作为一种语言测试,托福考试的重点是检测考生的英语语言水平。因此,能够写出正确、流畅的语言是考生获得托福写作单项高分的必备条件。在《新托福考试官方指南》第四版(以下简称OG)中,对于托福独立写作语言运用方面的要求是这样的:“Language use is the third criterion on which your essay will be judged. To get a top score, an essay must display ‘consistent facility in the use of language. There should be a variety of sentence structures, and word choice should be appropriate.”可以看出,托福独立写作对于考生写作的总体要求是consistent facility in the use of language (语言运用和谐流畅),给出的具体建议是a variety of sentence structures (句子结构多样)和word choice should be appropriate (措辞应贴切得体)。那么怎样的措辞才算贴切得体呢?是一定要用很高级、很复杂的词才行吗?
Most young adults prefer to have a separate or independent life from their parents or families as soon as possible. This is because they have a strong urge for freedom in doing what they desire. But in fact many of them fail. This should not be surprising since often they are actually not ready mentally although they are physically ready. It is widely understood that to live independently requires a lot of energy and is not easy at all. In this twenty first century, people may need more and more preparation because competition is increasing rapidly. An observation shows that many University graduated students are unemployed. Therefore, they will not be able to support and fulfill their necessities.
So living independently at an early age is not suitable for all young adults, some young adults may need to take more time to prepare themselves before going out to struggle. Young adults need to be ready to support themselves. Taking time to get more education and living with their families for a longer time may lead them to a better independent life because they will be well prepared for the hard-life outside. Still, living with their families for too long will not be a good idea because they could get used to it and tend to be less independent.
對于这篇作文,阅卷者(human rater)是这样评价的:“This well developed essay meets all the criteria for earning a score of 5. The writer develops the topic through a detailed discussion of independence and of the suitability of living independently. The essay is unified and coherent. Sentence structure is varied, especially in paragraphs 2 and 3. The writer does not use high-level vocabulary, but word choice is correct throughout. There are minor errors (“University graduated students,” “fulfill their necessities”), but these in no way interrupt the flow or meaning of the essay.”
那么,考生在托福独立写作中到底该如何用词呢?首先,考生要了解常用的英文词汇分几类。根据不同的语体风格,常用词汇可分成三类:正式的(formal)、一般的(common)、非正式的(informal)。正式的词也可称作学术性的词、文雅的词或“大”词,这类词往往有三个以上的音节,如下面这段话中加粗的词汇:“There is nothing new in the recognition, within a given language, of a distinction between common usage and uses of the language for more restricted purposes and often enough, perhaps characteristically, more elevated purposes.”但这段话中的大多数词都是十分常用并在多种文体中出现的,这些词被称为一般词汇。这两类词都可用于书面写作中。还有一类词主要用于非正式的、不讲究客套的谈话中,很少出现在正式的文章里,如guts (胆量)、guy (男人)、hassle (麻烦)等,这类词一般都很短,只有一、两个音节,被称为非正式词汇。此外,俚语也是很不正式的表达,如kick the bucket (去世)等,在书面写作中也应该避免。
对于OG中要求的“措辞贴切得体”,如何才能做到呢?对此,大多数考生都有一个误解,以为必须大量使用托福甚至GRE词汇表中的高级难词和复杂词。当然,考生如果能正确使用这些词汇固然好,但对于大多数考生来说,很多人仅仅是认识这些词汇,但对于其搭配及感情色彩并不是很清楚。其实,在托福独立写作的评卷中,阅卷者一方面会考虑考生所使用的词汇的长度和复杂度(word length and sophistication of word choice),另一方面会将考生所使用的词汇表达与语料库中不同等级的文章进行比较(score assigned to essays with similar vocabulary, similarity to essays receiving highest score),从而大致判定考生的文字语言水平。因此,考生在平时备考期间应多去积累高分范文中的词汇表达,这对于提升考生自己的语言水平有很大的帮助。实际上,考生如果能正确、熟练、恰当地使用大学英语四级水平的词汇,就已经能在写作中很好地表达自己的意思了。比如,如果要表达“生活中有很多这样的例子”,大多数考生的第一反应是:“There are many similar examples in our daily life.”这句话在表达上没有错误,但考生如果能用四级常用词汇abound对其进行改写,就能使表达更加正式、地道,如:“Life abounds with such examples.”
笔者在给一些已经准备过一段时间托福写作的考生上课时发现,他们经常在写作中大量使用很长、很长的长句。当笔者建议他们把一些句子断开时,他们就会振振有词地说:“XX说过,托福写作句子越长越容易得高分!”这种说法倒也有其“合理”之处。目前托福写作是电子阅卷和人工阅卷(二者审核角度基本相符)共同参与评分,最终取加权平均值。由于电子评分系统(e-rater)读不懂考生的文章内容,所以在针对Development (展开论点)这一维度进行评价时,会通过话语元素的长度(the length of discourse elements)進行衡量,其中,句子的平均长度便是参考标准之一。也就是说,在e-rater眼中,如果一位考生句子写得太短,那就说明该考生没能表达出什么内容,因此也就没有展开论点。所以在阅卷中,无论是human rater还是e-rater都不希望看到考生写出大量太短的句子。
那么这是否说明句子写得越长越好呢?当然不是。各位考生可能都有过这样的体验:朋友圈里某人发了一段不加标点的文字,读完简直累死宝宝了。其实写作也一样,即使句子中间有逗号,但是太长的句子仍会影响读者的理解,这也是为什么句子长度是文章可读性的其中一个指标。根据OG第608页关于Too Many Long Sentences的说明,官方建议的平均句子长度是15~20词左右(the average sentence length should be between 15 and 20 words),这样更便于读者理解(this length allows your reader to absorb your ideas more easily)。
a. Benjamin Franklin, who was one of Americas “founding fathers,” helped write the Declaration of Independence. He also invented many things such as bifocals and the Franklin stove, and he discovered electricity, which became important to modern life.
b. Benjamin Franklin, who was one of Americas “founding fathers,” helped write the Declaration of Independence. He also invented many things such as bifocals and the Franklin stove, and he discovered electricity. Think about that discovery. Where would we be without electricity?
考生通过对比上述例句可以看出,a句使用了一连串长句,比较繁冗,可读性不强,导致句意不够清晰。而b句将长短句结合起来,使得表达更为简明,句意清晰,句子也更富于节奏感。由此可见,在写作时,考生可以用不同长度的句子来表达不同的意思,同时注意长短句结合使用(mix long sentences with short ones)。正如OG中寫道的:“A good combination of long and short sentences makes writing lively.”
作者简介:李盛,新东方教育科技集团优秀教师,国外项目教学培训师,美国ETS普林斯顿总部访问学者,哥伦比亚大学Teachers College访问学者,合肥新东方北美教学教研经理,主授托福、SAT、GRE等课程。