常冬梅 王鑫 马臻雏
中图分类号:R445.2;R743 文献标识码:B DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-0270.2017.05.08
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the clinical application value of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging(DTI) in differential diagnosis of hyper-acute and acute ischemic cerebral infarction. Methods: To retrospective analysis DTI images of 11 patients with hyper-acute and 15 patients with acute unilateral ischemic cerebral infarction. Set the regions of interest(ROI) on fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusion coefficient(MD) images of DTI and generate the contralateral ROI, record the FA and MD values and relative values. Compare the differences of FA and MD between lesions and contra, analysis the differences of relative FA and MD between two groups. Results: The MD value of hyper-acute and acute infarction lesions were lower than contra, the FA values was lower than contra only in acute phase(P<0.05). The relative FA and relative MD values of hyper-acute infarction were higher than that of acute infarction(P<0.05). Conclusion: Acute cerebral infarction made the FA and the MD value reduced, and the relative FA and MD had the differences between two groups, which could be applied to identify hyper-acute and acute ischemic cerebral infarction in clinic and was helpful to choose reasonable treatment program.
Key Words: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Diffusion Tensor Imaging; Ischemic Cerebral Infarction
1 引言
磁共振弥散加权成像(Diffusion Weighted Imaging, DWI)检查对于急性缺血性脑梗死诊断至关重要[1],然而对于其发病时间主要依据主诉,DWI缺乏客观性定量指标。因此,本文通过对梗死病灶各项异性指数(Fractional Anisotropy, FA)、平均弥散系数(Mean Diffusion Coefficient, MD)两种弥散张量成像(Diffusion Tensor Imaging, DTI)的常用参数值进行分析,发现急性和超急性脑梗死两组间的差异,奠定其临床应用价值。
2 研究对象与方法
2.1 资料收集及病例纳入标准
2.2 方法
采用GE Optima360 1.5T MR和头线圈,检查序列:轴位DWI、FLAIR、T2WI及矢状位T1WI。DTI序列定位从颅顶至枕骨大孔平面,b值采用0和1000s/mm2,扩散权重采集方向为15个,44层,3.0mm 层厚,无间距扫描,TR 12000ms,TE 87ms,FOV 240mm×240mm,扫描时间3min 24s。
2.3 图像处理
以DWI图为参考,在FA、MD图上选取病灶及相应对侧为感兴趣区(Region of Interest, ROI),记录各ROI的FA、MD参数值并计算病灶与对侧的相对值,对侧ROI由软件自动镜像生成。
2.4 统计学处理
采用SPSS 17.0分析数据,数据表示为均数±标准差。采用配对样本t检验检测病灶与镜像对侧FA、MD值的差异,采用独立样本t检验分析FA、MD相对值在两组间的差异。统计量为t值,P<0.05认为有统计学差异。
3 结果
3.1 FA和MD图在两组病灶的表现
3.2 组内病灶与相应对侧ROI的比较及组间相对值的比较
4 讨论
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