

科技资讯 2016年34期


摘 要:863计划重点项目“全球陆表特征参量产品生成与应用研究”第三课题“全球陆表特征参量产品集生成系统研发与产品生成”针对叶面积指数、反照率、发射率、下行短波辐射和下行光合有效辐射5个典型陆表特征参量,发展基于多源遥感数据的、具有国际先进水平的全球陆表特征参量产品反演算法。建立具有我国自主知识产权的,生产全球公里级尺度产品的生产系统,该系统能够進行快速处理得到符合质量要求的典型参量产品。生成一套长时间序列、高精度的全球陆表特征参量产品数据集,包含迄今为止时间尺度最长的叶面积指数、地表反照率和发射率产品,也包含空间分辨率最高的两种辐射产品。生产的5种陆表特征参量是反映地表植被状况和地表能量收支变化的重要参数,是中国科学家自主生产的首套全球陆表特征参量产品,弥补了我国该领域内的空白,将直接服务于全球变化研究,提升气候系统模拟的准确性,扩大我国在全球变化领域的影响力,促进全球地球观测数据共享。

关键词:陆表特征参量 卫星遥感 全球变化

Abstract: Global Land Surface Characteristic Parameters (GLASS) Production System Development and Products Generation Project are completed under the funding High-Tech Research and Development program (863 program) as the central part of a key research project "Generation & Applications of Global Products of Essential Land Variables". This GLASS project developed five international advanced high-level inversion algorithms with multi-source remote sensing data, established a products production system with own intellectual property rights and global 1 km magnitude scale production capacity, generated five land surface characteristic parameters products: three long-time-series products (leaf area index, surface albedo, and emissivity products) and two high spatial resolution radiation products (downward shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active radiation). This set of GLASS products are significant in reflecting the changes of land surface vegetation and energy balance will directly benefit global land surface research and promote the research and development and improvement of the climate system model. The project constituted a major breakthrough in the retrieval of land surface characteristic parameters from remote sensing data by Chinese scientists, promoted the global earth observation data sharing and improved China's influence in the field of global change.

Key Words: Land surface Characteristic parameters; Satellite remote sensing; Global change
