

科技资讯 2016年34期


摘 要:该报告介绍了2013年度该课题在机载极化干涉SAR系统构建、高分辨率SAR遥感综合实验、高分辨率SAR遥感应用示范软件开发等方面的研发进展。在机载极化干涉SAR系统构建方面,完成了X-波段干涉SAR传感器的研制,进行了SAR系统的实验室联调测试和机载校飞试验。先后在四川若尔盖实验区和大兴安岭根河实验区开展了高分辨率SAR遥感综合实验,共获取8 619.8km2,约28.5TB的机载X-波段双天线InSAR和P-波段极化SAR数据,完成了所获取SAR数据的预处理;获取了覆盖大兴安岭根河实验区的多时相Radarsat-2极化SAR和Landsat-8多光谱卫星遥感数据;组织来自项目8家课题承担/协作单位的50多人次,参加了遥感同步、准同步调查工作,获取了森林叶面积指数(LAI)、农田植被参数、土壤参数、气象参数以及土地覆盖类别等的地面实况数据。在高分辨率SAR软件开发方面,已初步完成地形测绘、土地利用分类、植被覆盖类型分类和森林植被垂直结构参数估测等软件模块原型的开发,正在按统一的语言和标准进行完善和集成,以尽快形成界面友好的高分辨率SAR应用示范软件,为2014年的应用示范工作开展提供软件支撑。

关键词:高分辨率SAR 机载SAR飞行实验 极化干涉SAR系统构建 SAR应用处理软件 SAR应用示范

Abstract: This report presented the annual research progress of the 863 project in 2013, in the context of construction of an airborne polarimetric interferometric SAR (PolInSAR) system, comprehensive campaign of high-resolution SAR and development of demonstration application software of high-resolution SAR, and etc.. In the aspect of airborne PolInSAR system construction, we have accomplished the construction of the X-band PolInSAR sensor, the SAR systems laboratory joint debug test, and the aircraft flight calibration experiments. We have implemented the comprehensive experiment for high-resolution SAR in the test site of Ruoergai County of Sichuan Province and successively in the test site of Genhe of Daxing'anling in Inner Mongolia. Totally, about 28.5 TB of airborne X-band double antenna InSAR and P-band polarimetric SAR data, covering 8 619.8 km2 campaign area, was acquired. The preprocessing for all the SAR data has been finished. Moreover, the multi-temporal Radarsat-2 quad-polarization SAR and Landsat-8 multi-spectral satellite data covering the Genhe experimental area was obtained. At the meanwhile, the comprehensive and real-time or nearly real-time ground investigations were organized, and from 8 institutes and universities under the framework of the project, the teams of 50 person-times were involved. The ground truth data, such as the forest leaf area index (LAI), farmland vegetation parameters, soil and meteorological parameters and land cover types were measured. For the development of high-resolution SAR application software, the prototype of software modules has been completed, including topographic mapping, land use and vegetation type classification, forest vegetation vertical structure parameter estimation, and etc. Improvements for these modules and their integration to the whole software system are ongoing using the uniform development language and standard under the frame of the projects system software in order to develop one high resolution SAR application software with user-friendly interface. As we expected, the achievements of this year will support the application and demonstration of high resolution SAR, which is our future work in the next year 2014.

Key Words: High Resolution SAR; Airborne SAR Campaign; PolInSAR System Construction; SAR Application Software; SAR Applicaiton Demostraction
