ‘Youd better be serious on this.”

“Jared and my father initially bonded over a combination of me and real estate,” Ivanka Trump says in her Trump Tower offices. “Theres a lot of parallels between Jared as a developer and my father in the early years of his development career.”

Like Trump, Kushner grew up outside Manhattan: New Jersey in Kushners case, versus Trumps Queens. Also like Trump, Kushner is the son of a man who created a real estate empire in his local market—Charles Kushner eventually controlled 25,000 apartments across the Northeast—and steeped his children in the family business. “My father never really believed in summer camp, so wed come with him to the office,” Kushner says. “Wed go look at jobs, work on construction sites. It taught us real work.” Raised with three siblings in an observant Jewish home in Livingston, New Jersey, Kushner went to a private Jewish high school and then to Harvard. Next came New York University, for a joint J.D. and M.B.A.

During grad school Kushner interned for Manhattans longtime district attorney, Robert Morgenthau, before a family scandal upended his life. In 2004 Charles Kushner pleaded21) guilty to tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions and witness tampering.

Just 24, Jared, as the elder son, suddenly found himself charged with keeping the family together. He saw his mother most days and flew to Alabama to visit his father in prison on most weekends. He also developed a deeper bond with his brother, Josh, who had just started Harvard when the scandal broke. Says Josh, who considers Jared his best friend: “He is the person that I turn to for guidance and support no matter the circumstance.”

“The whole thing taught me not to worry about the things you cant control,” Kushner says. “You can control how you react and can try to make things happen as you want them to. I focus on doing my best to ensure the outcomes. And when it doesnt go my way I have to work harder the next time.”

His Core Conviction

Part of the reason Jared Kushner has engendered such public interest, besides the power he suddenly wields and the curiosity generated by his near-invisible media presence, is the paradoxes that he represents.

He brought the Silicon Valley ethos, which values openness and inclusiveness, to a campaign that promised closed borders, trade protection and religious exclusion. A grandson of Holocaust survivors who serves a man who has advocated a ban on war refugees. A fact-driven lawyer whose chosen candidate called global warming a hoax, linked vaccines to autism and challenged President Obamas citizenship. A media mogul in a campaign stoked22) by fake news.

Kushners answers to these conflicts come down to one core conviction—his unflagging23) faith in Donald Trump. A faith that he defends with the “data” hes accumulated about the man over a decade-plus relationship.

“If I know somebody and everyone else says that this persons a terrible person,” he says, “Im not going to start thinking that this persons a terrible person or disassociating myself, when my empirical24) data and experience is a lot more informed than many of the people casting these judgments. What would that say about me if I changed my view based on what other people think, as opposed to the facts that I actually know for myself?”

And that seems to reflect how Kushner feels about friends upset by his role in electing someone who offends their values, to the point where, before the election, several wrote to him in fits of pique25). “I call it an exfoliation26). Anyone who was willing to change a friendship or not do business because of who somebody supports in politics is not somebody who has a lot of character.” “People are very fickle27),” he adds. “You have to find what you believe in, challenge your truths. And if you believe in something, even if its unpopular, you have to push with it.”

Many of those fickle friends are likely to return now that Kushner, after masterminding Trumps stunning victory, has the ear of the future president. What he will do with that power is anyones guess.

“I assume hell be in the White House throughout the entire presidency,” says News Corp. billionaire Rupert Murdoch. “For the next four or eight years hell be a strong voice, maybe even the strongest after the vice president.”














而且,特朗普的办公室随处可见特朗普的痕迹,到处都是特朗普的纪念品,如同一所自我崇拜的神堂,而库什纳集团的总部则空旷而朴素。一本皮面装订本的犹太教义《父辈的伦理》放在接待室的木质底座上,每间办公室的门框上都装饰着一模一样的银质门柱圣卷。在他带有露天平台的大会议室里,唯一的装饰物是一幅画有他祖父母的油画。他的祖父母是犹太人大屠杀的幸存者,二战后移民来到美国。但进入库什纳在转角处的办公室后,你会看到一幅印有《纽约观察家》报版面的油画,画上印有“Dont Panic”(意为“处变不惊”)的字样。在画的下方,你会发现可将库什纳和特朗普联系在一起的两个重要的共性:一排排房地产交易的奖杯和镶有相框的伊万卡的照片。如果你想寻找库什纳和特朗普在思想上有什么共性,有一个词可以概括:家庭。

















1. onyx [??n?ks] n. [矿]缟玛瑙

2. impeccably [?m?pek?b(?)li] adv. 无可挑剔地

3. underfunded [??nd?(r)?f?nd?d] adj. 资金不足的

4. 指“摇摆州”(swing state),美国大选中的特有说法,即竞选双方势均力敌、均无明显优势的州。这些州在大选中频频摇摆,倒向不同的政党,其选票是竞选双方争夺的重点。摇摆州的动向往往直接影响大选的结果。

5. playbook [?ple?b?k] n. [橄]战略和比赛方法手册

6. power broker:(能影响有权势人物以操纵权力的)权力经纪人

7. scrappy [?skr?pi] adj. 零碎的;支离破碎的

8. all hands on deck:原意为“全体船员各就各位”,即当船遇险或发生紧急情况时,要求所有船员上甲板共同面对。现用于号召所有人同心合力应对需要及时完成的事情。

9. gain steam:开始发展壮大

10. conduit [?k?nd?t] n. 渠道;管道

11. erratic [??r?t?k] adj. 不规则的;不正常的;反复无常的,难以预测的

12. pack [p?k] vt. 塞满,(使)挤满

13. raucous [?r??k?s] adj. 喧闹的

14. the Upper East Side:上东区,位于纽约曼哈顿,美国有名的富人区。

15. on a shoestring:用很少的钱做或办某事

16. wall-to-wall:无处不在的,到处可见的

17. memorabilia [?mem(?)r??b?li?] n. (有关某人的)值得纪念的事物,纪念品

18. Pirkei Avot:犹太教经典《父辈的伦理》

19. pedestal [?ped?st(?)l] n. 底座

20. mezuzah [me?zu?z?] n. 门柱圣卷,犹太人在门框上挂放的经文楣铭

21. plead [pli?d] vt. [律]承认,认罪

22. stoke [st??k] vt. 煽起,鼓动

23. unflagging [?n?fl?ɡ??] adj. 不减弱的,不改变的

24. empirical [?m?p?r?k(?)l] adj. 实证的;以经验为依据的

25. in fits of pique:赌气地;愠怒地

26. exfoliation [eks?f??li?e??(?)n] n. 剥落;脱落

27. fickle [?f?k(?)l] adj. (在感情等方面)易变的

