山东琴书 老城新传,乡音不改


空中之家 2017年5期

山东琴书 老城新传,乡音不改

A More Modern Take on Qinshu

Yao Zhongxian

A national first-class performer of National Folk Art Association of Jinan, the sole inheritor of Beilu school, and winner of the Peony Award , the highest award for folk arts in China.



Nihao: Why is Qinshu popular among people in Shandong?

Yao: For the local people of Jinan, Qinshu was the major form of entertainment before television came along. At Daming Lake, Baotu Spring and many other popular places, there were teahouses or venues where people went to enjoy Qinshu performances. Back then, the stages were not as big as they are today.The closer distance between the performers and the audience allowed a better interaction during the show. The major venues where we performed were temple fairs, market places, teahouses and bistros. The stages there often bustled with excitement asthe fascinatedaudience would applaud and cheer continuously at the end. Sung in the Shandong dialect, Qinshu is very pleasant to listen to. It also has a great variety of arias and tunes for different story plots, and the performers’ facial expressions would change accordingly too. As few as twoperformers are needed for a Qinshu show. They can perform while playing an instrument, and can flexibly play either according to the script or off script.

Nihao: As more and more forms of entertainment are coming into fruition, has Qinshu undergone any change or innovation?

Yao: Shandong Qinshu has challenges in keeping its audience, which is a problem faced by many other traditional folk arts, too. Younger generations prefer modern entertainment such as movies, and some of them even claim blatantly that it is not fun listening to Qinshu. But in my view, there is no such thing as a boring performance. There are, however, incapable performers. I have been thinking about making Qinshu appealing to young people, and have been experimenting with the idea of playing pop songs and poems in the form of Qinshu. This June, I will take part in the playing of an original opera adapted from Nobel Prize laureate Mo Yan's Sandlewood Death at Shandong Grand Theater. Every act will open with my monologue and my instrument playing, setting the tone for the following play. The collaboration will allow the audience to gain a more thorough understanding of the plot. It is my belief that Qinshu is not an outdated form of art -it just needs to be performed in a style that appeals to the younger generations.

About Shandong Qinshu

Shandong Qinshu is a traditional narrative music usually accompanied by a type of hammered dulcimer. Other instruments used include the Erhuand theZhuihu (both two-stringed bowed instruments) and Kuaiban (bamboo clappers). The Legend of White Snake, Yang Warriors, Cases by Judge Bao Zheng are among the most wellknown shows. Performers may sing to the musical accompaniment or make a short narration, though the singing is the dominant form.







