

磁共振成像 2017年2期




目的观察胎儿期肠梗阻MRI表现,结合生后手术史及病理学诊断,探讨MRI对胎儿期肠梗阻的诊断价值。材料与方法回顾性分析胎儿期肠梗阻病例26例,胎龄为孕23~35 w,均先行胎儿超声检查后再行胎儿MRI平扫。采用2D快速平衡稳态进动序列(2D fast imaging employ steady acquisition, 2D FIESTA)、单次激发快速自旋回波(single-shot fast spin echo,SSFSE)序列、快速反转恢复运动抑制序列T1WI (fast inversion recovery motion insensitive T1WI,FIRM T1WI)和弥散加权成像(diffusion weighted imaging,DWI)序列。根据梗阻部位、梗阻区肠管信号改变、梗阻远端肠道充盈情况、肠系膜血管异常等进行影像学诊断,并观察继发改变如腹水、羊水增多等,随访出生情况及手术治疗结果,分析MRI诊断的正确率及漏诊率,探讨MRI各序列在胎儿肠梗阻诊断中的优势。结果26例肠梗阻胎儿中:十二指肠/空肠狭窄或闭锁16例,其中4例伴十二指肠和空肠旋转不良;胎粪性小肠梗阻4例,其中2例继发肠扭转致肠缺血坏死;肛门闭锁4例;结肠狭窄或闭锁1例;先天性巨结肠1例。所有胎儿均伴有不同程度羊水增多,部分病例伴腹水、心包积液及睾丸鞘膜积液;2例为单脐动脉。MRI诊断正确率为92.3%(24/26),误诊率为7.7%(2/26)。MRI能清楚显示胎儿肠梗阻部位,观测肠管扩张的程度。SSFSE序列可显示系膜血管受累,FIRM T1WI序列有助于结肠梗阻的诊断,DWI序列可提示梗阻肠管缺血和出血的改变。结论胎儿期肠梗阻MRI图像有特征性改变,可以判断受累肠管的发生部位、梗阻程度和合并症等,对产前诊断和出生后手术治疗有重要参考价值。


周立霞, 卜静英, 耿左军, 等. 胎儿肠梗阻的MRI诊断. 磁共振成像, 2017, 8(2): 125-130.


1 材料与方法

1.1 研究对象

2014年9月至2016年2月,在我院行胎儿MRI诊断肠管扩张,提示肠梗阻者26人,均先行胎儿超声检查,并于产后随访手术或病理证实。孕妇年龄22~35岁,平均年龄(27.00±0.73)岁;胎儿孕周23~35 w,平均孕周(29±2) w。

1.2 仪器与方法

MRI检查及诊断:应用GE 1.5 T Signa Excite 1.5 T超导型磁共振仪,相控阵8通道体部线圈。孕妇取仰卧位,通过快速定位序列调整线圈中心位于胎儿腹部。采集胎儿横断面、矢状面及冠状面。采用4个序列包括2D快速平衡稳态进动序列(2D fast imaging employ steady acquisition,FIESTA)、单次激发快速自旋回波(single-shot fast spin echo,SSFSE)序列、快速反转恢复运动抑制序列T1WI (fast inversion recovery motion insensitive T1WI,FIRM T1WI)、弥散加权成像(diffusion weighted imaging,DWI)。扫描层厚5~6 mm,层间距-2~0 mm。

所有MRI图像均由2位以上高年资医师进行会诊后再出具影像学报告。小肠梗阻及结肠梗阻诊断标准:24 w前小肠内径超过 4 mm,结肠内径超过 7 mm;24 w后小肠内径超过 7 mm,结肠内径超过 18 mm。

1.3 随访


1.4 统计学分析


2 结果

2.1 胎儿肠梗阻的MRI表现及随访结果

2.1.1 16例十二指肠或空肠近段狭窄或闭锁


2.1.2 4例胎粪性小肠梗阻

MRI示小肠梗阻,3例伴腹水。2例引产者伴胎粪性腹膜炎。2例生后手术治疗,其中1例胎儿分别于孕33 w、35 w各行MRI检查一次,肠管宽度由18 mm增加至22 mm,提示肠梗阻程度加重,于38 w出生,产后2 d行手术治疗,术中见梗阻位于空肠远段。MRI示手术胎儿两次检查图像,孕33 w (图2A~2C)见梗阻区肠袢显著扩张,肠管排列异常可见漩涡征(图2A)。部分肠壁水肿增厚(图2B长箭),部分肠壁变薄(图2B箭头)。孕35 w (图2D、E)见肠管扩张较前显著,肠内容物呈稍短T1长T2信号,提示肠腔内出血可能(图2C、D)。SSFSE序列见梗阻肠管间隙近肠系膜侧低信号的系膜血管扭曲、聚拢(图2C)。DWI序列显示病变区肠管管壁及管腔内见不均匀混杂信号,以高信号为主(图2E长箭),可见多发斑片状低信号(图2E箭头)。于孕38 w顺产后第2天行开腹探查术,术中见部分空肠扭转且缺血坏死,肠腔内容物呈黑褐色,梗阻远端见质地较硬的胎粪阻塞(图2F)。引产后尸检示2例回肠梗阻,1例位于空肠梗阻,1例位于回盲部。

2.1.3 4例先天性肛门闭锁


2.1.4 1例结肠狭窄或闭锁


2.1.5 1例先天性巨结肠


2.2 26例胎儿MRI诊断、随访情况


3 讨论


表1 26例胎儿肠梗阻MRI诊断及随访Tab.1 MRI diagnosis and follow up of 26 cases of fetal intestinal obstruction

3.1 MRI对胎儿肠梗阻部位的判断



3.2 胎儿期肠梗阻病因的推断


图1 A、B (FIESTA):孕35 w胎儿,十二指肠远端梗阻。胃泡及十二指肠显著扩张(A箭),十二指肠远侧近空肠处狭窄呈“鸟嘴征”(B箭);C、D (FIESTA):孕34+6w胎儿,空肠梗阻。胃泡、十二指肠及近端空肠扩张,十二指肠及空肠位于右上腹(C箭),提示存在旋转不良。梗阻部位空肠鸟嘴样狭窄(D箭) 图2 A、B:FIESTA,C:SSFSE,D:FIRM T1WI,E:DWI (b=700 s/mm2):同一胎儿孕33 w (A~C)和孕35 w (D、E),胎粪性肠梗阻。超声诊断小肠局部肠管扩张,羊水显著增多。孕33 w胎儿腹腔内见一明显扩张的肠袢(A箭),肠管扩张肠壁部分增厚(B箭),部分明显变薄(B箭头),于SSFSE序列可见肠系膜区血管聚拢、扭曲(C箭)。随着孕周增大,梗阻程度加重。孕35 w FIRM T1WI序列见梗阻的肠腔内为短T1高信号(D箭)。DWI示肠壁高信号(E箭),肠腔内信号混杂,可见多发斑片状低信号(E箭头)。生后第2天开腹探查见梗阻肠管破裂,病变肠袢呈灰黄色提示缺血坏死(F箭)Fig. 1 A, B (FIESTA): A fetus at 35 weeks 4 days' gestation, distal duodenal obstruction. Stomach and duodenum was significantly dialated (A, arrow), a narrow segment existed at distal duodenal adjacent to jejunum as "beak sign" (B, arrow); C, D (FIESTA): A fetus at 34 weeks and 6 days' gestation with jejunum obstruction. Stomach, duodenum and proximal jejunum were expanded, duodenum and jejunum located in the right upper quadrant (C, arrow), suggested bowel malrotation. Obstructed jejunum was narrow as beak sample (D, arrow). Fig. 2 A, B: FIESTA, C: SSFSE, D: FIRM T1WI, E: DWI (b=700 s/mm2): A fetus at 33 weeks and 35 weeks of gestation with meconium ileus. Ultrasonic diagnosis partial bowel of small intestinal expansion, amniotic fluid significantly increased. At 33 weeks a significant expanded bowel loops existed within fetal abdomen (A, arrow) and part bowel wall was thickening (B, arrow), or thinner than normal (B, arrow head). Mesenteric vessels twisted on SSFSE imaging. (C, arrow). The obstruction was getting worse with the pregnant weeks past. The obstructed lumen showed short T1 and high signal on FIRM T1WI (D, arrow). DWI showed intestinal wall high signal (E, arrow), mixed signal was on lumen contents with multiple patchy low signal (E, arrow head). The obstructed bowel was seen ruptured during laparotomy exploration on the second day after birth, the bowel loop was gray and suggesting ischemic necrosis (F, arrow).

图3 A~C:FIESTA,D:FIRM T1WI,孕31 w胎儿,生后证实肛门闭锁。直肠远端为盲端(A、B箭),近侧结直肠显著扩张(C、D箭),小肠管腔轻度增宽(C箭头),肝周见少量腹水(B箭头)。FIRM T1WI序列示增粗的横结肠为高信号(D箭) 图4 A:FIESTA,B:DWI (b=0),C:SSFSE,D:FIRM T1WI,孕32 w胎儿结肠狭窄。MRI示结肠普遍扩张,呈短T1短T2信号(A~C长箭),乙状结肠远端狭窄(A短箭)。直肠显著变细(D箭) 图5 A:FIRM T1W,B、C:FIESTA,孕29 w胎儿,先天性巨结肠伴旋转不良。右上腹横结肠状扩张,其远侧肠管局限性萎陷(A~C箭),直肠形态正常Fig. 3 A—C: FIESTA, D: FIRM T1WI, A 31 weeks gestation fetus, confirmed anal atresia after birth. Distal rectum was cecum (A, B, arrow), the proximal colorectal expanded (C, D, arrow), and the small intestine was also mildly broadening (C, arrow head), and ascites was shown around liver (B, arrow head). The expanded transverse colon was high signal in FIRM T1WI (D, arrow). Fig. 4 A: FIESTA, B: DWI (b=0), C: SSFSE, D:FIRM T1WI, A fetus at 32 weeks gestation with colon stenosis. The colon was extensive expanded and showed short T1 short T2 signal (A—C, long arrow) with distal sigmoid colon stenosis (A, short arrow). The rectum significantly thinner (D, arrow). Fig. 5 A: FIRM T1W, B, C: FIESTA, A fetus at 29 weeks gestation with congenital megacolon and malrotation. The transverse colon in right upper quadrant expanded and the distal bowel stenosis (A—C, arrow), the colon was in normal form.

3.3 MRI快速序列在胎儿肠梗阻诊断中的应用

胎儿MRI多采用快速序列,逐层采集图像,约每1~2 s扫描1层,每个序列控制在20余秒左右,从而达到“冻结胎动”的效果[1,14]。本组胎儿肠梗阻病例主要应用FIESTA、SSFSE、FIRM T1WI和DWI 4个快速MRI序列,各序列在诊断中各有优劣,逐一分析如下:(1)FIESTA序列为最常用的“白血”序列,成像速度最快,信噪比高,有利于观察解剖结构。(2)SSFSE序列是快速T2WI成像序列。肠管内因含羊水为长T2高信号,而结直肠因含有胎粪为低信号对判断肠梗阻部位有帮助[15]。另外,SSFSE序列也称为“黑血”序列,有助于肠扭转及肠缺血时肠系膜肠管的观察。(3)孙 子燕等[16]发现 在 孕32 w 后 ,小肠 末 端高信号减少甚至消失,仅结肠为T1WI高信号,因此T1WI有助于显示胎儿正常结肠及先天性结肠病变。本研究应用FIRM T1WI序列发现先天性巨结肠、肛门闭锁等结直肠畸形。胎儿MRI图像中T1高信号不一定是末端或结肠,在有些疾病,胎儿小肠亦可呈T1高信号,如遗传性腹泻、囊性纤维化,短结肠畸形等[17]。本组病例中,胎粪性肠梗阻累及的小肠为短T1高信号(图2D),考虑为胎粪梗阻后继发肠扭转和缺血坏死,导致肠腔内出血、大量炎性细胞和蛋白积聚,顺磁性物质含量增高缩短T1时间所致,此种情况则需要结合肠管分布及多序列综合判断。(4)DWI序列成像速度快,也是常用的胎儿MRI序列。本研究发现正常胎儿小肠及结直肠DWI序列均呈低信号,但是当存在肠缺血梗死时,受累肠壁及肠腔内可表现为不均匀高信号。肠壁高信号可能与缺血坏死所致的细胞毒性水肿有关。当肠管坏死时,肠腔内存在出血、炎性细胞浸润和蛋白积聚导致局部水分子扩散受限,产生DWI高信号。由于出血时期不同,T2透过效应的影响,导致肠腔内DWI信号不均(图2E)。



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The MRI diagnosis of fetal intestinal obstruction

>ZHOU Li-xia1*, BU Jing-ying1, GENG Zuo-jun1, LI Haiyan2, LIU Ci2, LI Suo-lin3

1Department of Medical Imaging, the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050000, China

2Department of the Seventh Gynecology, the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050000, China

3Department of Pediatric Surgery, the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050000, China

*Correspondence to: Zhou LX, E-mail:

Received 31 May 2016, Accepted 2 Aug 2016

Objective:To observe fetal intestinal obstruction with MRI, compared with the result of newborn surgery and pathology, explore the value of MRI in the diagnosis of fetal intestinal obstruction.Materials and Methods:Twenty-six cases of fetal intestinal obstruction were retrospectively analyzed, gestational age was 23—35 w, all cases were performed fetal ultrasound before fetal MRI. 4 MRI sequences were used including 2D FIESTA (2D fast imaging employ steady acquisition), SSFSE (single-shot fast spin echo), FIRM T1WI (fast inversion recovery motion insensitive T1WI) and DWI (diffusion weighted imaging). According to the intestinal obstruction sites, bowel signal changes, distal intestinal filling, and mesenteric vessels changes, radiological diagnosis was made, the secondary imaging signs such as ascites and amniotic fluid were also observed. Follow-up the fetal birth and surgical treatment postnatal , analysed the MRI accuracy and the missed diagnosis rate, and investigated the advantage of each sequence in the diagnosis of fetal intestinal obstruction.Results:In the 26 cases of fetal intestinal obstruction, 16 cases were duodenum/jejunum stricture or atresia with 4 cases accompanied duodenum and jejunum malrotation, 4 cases were small intestinal meconium obstruction with 2 cases secondary volvulus and ischemia necrosis, 4 cases were anal atresia, 1 case was colonic stricture or atresia and 1 case was congenital megacolon. All fetuses were associated with amniotic fluid in different degree, some cases with pleural effusion, pericardial effusion and hydrocele testis. 2 cases with single umbilical artery. MRI diagnostic accuracy rate was 92.3% (24/26), the misdiagnosis rate was 7.7% (2/26). MRI can locate the fetal intestinal obstruction and observe the extent of bowel dilatation. SSFSE can clearly show mesenteric vessels, FIRM T1WI is helpful to diagnosis of colonic ileus, DWI can detect obstruction ischemic bowel through the intestinal signal.Conclusion:Fetal intestinal obstruction has characteristic radiological imaging, the obstruction site and cause can be judged through fetal MRI as well as the complications, which has important reference value for prenatal diagnosis and postnatal surgical treatment.

Fetal diseases; Magnetic resonance imaging; Intestinal obstruction; Diffusion weighted imaging; Volvulus

1.河北医科大学第二医院医学影像科,石家庄 050000

周立霞,E-mail:doctorzhou@126. com





2.河北医科大学第二医院妇七科,石家庄 050000

3.河北医科大学第二医院小儿外科,石家庄 050000


