摘 要:本研究提供扬子地台埃迪卡拉系-寒武系转折期不同相区(碳酸盐相、斜坡相、深水相)碳同位素数据及其变化趋势和规律,不但是为不同相区界线划分和对比提供依据,特别是深水相无法用化石开展地层对比,本研究弥补了扬子地区对于斜坡相到深水区没有系统研究的空白。本研究的有机碳同位素组成结果,不但运用于埃迪卡拉-寒武交变期古环境的探讨,而且可以作为扬子地台乃至全球界线划分和对比的重要工具。
关键词:埃迪卡拉世-早寒武世转折期 碳同位素 不同相区 扬子地台
Abstract:Carbon isotope data from carbonate, via slope to basinal belts across the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition on the Yangtze Platform, South China record secular variations in carbon isotopes. Data supplement highly comparable carbon isotope profiles from time equivalent shallow water, shelf and slope settings. No environmentally determined carbon isotope gradient across the Yangtze Platform is discernible, suggesting that a transgressive anoxic event provided an isotopically homogenous carbon source for primary productivity that originated from the deeper part of an anoxic and/or sulfidic basin. Data from this study provide blank for basinal belt, and can be used for paleoenvironment, divisition and correlation of boundary of Yangtze Platform, even world.
Keywords:Ediacaran–Cambrian transition;Carbon isotope;Different belts;Yangtze Platform