

速读·下旬 2017年3期






(2)表逻辑关系的关键词。空后如果出现了but,however,yet,on the contrary,by contrast,on the other hand,unfortunately,while,whereas,unlike,rather than,instead of,it is true that,of course,although,though,even though,even if,nevertheless,despite,in spite of之类的词,即表示空前空后两句话为转折。值得注意的是,这类词之后所表达的意思才是最重要的,也就是“but之前都是浮云”。如果出现and,or,also,neither...nor...,either...or...,likewise,similarly,equally,in the same way,that is to say,as well as,the same as,besides,additionally,furthermore,moreover,in addition to,what is more之类的词,即表示空前空后的句子为递进关系;出现because,for,since,as,thus,hence,therefore,so,so that,consequently,accordingly,due to,thanks to,as a result,because of,in that,for this reason,of course等词,即表示因果关系;出现afterwards,at first,at last,finally,first,firstly,in the first place,to start with,in the mean time,last,later,next,second,secondly,then,third,thirdly,to begin with以及一些具体的时间的词,即表示时间顺序。背诵这些关联词,就能在选项中找到与空前空后有一致性和相关性的句子。






(3)如果挖空在断尾,通常是总结性的语句,关键词要在空前的句子中寻找。要注意表示总结的信号词,如therefore,as a result,hence,thus,to sum up,to conclude,in short,in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。




Everyone has had to deal with a friend who says,“Can I borrow some money?I promise Ill pay you back.” 1 ,but here are some steps that will help you get back the money youve lent and keep your friendship complete.

Decide if you want to lend the money.It doesnt mean that you have to say yes when your friend is asking for a loan.Think carefully about whether this is something you feel comfortable doing.You may want to consider:How is your friend with money? 2 ?Why does your friend need the money?

3 .You might settle for a verbal agreement since its with someone youre close to,but putting the loan in writing will enable both of you to treat it as a business arrangement.The agreement should spell out the terms,including any interest and the punishment for late payments.

State your repayment terms clearly.Decide how much and how often payments are to be made,and then keep to that schedule. 4 .Its better to figure out what you will do if your friend cant make a payment ahead of time than trying to work it out when it happens.

Follow up in a businesslike way.Make a note in your calendar to remind your friend a few days ahead of the due date.Wait to see if your friend pays on the due date without the reminder.If not,tell him or her when you might expect payment,and let him or her explain the delay. 5 ,set a new date for the payment.

A.There is no way.

B.Once youve heard the explanation.

C.Discuss what happens if a payment is missed.

D.How much does your friend want.

E.Whether you decide to lend the money is up to you.

F.You could lose your money and relationship.

G.Put everything in writing.



3.G,第三题挖空在句首,说明空句是主题句。寻找主题句需要着重看空后第一第二句,并且空后句子中出现but,这些信号都说明答案要在but之后的内容中寻找,因此选项G中的in writing与句子中的意思相符。


